20 research outputs found

    Effect Of Emotional Freedom Technique On Pre Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Patients' Anxiety In Hospital

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    Coronary heart disease is a degenerative disease. One of the techniques that can open blood vessels and return blood through the coronary arteries is Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). Hemodynamic conditions are one of the patient's preparations for PCI, but anxiety can respond to the cardiovascular system, one of which is a disturbance in a person's hemodynamics. Problems that often arise in pre PCI patients are anxiety.Percutaneous Coronary Intervention is one of the techniques that have been invented to open the blood vessels and return blood through the coronary arteries (PCI). PCI, also known as cardiac catheterization, is a procedure that involves inserting one or more catheters into the heart and blood arteries. The catheter is inserted through a peripheral vessel, usually femoral, then non-operatively invasive so that complications can be kept as low as possible. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) can cause complications in the form of myocardial infarction, stroke, arrhythmia and death. This causes a person to feel himself threatened, someone feels himself threatened can cause the effect of Anxiety (anxiety). The problem that often arises in pre PCI patients is anxiety. One of the efforts to overcome anxiety is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). This type of research is a quantitative study using a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest with a control group, namely by conducting a pretest in both groups and followed by an intervention in the experimental group and then conducting a posttest in both groups, with a sample of 34 respondents. The results showed that the effect of EFT on the anxiety of pre PCI patients in the intervention group with p-value = 0.000, while in the control group with p-value = 0.650. Furthermore, it is hoped that clients who will undergo PCI will not be hindered from doing PCI because the client has been given Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) therapy

    Socialization of The Emotional Effect of Freedom Technique on The Anxiety of Pre-Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Patients in The Hospital Grandmed Lubuk Pakam

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    Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a health disorder in the cardiovascular system where cases have a mortality rate of 6.7 million cases in 2018. CHD is a dangerous disease in the Southeast Asian region, including Indonesia. The prevalence of CHD in North Sumatra is 0.5%. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) action is a technique to open blood vessels and return blood through the coronary arteries. In carrying out proper PCI operations, interventions are needed that can reduce the anxiety of pre-PCI patients, namely The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Service activities are carried out through outreach activities through several methods of lectures, discussions, and questions and answers. The number of participants in this PkM activity was 15 nursing staff at the Lubuk Pakam Grandmed Hospital. The sample was determined using a random sampling technique, where the sample of male nursing staff was 4 people and 11 female nursing staff. The activity begins with giving a pre-test and ends with a post-test. The results of the dedication show that the level of anxiety can be reduced by administering Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) therapy. The percent increase in knowledge of the largest and smallest PkM participants is 25% and 15%. The average value of increasing the knowledge of PkM participants after being given socialization was 20%. This socialization activity has succeeded in providing benefits for PkM participants in increasing PkM participants' knowledge about the effect of EFT


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    In the recovery period, the post appendicectomy intestinal peristalsis had not been reactivated normally. Because of these conditions, patients are advised not to eat and drink first for some time until the intestine activation back to normal. It is often complained by postoperative patients. In addition, surgery on the abdominal organs was no exception appendiktomy may caused paralytic ileus. This condition could inhibited or stopped the work of the intestine, cause pain, nausea, abdominal distension, and the patient must be hospitalized longer. Therefore action were needed that could accelerated the return of the patient's intestinal peristalsis. One of the interventions that could be done was to chew gum. This research was a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test and use data analysis with paired sample t test to test the entire population of post appendictomy patients in Grandmed Hospital of Lubuk Pakam. Sampling using total sampling with a significant level of 95% (p≤0,05). The results of this study indicate that there was effect of chewing gum on the peristalsis intestine of post appendictomy patients with p value 0.000. This suggests that there is the effect of chewing gum on the peristalsis intestine patients appendiktomi appendiktomi can improved the peristalsis intestine of post appendictomy patients in Grandmed Hospital of Lubuk Pakam. Based on the results of the study is expected to hospital and nurse to be able to make chewing gum into one of the interventions to accelerate the return of intestinal peristaltic post appendictomy patient


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    Introduction: Infant motor development is crucial because it bridges the movements that occur during life, produces perceptual information, provides a means to gain knowledge about the world, and allows social interaction. If the basic motor stage is not passed, then there will be obstacles in motor development. Early stimulation will be needed to optimize the growth and development of children according to their stages naturally. Tummy time is one obvious form of early stimulation for muscle tone, posture, and later development. Objective: To determine the relationship between tummy time and gross motor development of normal infants in the breastfeeding community in Denpasar. Methods: An observational study using an analytical cross-sectional study, involving 30 respondents from the breastfeeding mother community in Denpasar. Primary data was obtained through a google form using the WhatsApp blast. Data analysis used Spearman rank correlation test. Results: Showed a significant relationship between the variable doing tummy time and the variable gross motor development sitting in normal infants, whether it was seen from the strong or not the correlation (with very strong results because the correlation coefficient was close to 1), the significance of the correlation results was 0.000 (less than 0.01 and 0.05) and the direction of the correlation is positive. So, Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. Conclusion: Tummy time is proven to have a close relationship with the achievement of normal infant gross motor development with reference to the ability to sit at the age of six months. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended to do tummy time as a form of stimulation to achieve gross motor development of babies that the public needs to know

    The Relationship Of Early Mobilization With Operational Wound Healing In Postpartum Mothers With Post Section Ceasarea

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    Early mobilization is a movement that is carried out immediately after surgery. This is done with the aim of restoring the abdominal muscles so they are not stiff and relieve pain so that it can accelerate the wound healing process. Based on Riskesdas North Sumatra 2018, the proportion of delivery methods by cesarean section in North Sumatra Province was 23.89 percent and normal deliveries were 75.95 percent. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between early mobilization and surgical wound healing in postpartum mothers post sectio caesarea at the Ibu Kartini Kisaran General Hospital in 2022. This study is a quantitative type of research, with a cross sectional research design using the chi-square test. The population in this study were all postpartum mothers who had undergone post sectio caesarea while at the Ibu Kartini General Hospital in the range of 2022. The sample obtained was 40 people with accidental sampling technique. The statistical test used was the chi square test (p < 0.05). The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between early mobilization and healing of surgical wounds in postpartum mothers after sectio caesarea at the Kartini General Hospital Kisaran in 2022 with a p value of 0.01. So it is hoped that nurses and midwives will be able to provide education and supervision of the implementation of mobilization for postpartum mothers post sectio caesarea to accelerate wound healing


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    Several measures to maintain life in cardiac arrest according to the American Heart, namely the application of a chain of survival, namely first aid when cardiac arrest occurs until treatment afterward. The rule of five is a rhythm calculation technique in chest compressions using the numbers 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 which adopts only 2 syllables. The purpose of this community service is to determine the ability of nurses to perform chest compressions based on the rule of five on the depth and frequency of chest compressions at Grandmed Hospital, Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang Regency. The results of community service before being given a workshop show that nurses who perform chest compressions based on the rule of five to patients, namely all respondents have different percentage levels, namely good category as many as 7 people (23.3%), sufficient category as many as 14 people (46.7% ), and the less category as many as 9 people (30%). While the results obtained after being given a workshop show that nurses who perform chest compressions based on the rule of five to patients, namely all respondents have an increase in different percentage levels, namely the good category as many as 17 people (56.7%), the sufficient category as many as 9 people (30%), and the less category as many as 4 people (13,3%). The chest compression calculation system applied is the rhythm calculation system, namely and one, and two, and three, and four. If chest compressions are carried out properly and correctly according to the rules, compression pauses and consistency will create good tissue perfusion

    Comparison In Hemoglobin Levels Of Pregnant Women 36 Week And Postpartum Mothers Day 4 At The Primary Clinic Nining Pelawati Lubuk Pakam District Deli Serdang Regency

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    Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is related to bleeding experienced and has a relationship with anemia during pregnancy.  WHO (2016) claimed, the prevalence of pregnant women who experience anemia was 40.1%. RIKESDAS (2018) claimed, the proportion of anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia ware 48.9%. During impregnation if anemia cannot be treated until the end of pregnancy, it will have an impact on the postpartum. The problem of postpartum anemia is not as widely studied as prepartum anemia. The prevalence of postpartum anemia in developing countries ranges from 50% to 80%. Purpose To determine the difference hemoglobin levels of pregnant women36 weeks and postpartum day 4. The research was carried out by analyzing comparative with a quantitative approach. Mechanical Sampling is sampling accidental 18 pregnant women 38 week, analysis using t-test-dependen. The results of this study obtained a significant difference in the average hemoglobin level of pregnant women 36 weeks and postpartum mothers day 4 of 0.97. Average hemoglobin level of 36-week pregnant women of 10,95 and postpartum mothers of day 4 of 9,98.  Based on the results between the t-test, the value of sig. = 0.000. There is a difference in hemoglobin levels in pregnant women36 weeks and postpartum day 4.  So, expected for health workers to carry out hemoglobin level checks in both pregnant women and postpartum mothers

    Socialization to Mothers Regarding Tummy Time and Normal Baby Gross Motor Development in Pagar Jati’s Puskesmas

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    Adolescence is a period when a person experiences a transition from child to adult which The incidence of delayed child development in Indonesia is 10%. This delay in growth and development is related to the baby's brain development, such as genetic factors, health and nutritional status, the quality of interaction between mother and child, and environmental conditions. Baby's motor development is a phase of baby's development according to age. The child's limited time in motor learning and excessive parental attention as well as low child motivation and stimulation are the triggers for delays. Tummy time is a type of stimulant that influences the motor development of newborn babies. Tummy time is useful in improving the baby's development in positions such as lying on his stomach or back, rolling over, crawling, and preventing brachycephaly. PkM activities were carried out at the Pagar Jati Community Health Center where the PkM participants were mothers with toddlers who were determined using a total sampling method of 15 people. Implementation of PkM is carried out through socialization, demonstrations, discussions and questions and answers. To measure the initial knowledge and increase in knowledge of PkM participants before and after implementing PkM, pre and post-tests will be given. The PkM results show that Tummy time can influence the gross motor development of normal babies with a correlation value of 0.932 and a significance of 0.000. The average pre-test score for PkM participants was 5.6 and post-test was 7.7. If the differences are calculated, an average score increase of 2.1 is obtained, which means that this PkM activity succeeded in increasing the knowledge and abilities of PkM participants regarding tummy time and gross motor development


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    Surgical procedures have a risk that the integrity or integrity of the body is disturbed and can even cause a life threat to the patient. One of the most at risk was the occurrence of postoperative hypothermia. In the postoperative recovery room, almost all postoperative patients were hypothermic. Nurses in the postoperative room usually provide blankets to warm patients who are hypothermic. This action was less effective to help patients overcome hypothermia. Giving warm fluids was considered effective to help increase the patient's body temperature. This workshop aims to provide knowledge and training on the administration of intravenous fluid heating elements to increase hypothermic body temperature to nurses in the post-surgical recovery room at the Grandmed hospital Lubuk Pakam. The evaluation of this workshop activity was seen from the knowledge of nurses and nurses' skills. Nurses' knowledge and skills were assessed using a questionnaire sheet and pre and post test observations. The results of the workshop showed that as many as 95% of nurses experienced an increase in knowledge and skills in overcoming hypothermia in postoperative patients. This workshop was expected to be able to overcome the problem of hypothermia in postoperative patients and increase the knowledge and skills of nurses


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    Hypertension or high blood pressure is an abnormal increase in blood pressure in the arteries or an increase in systolic blood pressure of more than 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of more than 90 mmHg in two measurements with an interval of five minutes in a fairly calm/resting state. Common signs and symptoms that arise from hypertension are sore neck (neck pain). Neck pain due to hypertension makes the comfort needs of hypertensive patients not met. One of the non-pharmacological measures to reduce or overcome neck pain is a warm compress. A warm compress is giving a feeling of warmth / heat in a certain area. neck pain scale in hypertensive patients before warm compress therapy, said moderate pain 4 respondents (28.6%), severe pain 10 respondents (71.4%) with a standard deviation of 0.469. The pain scale of hypertensive patients after warm compress therapy was said to be moderate for 12 respondents (85.7%), the weight of 2 respondents (14.3%) with a standard deviation of 0.426. Hypertensive patients who experienced severe neck pain decreased, before being given treatment as many as 10 people, after being given treatment as many as 2 people. The application of warm compresses to hypertensive patients continues to be carried out for non-pharmacological therapy that can be carried out by the community at home