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    Karate merupakan olahraga prestasi yang sangat terkenal, terbagi oleh dua kelas kata dan kumite. Whole body reaction time test dan anticipation reaction time adalah kebutuhan dasar reaksi yang harus dimiliki seorang atlet karate, peneliti ingin membuktikan whole body reaction dan anticipation reaction time atlet kumite lebih baik dari atlet kata tersebut benar adanya atau tidak, dikarenakan berpengaruh terhadap program latihan yang diberikan kepada atlet. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbandingan whole body reaction time dan anticipation reaction time atlet kumite lebih baik dari atlet kata. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif komparatif. Sample penelitian berjumlah 10 atlet karate kata dan 10 atlet karate kumite dengan teknik pengambilan sampling menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh. Hasil penelitian ini dianalisis dengan bantuan spss ver.21 menunjukkan data whole body reaction time nilai f = 4,508 dan sig. 0,059 > 0,05 maka H0 diterima dan dapat disimpulkan tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil kecepatan whole body reaction time test dengan atlet kata dan kumite cabang olahraga karate, sedangkan data anticipation reaction time nilai f = 1,787 dan sig. 0,198 > 0,05 maka H0 diterima dan dapat disimpulkan tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil kecepatan anticipation reaction time test dengan atlet kata dan kumite cabang olahraga karate. ----------- Karate is a famous sport, which is divided into two classes, kata and kumite. Whole body reaction time test and anticipation reaction time are the basic reactions requirement, which should be possessed by a karate athlete. Regarding this, the researcher wants to prove whether it is true that the whole body reaction and anticipation reaction time of kumite athlete are better than kata athlete because those two reactions will affect the exercise program, given to the athlete. This research aims at finding out whether the comparison of whole body reaction time and anticipation reaction time of kumite athletes are better than kata athletes. The research method employed in this research was descriptive comparative. The samples involved in this research were 10 kata karate athletes and 10 kumite karate athletes. Meanwhile, the sampling technique used in this research was total population sampling. The result of this research was analyzed by using spss ver.21, which showed that the f value of whole body reaction time = ,508 and sig. 0,059 > 0,05. This result indicated that H0 was accepted and it could be concluded that there were no speed differences in anticipation reaction time test between kata and kumite athletes in karate. The f value of Anticipation reaction time f = 1,787 and sig. 0,198 > 0,05. This result indicated that H0 was accepted and it could be concluded that there were no speed differences in Anticipation Reaction Time test between kata and kumite athletes in karat