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    This paper present about the study on the potential of entrepreneurship owned by scavengers community in an effort to improve the welfare of life to be better. This research is a qualitative research. The analytical approach used is descriptive analysis approach, whose purpose is to describe, explain or explain deeply about certain variables that exist in a society. Data collection using observation method, interview, documentation. The technique of selecting informants using purposive sampling. Informants in this research is scavenging community located around final disposal (TPA) Air Dingin, Padang City. The validation technique referred to the use of Lincoln and Guba standards of credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability. The field findings that most of the scavengers are housewives who do not have the skills and reactivation, but have the spirit to have more results of the pulp that can be sold to agents or collectors even with low price. The entrepreneurship spirit they have is still passive, they just follow the existing habit by selling all the collected garbage directly to the dealer or collectors, however by they add a little innovation to the results of garbage collected such as process plastic waste into a variety of unique and interesting creations then the selling value will be increased, which means they will get additional income. For that there is a need subsequent review of the understanding of entrepreneurship and assessment of the type of skill that is appropriate for scavengers community in processing the results of the pulses that have added value