4 research outputs found

    Komunikasi Sinergistik Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh dan Majelis Pengajian Tauhid Tasauf dalam Mewujudkan Masyarakat Seimbang

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    This article discusses the role of Banda Aceh Govermen and islamic teachings on tasauf in creating social, cultural, and contextual forces as factors affecting synergetic communication for living together, which further give contributes to protecting society againt radicalism. This article argues that the cooperating between Banda Aceh Goverment and Islamic teachings on tasauf can be an alternative power introducing peace without spreading hates each other. The teaching itself led and followed by ulama and people from any different place and thought of Islam. They always able to work together in creating individual and social forces by their abilities of social communication skills

    Karakteristik Sifat Kimia Tanah di University Farm Stasiun Bener Meriah

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    The Characteristics of Soil Physical Properties at the University Farm Station Bener MeriahABSTRACT. The University Farm Bener Meriah located in Tunyang village, Timang Gajah sub-district, Bener Meriah district, has the area of 76.37 ha. The site is allocated as the Bener Meriah Campus of Syiah Kuala University. The University Farm Station has functional as research centre, education and training for farmers, practice field for student, and training for farmers about organically managed of highland commodities. The aim of study are to characterize of soil physical properties and in the area of the University Farm Station Bener Meriah. The descriptive method was use in this research, by means of soil survey and direct observation in the field. The soil survey was carried out by a systematic method (grid system). Based on the research results, field observation, and the analysis of soil physical properties in laboratory, soil physical properties of the area of the University Farm Station were soil texture consisted of sandy loam, loam, and sit loam, soil aggregate stability index ranged from less stable (46.46 – 46.56) to stable (65.40 – 73.90), soil permeability comprised of moderate (2.16 – 4.50 cm h-1), moderately rapid (6.25 – 7.19 cm h-1), and rapid (13.33 cm h-1), soil water content ranged from 31.02 to 37.82%, soil bulk density ranged from 0.82 to 1.16 g cm-3, and soil porosity ranged from 52.56 to 75.34%

    Peran dan Kendala Jurnalis dalam Pemberitaan Deforestasi di Aceh

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    This illegal logging practice occurs in almost all districts in Aceh. The mass media should be part of the socialization of various illegal logging cases that have occurred in Aceh. News Serambi Indonesia is able to carry out an in-depth and comprehensive investigation of illegal logging in Aceh. Serambi Indonesia must be able to expose the involvement of the "big and important" figures who played in this case. The questions that will be answered in this research are Why does Serambi Indonesia Daily not report the issues of illegal logging in Aceh comprehensively and thoroughly? What are the problems and obstacles faced by the journalists of the Serambi Indonesia Daily in reporting on the issues of illegal logging in Aceh? The study used a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive methods with data collection instruments carried out through interviews with journalists who had reported on illegal logging cases in Aceh. The coverage of illegal logging issues in the Serambi Indonesia Daily does not seem to have high news values. The value of the news in question is hardly interesting to follow because the news that is presented is never finished. The journalists of the Serambi Indonesia Daily are constrained by various things in covering and reporting on illegal logging in Ace