81 research outputs found

    Effectiveness Sondong Capture Tool in the Village Bakau Aceh Districts Mandah District Indragiri Hilir Riau Province

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    This research was conducted in June 2015 in the village of Bakau Aceh Mandah Indragiri Hilir District of Riau Province . The method used is a survey method that is by observation immediately see the spaciousness of fishing activities sondong. Data collected by direct down spaciousness by carrying out arrests and conduct interviews with fishermen sondong . The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the fishing gear bag sondong to catch. The calculations show that the volume of the bag unknown sondong 452 160 cm3 while total catch of 1.42 kg in 11 times ( setting) .From the above data , the calculation of the value of the bag sondong far from effective in accordance with the volume being stored in a bag

    Study on TIME Efficiency of Unloading TIME of the Purse Seiner at Fishing Port of PT. Hasil Laut Sejati, Riau Islands Province

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    This research was conducted on Agustus 2013 at the fishing port of PT. Hasil Laut Sejati, Batam city Riau Islands Province. The method used was a survey method. The purpose of this study is to know the efficiency level for unloading time of purse seiner in fishing port of PT. Hasil Laut Sejati and factor influenced. The result shows that the efficiency level of unloading time around 56,98% - 72,73% with uploading efficiency time was 64,65% in average. There are seven free variables influence time efficiency for unloading time with value r=0,897 and R2=89,7%, thus the diversity of free variable gives the contribution to diversity assess for time efficiency is equal 89,7%

    Study on Functional Facilities Utilization of Bungus Fishing Port at West Sumatera Province

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    The Purpose of this study is to know the functional facilities utilization of Bungus fishing port. A series survey was conducted in October 1th-11th 2013. Based on survey result revealed that functional facilities there is tuna processing building, dry ice building, net repairing loft, fish market hall, fresh water tank, fuel tank and ice factory. From 8 facilities existing, only 3 facilities that could be analyzed. Based on analyzed, it is found that the utilization rate of fuel tank is 38.31% were classified not good, fresh water tank at 30.53%, which is still classified not good, and the ice factory was 65.91% were classified as less better

    The Prediction Potential Areas of Catching Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Based on Chlorophyll-a Distribution Using Satellite Image Npp Viirs in West Sumatra Waters

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    The purpose of this studywas to determine the potential area for catchingcakalang (Katsuwonuspelamis) based on the distribution of chlorophyll-a satellite image of the NPP VIIRS in West Sumatra Waters by 2013. The methods used in this study are a survey method and spatial analysis. The results of this studysuggest that the location of the fishing ground cakalang by 2013 is at position 00 25 \u27 48 " N – 50 34 \u27 48" S and 950 25 \u27 23 " E-1000 57 \u27 E. Distribution of chlorophyll-a who analyzed satellite images of NPP VIIRS between 0.13-0.26 mg/m3 whereas maximum CPUE as much as 0,1875 kg/trip in April. Correlation between chlorophyll-a and CPUE have strong relationship i.e. 0.60 while the influence of these variables both 36% among other factors. The resulting regression equation both of these variables showed that the increasing chlorophyll-a caused the decline of the CPUE

    Operational Management Ocean Fishing Port Of Belawan North Sumatera Province

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    This research was conducted in 17-31 October 2016 in the ocean fishing port Belawan. This research aims toexamine operational management of Fishing Port Ocean the most important about elements and funcitionsapplication operational management. The study was conducted using a survey method. The data analysis is done by giving a description, explanation and discussion in accordance with the purpose of research. The study was conducted by taking the primary data and secondary data. Based on the research that the relationship port in private with PPS Belawan only as a partner of The Port in private of just issuing licenses provided in the ship's departure PPS Belawan to port form of license controlling interest, land rents and land ports janitorial services

    The Fish Landing Effeciency TIME of Bouke Ami (Stick Held Dip Net) Fishing Vessels in the Fishing Port Kejawanan Archipelago, Cirebon District, West Java Province.

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    [email protected] entering the fishing season or the density of vessels which are landed, that was resulted the quality of the catches can go down, made a queue of ships, and can increase the cost of mooring boats too. Therefore, that\u27s make a question arises whether the landing time to bouke ami fishing boats mooring time in the port of the archipelago Kejawanan fishery has efficient, what are the effect factors of it and how much these factors make the influence. This study was conducted on 03-17 November 2014 in the fishing port Kejawanan archipelago, using the survey method.The results showed that the efficiency level of fish landing time at bouke ami fishing vessels ranged from 22.57% to 64.36% with an average of 46.69%. Dependent variables (the amount of ABK, the age of ABK, size of fleet, cathches, the distance of unloading pier and the wasted times) there is no significant differences of the efeciency level either among the time or in parsial time

    Analysis Of Sondong Fishing And Development At Kota Dumai

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    This research was conducted in January 2016 at the Fish Landing Base (PPI) Dumai. This research purpose to know the feasibility and arrange the development direction sondong effort will be undertaken by fishermen Dumai. The method used is a survey method. The result of this study show sondong effort deserves to be developed, in the review of the feasibility of its development with a score of 3.25. Whereas the financial efforts of feasible developed by investment of Rp 99.818.000. Value of Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) of 1,73, the Financial Rate of Return (FRR) 61,49% higher than the bank rate at 7,25%, and a payback period of capital (PPC) 1,63 years. Direction of business development sondong enough to be maintained, until there is a clear regulation of the government in Dumai about applicable regulations
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