49 research outputs found
AbstractThe purpose of the study is “Analysis of the implementation of full day school at SMKN 3 Pontianak. Sub Problem is what are the school programs during the Implementation of Full Day School at SMKN 3 Pontianak. What are these programs support during the Implementation of the Full Day School at SMK N 3 Pontianak.What are the obstacles faced by the teacher during the implementation of full day school at SMKN 3 Pontianak and How the teacher handles these difficulties, What the efforts are made by the teacher making students feel comfortable during implementation of Full Day School at SMKN 3 Pontianak. What  is the target of the school in the implementation of the Full Day School at SMKN 3 Pontianak. How the academic value of students during the implementation of the Full Day School at SMKN 3 Pontianak. The data collection tool used in this thesis is interview guidelines, notebook. The analysis in this thesis is presented descriptive qualitative by using informants from 1 teacher as the vice chairman curriculum  and 2 teachers and 2 students SMKN 3 Pontianak. The results of the study show that during the Implementation of Full Day School at SMKN 3 Pontianak still lacking to be said as innovation in the field of education.. Suggestions to teachers are expected to be able to innovate to deliver learning with a creative learning model so students feel comfortable. Suggestions to students are expected to continue to be motivated to become superior human resources and continue to get the best education. Keywords: Implementation of Full Day School
Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Small Group Discussion untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Terpadu di Mts
The purpose of this research is to know whether there was any significant difference between the result or outcome students' learning through teaching by using of small group discussion learning model and conventional learning model on IPS Terpadu subject to the VIII class students of MTs Darul Hidayah Kubu Raya. The form of this research is experimental-study and the researcher used variety of semi-experimental that conducted was quasi-experiment. Furthermore, based on the result of statistical calculation, the average of post test of experiment class was 77.38 and the average of post-test on control class was 64.84. The counting of post-test by using SPSS which calculate was 4.239 and table was 2.010 (4.293<2.010) thus the significant was 0.000 or < 0.05 it meant that Ha was accepted. It showed that there was any significant of difference between the result of students' learning through small group discussion learning model and conventional learning model on IPS Terpadu subject to the VIII class students of MTs Darul Hidayah Kubu Raya
Hubungan Kepribadian dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas IX pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Terpadu
: This thesis titled "The Relationship Between Personality of Students With Student Achievement On Ninth Grade At Integrated Social Subjects MTs. Muhammadiyah Sungai Bakau Kecil". Problems in the thesis is, “is there any relationship between the personality of students with student achievement in social studies class Integrated IX MTs. Muhammadiyah Sungai Bakau Kecil District of Mempawah Timur. The population in this study are students of class IX A and IX B MTs. Muhammadiyah Sungai Bakau Kecil which consists of 51 students. Information data in this study through the results of questionnaires from 51 respondents. Data processing techniques in this study using simple linear regression calculation formula. The results showed that the indicator neuroticism rated Very Good (ie 95.95%), indicators of extraversion rated Good (ie 69.49%), an indicator of openness rated Good (ie 63.23%), the indicator argeableness rated Good (ie 67, 61%) and indicators of conscientiousness rated Good (ie 85.53%)
Abstrak: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif bentuk eksperimen, dalam hal ini peneliti adalah sebagai instrumen utama. Data penelitian ini adalah hasil pengukuran belajar siswa berupa pre-test dan post-test, hasil observasi, dan wawancara dengan guru yang mengampu mata pelajaran ekonomi. Adapun sumber data sekaligus subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XB dan XC. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara dan lembar catatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel bebas yakni peta konsep dalam diskusi memiliki pengaruh signifikan dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Dari hasil perhitungan dalam tabel tersebut didapat nilai c²hitung = 5,42; sedangkan dari tabel Chi-Kuadrat untuk a = 0,05 dan dk = 3 didapat nilai c²tabel = 7,82. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Chi-Kuadrat didapatkan pernyataan bahwa c²hitung < c²tabel. Selanjutnya dapat dinyatakan bahwa uji hipotesisnya Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak, yang berarti terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar penerapan diskusi konvesional dengan hasil belajar penerapan peta konsep dalam diskusi pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. Kata Kunci: Peta konsep,diskusi, hasil belajar  Abstract: This study uses a quantitative approach to experimental forms, in this case the researchers are as the main instrument. This research data is the result of the measurement of student learning in the form of pre-test and post-test, observation, and interviews with teachers that administer economic subjects. The data sources and subjects of this study is the class XB and XC. Collecting data using observation sheets, interview and record sheet. The results showed that the independent variable in the discussion of concept maps have a significant effect in improving student learning outcomes. From the results of the calculations in the table obtained ²hitung value = 5.42; while from the table Chi-Square for = 0.05 and df = 3 obtained value c²tabel = 7,82. Based on the results of the calculation of Chi-Square obtained statement that c² hitung <c² tabel. Furthermore, it can be stated that the hypothesis test Ha Ho accepted and rejected, which means that there are differences in learning outcomes conventional application discussions with the learning outcomes of the application of the concept in a discussion forum on economic subjects. Keyword: Concept maps, discussion, learning outcomes
Analisis Pengelolaan Koperasi Sekolah oleh Pengurus di SMA Tunas Bhakti Pontianak
: This study aims to determine the planning, implementation and student responses to the cooperative Management of the school in SMA Tunas Bhakti Pontianak. The Research method used is descriptive method with a form of Research that isi n use is a form of survey. Data analysis showed that the management of the school is very good cooperative. Based on a questionnaire to members of the cooperative are students of class X and XI. In accordance with the plans that have been agreed with the overall total is 82,87%, it is Three for compliance against the wishes of students on cooperative management. In addition the implementation of cooperative management has been very good in because of the awareness of all cooperative management. This makes it East for every member of service provided in cooperative Management
Pengaruh Motivasi Keluarga Terhadap Minat Melanjutkan S2 Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi Fkip Untan
This study aims to determine the impact of the motivation given by the families to the interest in continuing education in the master's degree of Economy Education student in FKIP Untan. The method used in this study is descriptive. Data collection technique in this study is indirect communication with data collection tool was using questionnaire. The population of this study is Economic Education students who graduate in fourth period of 2014. The result of this study is the motivation given by the families of students during the process of their study in college is very good, shown by families of the students gave them facilities and appreciate if the students get a good grade point average. The interest of the students to continuing education in the master's degree is pretty high. There is an impact of the motivation given by the families to the interest in continuing education in the master's degree of economy education student. Also the determine of the impact of the motivation given by the families to the interest in continuing education in the master's degree of Ecomo,y Education student in FKIP Untan is 48,6%
Pengaruh Disiplin Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII Smpit Al-mumtaz Pontianak
This study aims to determine how much influence the learning discipline in results of study subjects to the social sciences integrated students in class VIII SMPIT Al-Mumtaz Pontianak. The method used is descriptive method with the form of research studies the relationship. The results showed that the learning discipline have an influence on the outcomes social sciences integrated SMPIT Al-Mumtaz Pontianak shown by formula Y = 46,545+0,540X and obtained t count> t table is 3,499 > 2,0518. Hence t> t table then Ha Ho accepted and rejected, which means there is positive learning discipline to interest in learning outcomes social sciences integrated students in class VIII SMPIT Al-Mumtaz Pontianak. Great contribution to R2 = 0,312, stated that the learning discipline can increase results of learning student interest to 31.2%,the rest is influenced by other variables and further research is needed.