80 research outputs found

    Syekh Yusuf: Pahlawan Nasional Dua Bangsa Lintas Benua

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan tentang Perjuangan Syekh Yusuf di Banten. Ia dikenal sebagai ulama besar yang berasal dari Makassar, namun sebagian besar hidupnya diabdikan di kampung orang, yaitu Banten. Kajian ini menggunakan metode sejarah dengan empat langkah sistematis. Pencarian datanya lebih banyak bertumpuh pada studi literatur melalui beberapa perpustakaan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa di Banten, ia menjadi penasehat utama Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (mufti). Awalnya hanya mengembangkan agama Islam, namun karena perkembangan politik di Banten menyebabkan beliau harus berjuang membantu mertuanya melawan VOC yang bersekutu dengan anak kandungnya, Sultan Haji. Beliau ditangkap VOC lalu dibuang ke Sailon dan Afrika Selatan. Ia meninggal dunia pada 1699 dalam usia 73 tahun. Tahun 1995, atau 296 tahun kemudian barulah Indonesia memberikan gelar Pahlawan Nasional, dan tahun 2009 atau 310 tahun setelah meninggalnya, Afrika Selatan juga memberikan gelar Pahlawan Nasional

    Pengaruh Tinggi Lepasan Efektif terhadap Dispersi Atmosferik Zat Radioaktif (Studi Kasus: Calon Tapak Pltn Bangka Belitung)

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    EFFECT OF EFFECTIVE RELEASE HEIGHT ON ATMOSPHERIC DISPERSION OFRADIOACTIVE MATERIAL (CASE STUDY: CANDIDATE SITES FOR NPP IN BANGKABELITUNG). Nuclear is an alternative energy resource that can be considered in the context ofenergy mix. Preliminary studies was carried out on nuclear power plant site in West Bangka andSouth Bangka, Bangka Belitung. One of the important aspects in construction of nuclear power plantsis radiological impact on society due to atmospheric releases of radioactive substances. This study examines the effect of effective release height on dispersion pattern of radioactive substances with Gaussian Plume Model using PC-CREAM 08. From calculation results, the dispersion of radioactivesubstances at each site has different patterns due to the frequency distribution of wind direction, windspeed and atmospheric stability. In this study, atmospheric stability was determined using SolarRadiation Delta Temperature method. Spatial distribution of radioactive substances in variousaltitude on the same site has similar tendency, but lower effective release height causes highermaximum concentration of radioactive substances. Dispersion pattern of radioactive substances oneach site was influenced by the frequency distribution of wind direction and speed. Nevertheless, thedominant wind direction at the site of West and South Bangka Bangka blows a similar direction, i.efrom the ESE to the WNW. Concentration of radioactive substances in the air both in the West andSouth Bangka Bangka far below the standard level of radioactivity was determined by regulatorybody. This indicates that the effects of atmospheric dispersion of nuclear power plants in BangkaBelitung was no significant on environment and public safety. For better represent of radiologicalimpact, it is necessary to estimate individual doses of public members

    Kelestarian Ketahanan Varietas Unggul Jagung Terhadap Penyakit Bulai Peronosclerospora Maydis

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    Downy mildew is an important disease in maize. Varietal resistance is considered the most practical for disease management. The research was aimed to obtain durable resistant to downy mildew on high-yielding maize varieties. The study was conducted in Kediri, East Java, in a downy mildew endemic area. Ten new high-yielding maize varieties were tested. The treatmens was arranged in a randomized block design with three replications. Seeds of each variety were sown in a 5 m x 4 m plot, at a 75 cm x 20 cm plant spacing consisted of 120 plants/plot. At 10 days after planting (DAP), the crops was fertilized with urea, SP-36, and KCl at rate of 100 kg, 100 kg, and 100 kg/ha, respectively. The second and third fertilizer applications were done at 30 and 45 DAP using 100 kg urea/ha. Results showed that varieties Bima-5, HJ 21 Agritan, Bima-14 Batara, and Bisi-19, which were previously highly resistant to downy mildew, showed low resistance durabilities and became susceptible to the disease, with the disease intensities ranging from 62 to 77.2%. Conversely, Bima-3 Bantimurung, Bima-20 URI (STJ 109), Bima 5 Sayang, and Lagaligo (composite variety) indicated more durable resistance with the disease intensities ranging from 13.5 to 20.3%, as compared to the susceptible variety Anoman (100%). The effect of durable resistant to downy mildew was also shown on the maize yield and 1000 seeds weight

    Perbandingan Kandungan Zat Gizi Ikan Mujair Oreochormis Mossambica Danau Universitas Hasanuddin Makasasar Dan Ikan Danau Mawang Gowa

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    Penelitian tentang “Perbandingan Kandungan Zat Gizi Ikan Mujair Oreochromis mossambica Danau Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar dan Ikan Danau Mawang Gowa” telah dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2016. Tujuan penelitian, yaitu: mengetahui perbandingan kandungan gizi ikan mujair O. mossambica asal danau Unhas (Universitas Hasanuddin) Makassar dan ikan mujair asal danau Mawang, Gowa. Sulawesi Selatan. Penelititan ini bersifat kualitatif. Pengukuran kadar protein menggunakan metode Kjeldhal, kadar lemak menggunakan metode Soxhlet, kadar karbohidrat menggunakan metode Luff Scrhoorll dan kadar mineral dengan menggunakan metode ASS dan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan besar kandungan gizi ikan mujair asal danau Unhas, yaitu: Protein 14.16 g, Lemak 0.51 g, dan Karbohidrat 0.27 g, sedangkan kandungan gizi ikan mujair asal danau Mawang., yaitu Protein : 11.95 g, Lemak : 0.16 g, Karbohidrat : 0.18 g. Kandungan mineral ikan Mujair asal danau Unhas., yaitu: Kalsium 2.93 mg, Phosfat 370 mg, Besi 0.61 mg, sedangkan kandungan mineral ikan mujair asal danau Mawang, yaitu: Kalsium 4.46 mg, Phosfat 490 mg, dan Besi 3.49 mg

    Analisis Kesulitan Pemahaman Konsep dan Prinsip Materi Pokok Dimensi Tiga Siswa Kelas XI Smk Keperawatan Yahya Bima

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    The results of observations in class XI SMK Health Nursing Yahya Bima note that students still think that math is hard and scary that students often find it difficult when working on math problems. Student difficulties in learning mathematics are also characterized by low daily test results mathematics class XI student of SMK Nursing Yahya Bima. Therefore it is necessary to do an analysis of learning disability and the factors that influence the students\u27 learning difficulties in learning mathematics in particular three-dimensional. This research is a descriptive study conducted on 64 students of class XI SMK Yahya Nursing Bima. Data collected by the method of three-dimensional tests and questionnaires. Tests that have been declared valid and reliable research subjects used to determine which students who received grades of less than KKM defined as research subjects. Questionnaire is used to determine the internal factors and external factors that greatly affect the students\u27 learning difficulties in studying the three-dimensional. Data analysis techniques used in this research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results showed that as many as 33 students have difficulty in solving the three-dimensional, it is due to students \u27difficulties in providing examples of specific concepts, students\u27 difficulty in giving up the name space, difficulties in classification, less skills students in basic skills, calculation errors, procedural errors , students are not mastering algorithms and do not understand the basic concepts. Factors - factors that cause learning difficulties students have great influence on quite a high level of learning difficulties experienced by students of class XI Vocational Nursing Yahya Way in three dimensions is the subject matter of interest, motivation, talent and intelligence of students who are on average relatively less and methods applied teachers including the use of visual aids in teaching the less even very low


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    People of Kolaka accustomed to using coconuts as well be used as a food supplement or a mixture of additives in processed foods, cakes and other confectionary. Therefore utilizing coconut pulp as feed fish and poultry should be made to minimize the potential for household waste. Feed from coconut pulp is a transfer of science and technology to the people who are expected to help poor people to be productive. Fermentation is one method to process coconut pulp into feed ingredients. The fermentation process is done by using spores of Aspergillus niger. The fermentation process is done in stages, by aerobic fermentation followed by anaerobic fermentation (enzymatic process). In short the process of making feed "PA-BIO" from coconut pulp is: Dregs of coconuts added water, stirred and steamed. Cooled and then stirred together with a mixture of minerals, Aspergillus niger spores are added and stirred again until evenly distributed. The mixture was then fermented aerobically and unaerobically. Dregs fermented and then dried and packaged for later in packing. Based on the results of research that the utilization of coconut dregs as cattle feed and fish is potential. Miskiyah et al. (2006), increase protein content after fermentation of coconut pulp 11.35% to 26.09%, or by 130% and decreased fat content of 11.39%. The results also showed that the feed produced quite safe for livestock, namely the aflatoxin content 20 ppb. Feed from coconut pulp is also good for fish farming. Goenarso et al. (2002) on tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.), the faster fish growth with increasing the feed protein content of 25%, 30%, 35%, 40% and 45%

    Potency of Dregs Coconut Fermentation (Cocos Nucifera) as an Alternative Feed for Fish and Poultry \u27Pa-bio\u27

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    People of Kolaka accustomed to using coconuts as well be used as a food supplement or a mixture of additives in processed foods, cakes and other confectionary. Therefore utilizing coconut pulp as feed fish and poultry should be made to minimize the potential for household waste. Feed from coconut pulp is a transfer of science and technology to the people who are expected to help poor people to be productive. Fermentation is one method to process coconut pulp into feed ingredients. The fermentation process is done by using spores of Aspergillus Niger. The fermentation process is done in stages, by aerobic fermentation followed by anaerobic fermentation (enzymatic process). In short the process of making feed "PA-BIO" from coconut pulp is: Dregs of coconuts added water, stirred and steamed. Cooled and then stirred together with a mixture of minerals, Aspergillus Niger spores are added and stirred again until evenly distributed. The mixture was then fermented aerobically and unaerobically. Dregs fermented and then dried and packaged for later in packing. Based on the results of research that the utilization of coconut dregs as cattle feed and fish is potential. Miskiyah et al. (2006), increase protein content after fermentation of coconut pulp 11.35% to 26.09%, or by 130% and decreased fat content of 11.39%. The results also showed that the feed produced quite safe for livestock, namely the aflatoxin content <20 ppb. Feed from coconut pulp is also good for fish farming. Goenarso et al. (2002) on tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.), the faster fish growth with increasing the feed protein content of 25%, 30%, 35%, 40% and 45%
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