46 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Audit Tenure, Audit Delay, Opini Audit Tahun Sebelumnya dan Opinion Shopping terhadap Penerimaan Opini Audit Going Concern pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2013-2015

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    The Purpose of this research is to know the influence of audit tenure, audit delay, prior opinion, and opinion shopping to the going concern opinion at manufacturing companies registered in BEI with simultaneously as well as partial relation. The population is manufacturing company listed in BEI in 2013 to 2015 with sample method used that is Purposive Sampling. Analytical techniques used in this research is analysis of logistic regression. The results of this research are partially variable there are audit tenure and opinion shopping are affect the going concern opinion. Variable audit delay and prior opinion have no effect on the going concern opinion. While in the simultaneously relation, the entire research was influential variables are significantly to the going concern opinion

    Uji Beberapa Dosis Pupuk Hayati Berbahan Aktif Bacillus Sp.pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L.) Dengan Metode Sri

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    The purpose of research to study determines the effect multiple doses of biofertilizer contain an active Bacillus sp. and obtain the best dose on growth and productivity of paddy (Oryza sativa L). The research was conducted in Pekanbaru Agricultural Quarantine Laboratory and the experimental field of Agriculture faculty, Riau University beginning December 2013 to May 2014. The experiment was designed a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications. The research treatments are Ph0 (control), Ph1 (15 ml/plant), Ph2 (30 ml/plant), Ph3 (45 ml/plant) and Ph4 (60 ml/plant). The data were analyzed using analysis of variance and followed by Duncan\u27s New Multiple Range Test on level 5%. The result showed that treatments of Biofertilizer contain an active Bacillus sp. has non-significant among plant height, number of total tillers, tiller productive percentage, harvesting, panicle length and number of grains per panicle. But the application of dose 45 ml/plant showed significant on weight of dry grain and weight of 100 grains

    Noise Reduction in Breath Sound Files Using Wavelet Transform Based Filter

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    The development of science and technology in the field of healthcare increasingly provides convenience in diagnosing respiratory system problem. Recording the breath sounds is one example of these developments. Breath sounds are recorded using a digital stethoscope, and then stored in a file with sound format. This breath sounds will be analyzed by health practitioners to diagnose the symptoms of disease or illness. However, the breath sounds is not free from interference signals. Therefore, noise filter or signal interference reduction system is required so that breath sounds component which contains information signal can be clarified. In this study, we designed a filter called a wavelet transform based filter. The filter that is designed in this study is using Daubechies wavelet with four wavelet transform coefficients. Based on the testing of the ten types of breath sounds data, the data is obtained in the largest SNRdB bronchial for 74.3685 decibels

    Efektivitas Pemberian Zeolit, Arang Aktif, Dan Minyak Cengkeh Terhadap Hormon Kortisol Dan Gambaran Darah Benih Ikan Patin Pangasionodon Hyppophthalmus Pada Pengangkutan Dengan Kepadatan Tinggi [Effectivity of Utilization of Zeolite, Activated Charcoal, and Clove Oil to Cortisol Hormone on the High Density Transportation System of Juvenile of Pangasionodon Hyppophthalmus]

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh pemberian zeolit, arang aktif dan minyak cengkeh dalam memper-tahankan kualitas air media pada pengangkutan ikan berkepadatan tinggi , sehingga dapat meminimalisasi tingkat stres yang dapat diketahui dari tingkat konsentrasi hormon kortisol dan gambaran darah ikan dan dapat meminimalisasi ting-kat kematian ikan. Penelitian dilakukan pada skala laboratorium dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Ikan yang diguna-kan yaitu ikan patin dengan bobot rata-rata 2 g/ekor. Dosis zeolit, arang aktif dan garam yang digunakan yaitu B (20 g zeolit + 10 g arang aktif), C (20 g zeolit + 10 g arang aktif + 3 ppm minyak cengkeh), D (20 g zeolit + 10 g arang aktif + 6 ppm minyak cengkeh), E (20 g zeolit + 10 g arang aktif + 9 ppm minyak cengkeh), F (20 g zeolit + 10 g arang aktif + 12 ppm minyak cengkeh), dan A (tanpa zeolit, arang aktif dan minyak cengkeh). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pem-berian 20 g zeolit + 10 g arang aktif + 9 ppm minyak cengkeh dalam pengepakan sistem tertutup selama 72 jam mem-berikan hasil terbaik, yaitu, kadar NH3 terendah mencapai 0,0389±0,004 mgl-1, CO2 50,42 mgl-1, SR tertinggi sebesar 83,11% dan memiliki tingkat stres yang lebih rendah baik dilihat dari konsentrasi hormon kortisol terendah dan gambaran darah mendekati ikan normal

    HIV/AIDS in Indonesia: current treatment landscape, future therapeutic horizons, and herbal approaches

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    HIV/AIDS is still a major worldwide health concern, and Indonesia is making efforts to mitigate its effects. Antiretroviral therapy (ARV), which aims to decrease viral replication, boost immunological function, and lengthen the lifespans of persons living with HIV/AIDS, is the cornerstone of Indonesia’s strategy. The availability of ARV has significantly increased, yet problems including stigma and the requirement for regular medication adherence still exist. To address the broader needs of those affected by HIV/AIDS, Indonesia lays a major focus on comprehensive care, which includes mental health and social support, in addition to ARV. Data show that, despite progress, there is still a stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS, which affects patient outcomes and access to care. With vigorous research into cutting-edge antiretroviral medications and treatment techniques, Indonesia has a thriving future therapeutic landscape. The goals of these programs are to increase treatment effectiveness, decrease side effects, and increase access to cutting-edge treatments. Preventive methods, such as PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), are making progress, and efforts to find a cure are gaining prominence. Notably, HIV/AIDS management plan of Indonesia heavily relies on natural remedies. Patient care incorporates traditional Indonesian medicine, such as jamu and several herbal medicines. Although there is little scientific proof to support the effectiveness of these herbal remedies, complementary and alternative therapies frequently employ them to manage symptoms and promote general wellness. In terms of the 95-95-95 targets, Indonesia is making an effort to comply with these international goals by seeking to diagnose 95% of HIV-positive individuals, provide sustained ARV to 95% of those diagnosed, and achieve viral suppression in 95% of ARV recipients. Although there are gaps in reaching these aims, progress is being made, in part because of the aforementioned challenges. In summary, Indonesia employs a multimodal approach to HIV/AIDS management, including traditional herbal cures, continuous research into cutting-edge treatments, and conventional ARV. In order to enhance overall health outcomes and create a healthier society, the future of HIV/AIDS treatment in Indonesia is concentrated on expanding therapeutic alternatives, reaching the 95-95-95 targets, decreasing stigma, and improving access to care

    Pengaruh Tekanan Vakum Pada Proses Desalinasi Air Laut Menggunakan Tenaga Surya Tipe Kolektor Tabung Vakum

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    The research on the manufacture of a seawater solar desalination proptotype uses thermal solar energy to evaporate seawater so as to obtain condensate that can be used as clean water has been done. The principle of distillation is the separation by heating the sea water in a bathtub with a varied pressure conditions under 1 atm pressure C inside (evaporator°(vacuum) to yield a lower vapor point than 100 chamber). Furthermore, water vapor (desalined vapor) is condensed to produce clean water. The purpose of this study was to test the vacuum tube type solar kinerjakolektor for generating thermal energy to heat and evaporate the sea water capacity of 20 liters. During the test the pressure in the evaporator varied at a pressure of -35 cmHg, -50 cmHg, and -65 cmHg. Results of tests performed each three repetitions with a time of testing took place between the hours of 9:00 to 17:00 pm with a radiation intensity range 120-988 Watt / m2menunjukkan optimal conditions achieved by treatment of -65 cmHg pressure obtained evaporation rate of 333 mL/h and efficiency is 10%