5 research outputs found

    Simulasi Mistik Dan Implosi Makna Religius Dalam Sinetron Rahasia Ilahi Pada Stasiun Televisi Tpi

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    Simulation of mystic in mystical-religious ‘Rahasia Ilahi\u27 television movie, broadcastedby TPI, is the main focus of this article. Simulation is a thought from Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007) about production of media text which does not have any reality background. Theoretically,a simulation ended when human, as the subject, has no control over sign, as the object,which in the end, the both merge and turn into a new reality. The merger of the subject and theobject mark the emergence of an implosion. Implosion is an inward explosion as a result of themerger of several thoughts through simulation practice. Mystical simulation in ‘Rahasia Ilahi\u27television movie could deliver a new and shallow meaning of religious because it had set offfrom the truth of text and reality as the context. The new meaning could be that the image ofGod is cruel. There could also be newmeaning of religiosity that faith is constructed by fear, notby the truth of the religious thought. Thereby, simulation had become dilemma because it hadtwo meanings. In one side, it is emancipative because it can deliver sharp critics toward thepeople of television industry who produce television programme which has no reality basis. Inthe other side, it has negative side because simulation ended with fatalism which is theoreticallyassumes that subject has no control over object. Pataphysically, this article would like to recommendthat subject should return to the power of imagination, rationality, and spirituality. Humanas the subject would never loose and cannot be defeated by any object because as khalifah,human should stand in the front line and leading history

    Konstruksi Perempuan dalam Televisi (Pendekatan Ekonomi-Politik)

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    In several television programs, women are constructed as representation of reality, not as reflection of reality. Those representations trend to exploit woman sexually. This article describes how women has been constructed in television using political economic media approach. Political economic media studies reveal several economic and political interests behind television programs which involved women

    Religiusitas Sepak Bola dalam Rezim Media: Perspektif Fans Sepak Bola Indonesia

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    Sepakbola tidak hanya sebuah pertandingan dengan nuansa hiburan dan kompetisi. Sepakbola telah menjadi performa religious di dalam rezim media yang didorong melalui Perubahan ekonomi, politik, budaya dan teknologi di mana relasi antara orang-orang, figure-figur agama, elit politik dan aktor-aktor media berkontestasi, berselisih dan digunakan industri media.Religiusitas sepakbola dalam industri media telah menstransformasi yang diperluas melalui jaringan media khususnya industri televisi. Para penggemar sepakbola tidak dapat dipisahkan dari sistem media dan industri media. Mereka memapankan dengan membangun sistem produksi budaya melalui club sepakbola dengan mode-mode yang mereka dapatkan. Dengan demikian pertandingan sepakbola di televisi dapat menggantikan dan menstransformasikan makna budaya dan agama.Sejumlah dimensi religiusitas sepakbola diinterpretasikan para penggila sepakbola sebagai strategi manajemen club sepakbola untuk memperkuat dan mengikat emosi mereka dan untuk mendapatkan penggemar bar