6 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Dua Verietas Kedelai (Glycine Max L.) dengan Pemberian Pupuk Hayati

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    Soybean is a much needed agricultural commodity in Indonesia. Soybean production in South Kalimantan in 2012 is 3,860 tons of dry weihgt (tDW), in 2013 4,072 tBK, in 2014 8,946 tDW, in 2015 10,537 tDW. Varieties play an important role in soybean production, because to achieve high yields are highly determined by genetic potential. Potential results in the field are influenced by the interaction between genetic factors with the management of climatic and soil environmental conditions. In podsolic soils and soils containing a lot of quartz sand, soybean growth is poor, unless the soil is given additional organic fertilizer. Bioertilizer is a fertilizer whose main content is living organisms (microorganisms) that are beneficial for plant growth. This study aims to (i) know the growth and yield of two soybean varieties with the provision of biological fertilizers (ii) to obtain the best soybean varieties with the provision of biofertilizer. The research was conducted in March - May 2017 at BPTP Experimental Plant of South Kalimantan Muara Rintis Village, District of Batang Alai Utara Regency of Hulu Sungai Tengah. The treatments were two varieties of soybean namely the national superior varieties (Anjosmoro) and local varieties given biological fertilizer. The result of research shows that all observation variables significantly affect with the best soybean varieties are Anjosmoro Varieties

    Model Harmonisasi Hubungan Wewenang antara Kepala Desa dengan Badan Perwakilan Desa (BPD) dalam Pembentukan Peraturan Desa

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    Sumberdaya aparatur desa sebagai penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dalam penyelenggaraan dan penatalaksanaan pemerintahan desa. Sumberdaya aparatur penyelenggara pemerintahan desa merupakan aspek fundamental khususnya berkaitan dengan penyusunan dan pembentukan peraturan desa untuk kepentingan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di desa dalam penatalaksanaan peraturan desa tersebut tidak multitafsir dan bertentangan dengan peraturan-peraturan yang ada diatasnya.Desa sebagai daerah otonom yang secara mandiri membentuk peraturannya sendiri guna penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa. Dengan demikian hendaknya dalam Perumusan peraturan desa harus sesuai dengan asas penyusunan peraturan Perundang-undangan yang baik. Sasaran yang ingin dicapai diantaranya untuk memberikan pemecahan masalah (problem solving) secara ilmiah terhadap masalah dan hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi oleh aparatur desa dalam menyusun peraturan desa. Hal ini bertujuan agar penyusunan peraturan desa sesuai dengan asas penyusunan peraturan Perundang-undangan yang baik sekaligus sebagai aspek kebijakan (policy) yang ditujukan kepada pemerintah Kabupaten. Aspek ini merupakan suatu rekomendasi ilmiah yang disusun berdasarkan penelitian normatif sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai rujukan bagi Pemerintah Daerah dalam menyusun Peraturan Daerah tentang pedoman penyusunan dan mekanisme penyusunan peraturan desa. Pedoman ini dapat dijadikan sebagai payung hukum bagi seluruh aparatur desa di Kabupaten

    Evaluation Of Soil Embankment Mass Movement By Using Subdrain System And Reinforcement Based On The Numerical Simulation Of Semarang-solo Toll Road

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    Semarang-Solo highway is a part of Trans Java Toll Road System, which in construction stage has soil embankment mass movement between Sta. 5+ 500, -5+800 part II Gedawang-Penggaron. In this case, research is conducted to again effective and efficient solution. The research object is soil embankment which moved on site. The research aim is to identify the cause of soil embankment mass movement, to know the effect of sub drain system to soil movement and also to provide alternative solution. Slope stability analysis was solved by Plaxis, based on topography, investigation data and field instrumentation after gain the validation result with accuracy of soil movement on horizontal direction of the slope, continued by simulation with variants model which affected by strength, loading combination (traffic load), water level (dry and raining season), sub drain system and earthquake. Horizontal movement result of simulation can be seen in location of inclinometer 4.The research result shown that soil movement pattern which strengthened with bored pile is sliding combination type of translation and rotation. The strengthened soil embankment mass with bored pile apparently still has movement as 0,246 m with SF 1,448. Due to traffic load, horizontal movement is 0,322 m with SF 1,368 where water level located in 5,5 m at BM 10 and 3,5 m at BM 11 and sub drain is pointed in 4 m mean depth. When rainy season the horizontal movement increase 0,324 m with SF 1,321 while in dry season become 0,320 m with SF 1,479. When sub drain existing reduce in average 2,0 m so horizontal movement also decrease as 0,254 m with SF 1,465. Earthquake simulation shown maximum horizontal movement is 1,422 m with SF 1,193. As alternative to minimize horizontal movement which cause by earthquake can be solved by reduce embankment height from 25,72 m to 20,72 m, simulation result provide horizontal deformation as 0,703 m with SF 1,567. In hence the existence of sub drain construction able to reduce horizontal movement of soil embankment mass in which increase the safety factor, reduction of embankment height also show positive impact and significant to horizontal movement due to earthquake