70 research outputs found

    I-mabrur Application Based on Website (Case Study: PT Pakuan Jaya Safari Travel)

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    PT. Pakuan Jaya Safari Travel in its business activities there are a number of constraints faced which are still limited, namely the absence of a website-based application concerns the information of the Hajj and Umrah program to prospective pilgrims. Today the company uses stand-alone software, has not been integrated with other functions such as using the Microsoft Excel application, seeing how it works that slows down the process of managing data and information and in decision making by management. Therefore, Website-Based I-Mabrur Application with analytical methods of Performance, Information, Economics, Control, Efficiency, Service (PIECES) can overcome existing problems and improve service quality for pilgrims in the process of Hajj and Umrah activities

    Studi Potensi Peningkatan Nilai Ekonomi Sampah Anorganik melalui Konsep Daur Ulang dalam Rangka Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Sampah Kecamatan Kota Kudus (Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Kota Kudus, Jawa Tengah)

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    Komposisi sampah Kota Kudus pada tahun 2016 terdiri dari 52,35 % sampah organik dan 47.65 % sampah anorganik. Komposisi ini menunjukkan bahwa KotaKudus berpotensi untuk mengurangi limbah dengan menerapkan konsep 3R dan dengan mengoptimalkan peran sampah kolektor dalam mengelola sampah anorganik. Kondisi pengelolaan sampah yang ada menunjukkan bahwa limbah organik dan anorganik tidak dipisahkan namun dari sumbernya. Akibatnya, sampah anorganik (yang masih bernilai ekonomis dan masih dapat didaur ulang) dibawa ke TPS. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan jumlah limbah dan potensi yang dapat didaur ulang. Hasil ini dilanjutkan dengan perencanaan teknik operasional dengan konsep 3R dalam pengelolaan sampah kota Kudus. Metode penelitian dalam mengukur volume dan komposisi limbah sesuai dengan SNI 19-3964-1994. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada tahun 2017, jumlah limbah anorganik yang bernilai ekonomis sebelum meningkat. Sementara pendapatan dari sampah kolektor meningkat dari Rp. 2.424.871/ hari menjadi Rp. 8.052.679/hari. Dengan konsep ini, limbah yang diolah dengan sampah kolektor meningkat 495,67 % dari 13,20 m3/hari menjadi 105,87 m3/hari pada tahun 2033. Dengan menerapkan konsep 3R dapat mengurangi biaya operasional limbah hingga 14,27 %

    Pengomposan Sludge Hasil Pengolahan Limbah Cair PT. Indofood Cbp Dengan Penambahan Lumpur Aktif Dan Em4 Dengan Variasi Sampah Domestik Dan Bawang Goreng

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    PT.Indofood an industry that produces liquid waste. The results form the side of the WWTP sludge that has not been managed well. This study used the results of WWTP sludge, domestic waste and waste from the fried onions PT.Indofood CBP as compost material. Aerobic compost processed within 50 liter plastic drum volume for 28 days with activators menambarkan EM4 and activated sludge. Comparison of sludge: domestic waste: used cooking onions row - helped the 6: 1: 1, 5: 2: 1, 4: 1.5: 1. The results showed that the mature compost variation with composition 6: 1: 1 is more optimal than the other variation with the ratio of C / N 12.99. The results of the majority of the variation in mature compost meets SNI 19-7030-2004, but to control the fried onions and domestic wastes do not meet these standards. EM4 compost activators have depreciation rate - the average is 59.44% greater than the activated sludge is 53.33%

    Analisis Kualitas Air Sungai Guna Menentukan Peruntukan Ditinjau Dari Aspek Lingkungan

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    Sungai Kupang is one of the rivers that flow in Pekalongan city that receives the waste, both from industrial, agricultural and domestic, industrial and residential development along the river Kupang have affected the quality of river water. Water quality degradation characterized by changes in water color and odor when sebahagian riverside communities still use river water Kupang for everyday needs. This study aimed to analyze the water quality of the river Kupang based on river water quality standards in accordance with Regulation No. 82 of 2001, calculating the pollutant load Sungai Kupang and determine Air Quality Status and recommend management measures Pekalongan Kupang River water quality. Water quality measurements performed at 6 sampling points. Parameters measured and observed are the parameters of temperature, TSS, pH, DO, BOD, COD, chromium and Phosphate. For the analysis of the water quality of Sungai Kupang status using the pollution index and pollution load capacity using Qual2Kw.The results of research on water quality of Sungai Kupang shows COD parameter at some point has exceeded the standard quality. As for the parameters BOD at all points have exceeded the quality standards required. BOD value is the lowest concentration of 5.75 mg / l, while the highest value of BOD of 27 mg / l. The content of BOD increased presumably because the watershed is in from upstream to downstream received many waste dumps, while based on the status of water quality showed a decrease in water quality from upstream to downstream, which in part has been lightly polluted downstream. And also for the calculation of pollution loads Kupang River from upstream to downstream has increased, to the pollution load of TSS concentration amounted 20670.334 kg / day, while the COD concentration is equal to 16517.777 kg / day, and the BOD concentration is equal to 6618.643 kg /day.Keywords: Water Quality, Pollution Load, Kupang RiverCara sitasi: Pohan, D. A. S., Budiyono, Syafrudin. (2016). Analisis Kualitas Air Sungai Guna Menentukan Peruntukan Ditinjau dari Aspek Lingkungan di Sungai Kupang Kota Pekalongan. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan,14(2),63-71, doi:10.14710/jil.14.2.63-7

    Perencanaan Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Kecamatan Semarang Timur Kota Semarang

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    In a metropolitan city such as Semarang Timur Sub-District, Semarang City, solid waste management is huge and serious problem. The new paradigm in waste management has to implement the 3R concept, by recovering waste from the source to the end of process in the landfill. Thus, management solid waste in Semarang Timur Sub-District is developed. Before designing, analysis of existing condition are needed to determine waste generation and service rate management with SNI 19-2454-2002. The design stage starts from preparation, then calculate the number of equipment and cost to manage solid waste with SNI 19-2454-2002 and SNI 3242-2008. Existing condition refers to solid waste management is low about 57,82%, waste generation in volume and weight are 3,02 l/person/day and 0,41 kg/person/day. Waste composition in Semarang Timur Sub-District is devided to organic and anorganic. Organic waste with the volume is 32,51%, and anorganic waste composed by 24,07% paper, 29,98% plastic, 0,49% metal, 5,46% glass, 0,75% wood, and 4,73% bottle. Waste management plan involves optimization of UPTD of DKP, law enforcement (Perda No. 6/2012), and increae of public participation to apply 3R. Operational subsystems that will be applied in Semarang Timur Sub-District consist of separation from the source, individual indirect collecting system with transfer station in a village and individual direct collecting system applied in street sweeping. The result of the planning is increasing the number of service rate and percentage of recovery with 3R are 80,16% and 27,46%. Equipment plan are separated bin (40 liter and 110 liter), collection vehicles (820 liter), transfer station with 3R and non 3R, collection vehicles with hauled container (armroll 6 m3) and stationery container (pick up 2,5 m3). Total cost management and retribution are Rp.. 7,241,744,260.50 and Rp. 5.500-262.500

    Perencanaan Sistem Pengelolaansampah Terpadu Berbasis Masyarakat (Studi Kasus: Rw IV dan Rw V Kelurahan Banyumanik Kecamatan Banyumanik Kota Semarang)

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    Sampah merupakan salah satu jenis limbah yang berbentuk padat yang harus dikelola dengan tepat agar tidak mencemari lingkungan dan membahayakan kehidupan manusia. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan di wilayah Kelurahan Banyumanik, pengelolaan sampah yang dilakukan belum berjalan optimal karena kurangnya jumlah ritasi dan periodisasi pengangkutan sampah yang menyebabkan sampah terus menumpuk di TPS dan tidak pernah habis terangkut ke TPA. Dari hasil pengambilan sampel timbulan sampah menunjukkan timbulan sampah perkapita di Kelurahan Banyumanik adalah sebesar 1,745 liter/orang/hari atau 0,385 kg/orang/hari dengan komposisi sampah terbesar didominasi oleh sampah sisa makanan dan sampah plastik. Perencanaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan penelitian berupa Action Research dengan model Rukun Warga (RW) yang bertempat di RW IV dan RW V Kelurahan Banyumanik. Perencanaan yang dilakukan terdiri dari lima sub sistem pengelolaan sampah. Pada perencanaan sub sistem teknik operasional dimulai dari pewadahan dan pemilahan sampah secara mandiri oleh tiap KK menjadi tiga jenis wadah kantong plastik terpilah. Sampah tersebut setiap harinya dikumpulkan oleh petugas menggunakan armada motor roda tiga menuju TPST Bangunharjo untuk diolah dan disimpan kemudian dijual. Untuk pemanfaatan sampah dilakukan pengomposan dan penyimpanan sampah yang masih bernilai ekonomi untuk kemudian dijual. Pada sub sistem kelembagaan dilakukan penyempurnaan struktur organisasi KSM Bangunharjo. Pembiayaan pengelolaan sampah berasal dari iuran warga dan hasil penjualan sampah. Peraturan yang dijadikan pedoman dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan sampah berupa SOP Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Terpadu Berbasis Masyarakat RW IV dan RW V Kelurahan Banyumanik. Adapun peran serta masyarakat yang dibutuhkan dalam pengelolaan sampah terpadu ini terutama dengan menerapkan konsep 3R di sumber, melakukan pemilahan sampah sesuai ketentuan, dan membayar iuran sampah wajib setiap bulan
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