75 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Narkoba Dikalangan Wanita Di Desa Ganting Kecamatan Salo Kebupaten Kampar

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    The study is done in the village of Ganting Salo district sub-district Kampar. The purpose of this research is to know what are the That such me a housewife drugs and the impacts what happened on households and social environment women using drugs. To obtain data needed in this research, Writer conduct data collection by directly place of research locations and with conducting observations and conducted interviews in depth. Informants in this research were five people. The data collected already dressed in the form of qualitative analysis descriptive. The research there are that intrinsic factor and extrinsic in drug use with girls the village Ganting Salo Sub Kampar, The image of respondents named because the effects of their peers. Then respondents named lina , mega , and ita Family affluence and surrounding environment . Aside from the issue of their peers and family, Economic factors the most powerful affect drug use with girls the village Ganting Salo Sub Kampar by Citra,Evi,Lina,Mega and Ita Namely having persons nearest, The reason for them the family are the nearest because they always associated almost every day due to have a profession and the same job So that economic also had an influence on what they do because these are sourced of economics such as the the education of their children , eat family and others All is because the results of work as drug dealers. This resulted in fifth it was the subject of taking drugs. Advice: to family , should family of more give attention to members of nice family housewives as Wife and housewives as a son. For the government in the effort to reduce drugs abuse non penal on housewife with through social control and attention from the community be given higher priority. To teenagers in the effort to reduce drugs that is teenagers must be more careful in response to various measures of others Coming from outside. The community must more care to the mother of households who had trouble in the economy by a working group mum households more independen, So that their destiny more terperhatikan welfare. So that they do not working to find money hit the road that is not true. Law enforcement should be bold to refuse negotiations of suspects dealers narcotics to manipulate evidence in order to relieve demands to suspect drug dealer. To informants should informants more receptive to her family when having heavy loads And any problem. As small as of any problems can be solved with .Password: the impact of , the causes of and drug

    Perilaku Menghisap Lem pada Anak Remaja (Studi Kasus di Kota Pekanbaru)

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    Teens are the age group most susceptible since adolescence is a time from childhood into adulthood causing them to fall into behavior "ngelem. This research aims to find out what are the factors the causes of teenagers calculate glue. This study is a qualitative study with technique of collecting data obtained in the study through the in-depth interviews and observations to 8 respondent. The unit of analysis is the study of teens calculate of glue. Respondent in the study were young men aged 15-21 years who are addicted calculate of glue. The results showed that the factors encouraging teens start behavior calculate of glue namely family, peers and the influence of the environment. This study suggests counseling should be done about the impact of behavior calculate of glue through institutions and schools, Expected to parents (families) to direct their children in choosing friends hanging out right.Keywords: Behavior, teens, External Factor

    Hubungan Sosial Pekerja Wanita di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Desa Simpang Perak Jaya Kecamatan Kerinci Kanan Kabupaten Siak

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    The aim of this research is to analyze social relationship of palm plantations female workers and to find out the working system of female workers in palm plantation in Desa Simpang Perak Jaya Kecamatan Kerinci Kanan Kabupaten Siak.Population of this research is all palm plantations female workers in Desa Simpang Perak Jaya. The number is 80 people. 50% of them or 40 people become the sample. Sampling technique was done by simple randlom sampling technique.Result shows that interaction is highly needed in creating social relationship among personals or groups. In palm plantation in Desa Simpang Perak Jaya Kecamatan Kerinci Kanan Kabupaten Siak, the society members can be called as heterogen society. We can find some different etnics like Minang, Melayu, Jawa, Sunda, Batak, and Nias. Relationship found among female workers is based on the same interest, which is to work together and to help each other in work and life.Keyword: Social Relationship, Female Worker, Palm Plantatio

    Interaksi Sosial Pedagang Kaki Lima di Pasar Puan Maimun Kabupaten Karimun Kepulauan Riau

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    This thesis submitted in order to quality a sociology bachelors degree with the title “ Social Interaction Street Vendors In Puan Maimun Market Karimun Regency, Riau Archipelago. To findout how the social interaction that occur betwee the street vendors, factor that affect the creation of social interaction that take place and interwoven between street vendors in Puan Maimun market, Karimun Regency, the author conducted data collection using observation techniques and in depth interviews with respondents. As for how sampling or respondents is done by simple random sampling techniques (in a random way) that has came chance and opportunity to be selected as a samples, the samples 15 street vendors respondents specified of the total population 129 merchant. The teory used in this reasearch is the theory of social interaction and the structural-functional theory. The method used is qualitative descriptive. Result of research conduted in general, the author say that the high familiar relationships that occur between them. Social interactions that occur make a trader to another may affect each other. The social interaction resulted in relationships that is both negative and positive. Tolarance among street vendors Puan Maimun Market that made them closer. A sense of togetherness between cadger that make harmony among them better. The results show that social interaction that exist between good cadger

    Rasionalitas Mahasiswi dalam Memilih Jurusan Teknik Mesin di Universitas Riau

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    This study was did in Faculity of Engineering University of Riau. This aims to knowing social perception (family, friends) of gender role as female students in mechanical engineering major and to knowing female students rationality of faculity of engineering doing their every single role as students in mechanical engineering major. This study entitled Rasionality of Female Students in Choosing Mechanical Engineering Major in University of Riau. This study was started from September 2016 until April 2017. The date collection technique is using sampling technique amount to 7 persons. The result of this study indicate that rasionality of female students in choosing mechanical engineering major because of the many job opportunities for mechanical engineering graduates. Rasionality of female students in doing their every single role is adaptation to around the majority of male, such as respect each other, unselfish, and help each other. Family and friends perception of female students who choose mechanical engineering major are reasonable as long as female students able to do their every single role and able to protect themselves from majority of male

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Guru dalam Menjalankan Tugas di Sdn 001 Teratak Kecamatan Rumbiojaya

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    Teachers are human elements that determine the success of education. Profession asa teacher relates to students, who naturally have similarities and differences. Serve thediverse task requires patience and diligence are very high, especially when dealing withyoung learners. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the performance ofteachers in performing their duties in SDN 001 Teratak subdistrict Rumbio Jaya. This studywas conducted in April 2014 by an interview of the entire teaching staff at the SDN 001Teratak. Moreover, the authors also observed the teaching and learning process as well asliterature on the results of previous studies are considered relevant. The results showed thatthe factors that affect the performance of teachers at SDN 001 Teratak is teachermotivation in work, workplace atmosphere, discipline and welfare of teachers. Having donepartial test (t test) against these four factors, the variables of teacher motivation has asignificant influence on the performance of the teacher about 2,799 (279,9%) . While theother variables are not significant. But when done simultaneously testing (test f) thevariable of teacher motivation in work, workplace atmosphere, discipline and welfare ofteachers working together to have significant influence on the performance of teachers atSDN 001Teratak about 57,3%

    Cooperative Learning Practice

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    The ultimate goal of the English language teaching and learning is that learners can use the language in an accepted level of  appropriacy. To achieve the goal of teaching, teachers should determine the appropriate strategy of the teaching ·and learning. A strategy is defined as a plan of action. Teaching strategy includes methods, techniques and materials that are selected to promote learning. The term of teaching and learning strategy represents the teaching and learning process. With a joint program between Indonesia government and the United Nations, the government has implemented a new  system of  learning which one of the feature is requiring students to .be actively involved in more cooperative and interactive ways of learning, that is, students are supposed to work in groups to achieve shared learning goals. What makes it different from individ11alistic and competitive class? And how the cooperative and interactive ways of  learning is conducted

    Anak pada Keluarga Petani Kelapa Sawit (di Desa Sungai Siput Kecamatan Siak Kecil Kabupaten Bengkalis)

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    Globalization affected the fertility level of a family. Demand of children in a family is getting a little, faund in many communities only have 2 to 3 children only. The small number of children in the family not only can we see the family in urban but also in families residing in rural areas. It is certainly happening because of certain reason from parent. How parent interpret their childrens attendence and the consequence that will be receive after having a child becomes a parent consideration in determining the numbe of children who will be possessed. Therefore this study was conducted in order to determine the value of children in the family oil palm growers, number of children, and the expectations of parent of children in the family. To answer the questions of the study, researchers use childrens theory of value put forward by David Lucas. Subject of this study were parent who worked as a farmers in the village Sungai Siput Kecamtan Siak Kecil Kabupaten Bengkalis. The study uses data obtained through interviews, observation, ang documentation. Later and though using qualitative methods. Disclosed in accordance with the narrative of the subject ang the actual conditions in the field.Value of a child is a parent perspective to the presence of children in the family, then the perspective of parent of children will affect the desired number of children parents. Farther expectation of parent of child who had. Field finding indicate that parent decide to have a number of children two to three only. Costs incurred for the needs of children parent pretty much. Especially to meet the education, whereas children are not able to support their families. It can be concluded that parents today are more concerned with quality than quantity of children.Keyword: value of children, number of children, parental expectations
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