46 research outputs found

    The Transitional Gabbroic Rocks in Bayah Geological Complex, Western part of Java, Indonesia, Inferred from XRF, ICP-MS, and Microprobe Analysis

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    Gabbro, is a fossil remnant of oceanic crust in western part of Java, found at Bayah Geological Complex (BGC) and Ciletuh Melange Complex (CMC), Indonesia. It has been studied by using petrographic, X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and mineralogical (microprobe) analyses. Mineral and geochemical composition of these rocks provide important clues to their origins since the rocks have been deformed and gone through auto metamorphism, beside they contain the economic mineral and or rare earth elements (REE). Gabbroic rocks in these two areas generally shows phaneritic to porphyritic texture, granular texture. These rocks in CMC are dominated by plagioclase (oligoclase to albite), hornblende, pyroxene, partly altered to tremolite, actinolite, chlorite, epidote, and sericite; meanwhile those of BGC dominantly consist of plagioclase, pyroxene, hornblende, some present of chlorite, actinolite, epidote and biotite as secondary minerals. In multi-element diagrams, gabbroic rocks in CMC show strong negative Sr and Zr, but positive Nb anomaly, while those of BGC show strong negative anomaly of Nb and Zr. In addition, based on rare earth elements (REE) diagrams, gabbroic rocks in CMC show depleted of light rare earth elements (LREE) with negative Eu anomaly, while gabbro’s in BGC show enrichment of LREE. These characteristics indicate that GBC’s and CMC’s gabbroic rocks came from different magma sources, one was formed by partial melting of depleted upper mantle reservoir while the other one was formed by partial melting of mantle wedge with active participation of subducted slab in an arc tectonic setting, suprasubduction zone which were formed at started Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene, and they had retrograde metamorphism to epidote amphibolite facies

    Petrological Characteristic and Whole Rock Geochemistry of Metamorphic Rocks in Melangè Complex of Ciletuh Area, West Java, Indonesia

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    Melangè Complex of Ciletuh Area, West Java, Indonesia is located at 106 ° 23 '38.9 "- 106 ° 25' 27.6" E  and 7 ° 14 '27.6 "- 7 ° 12' 46.2" S. This area has unique geological features where the Early Cenozoic uplifted subduction rocks such as ophiolites and metamorphic rocks are exposed. This study aimed to determine the condition of the stratigraphic position and geological structure of metamorphic rock unit in the field, to find out the metamorphic facies and their evolution, to know the parental rocks (protoliths) of metamorphic rocks, and to interpret tectonic environments for the formation of metamorphic rocks based on stratigraphy, geological structure, petrography, and geochemistry. Study of literatures, geological mapping, petrology and geochemical analyses were used as methods of this research. The entire analysis is combined as a guidance in interpretation of petro-tectonic environment. Distribution of metamorphic rock outcrops found in several places, such as, Citisuk River, Cikopo River and Cikarikil River. Based on petrography analysis, metamorphic rocks types consist of schistose amphibolite, various type of greenschist, phyllite and quartzite. The protolith of metamorphic rocks in Ciletuh is quite diverse, namely metasediments such as pelitic, psammitic, calc-silicate sediment, and meta-igneous such as gabbro and basalt. The presence of epidote, chlorite, and calcite in schistose amphibolite show retrograde metamorphism process in lower temperature-pressures condition. The occurance of quartz and calcite vein in several samples was shown as an indication of hydrothermal alteration. Based on geochemical characteristics, the result showed that sedimentary source of metasedimentary rocks were derived from the volcanic arc environment. While, metabasalt rocks were originated from the Island Arc tectonic environment. According to the association, these metamorphic rocks were formed by regional metamorphism, as the result of subduction process and orogenic event. Thus, retrograde metamorphism indicates the lifting or accretion process that caused by subsecuent tectonic activity

    Stratigraphy Seismic and sedimentation Development of Middle Baong Sand, Aru Field, North Sumatera Basin

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    This paper defines the stratigraphic sequence focused on Middle Baong Sand. The analyses aim to understand the sedimentation pattern regarding to sequence stratigraphy model including its lateral and vertical succession based on seismic and well data. The study can be used in ranking the prospect for new oil field. Based on the analyses in 39 seismic sections and 2 wireline log, the area are consist of three depositional sequences, namely sequence I (consist of HST I) Sequence II (consist of TST II and LST II), and Sequence III (consist of TST III).  Baong Formation are deposited when the sea level are rising regionally at Middle Miocene (N7-N15) makes the sediment deposited in deep water environment. while Middle Baong Sand are deposited in the minor falling stage placed at N13 (Middle of Middle Miocene). In this episode, there is a change in depositional setting from bathyal to middle neritic. Clastic origin of this deposits were interpreted came from South-South West direction or from Bukit Barisan where at that time is started to uplift

    The Characteristics of Lahar in Merapi Volcano, Central Java as the Indicator of the Explosivity During Holocene

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v6i2.116Merapi Volcano in Central Java has been the most active volcano during Holocene time. As a strato volcano, Merapi exhibits alternating volcanic activities of effusive and explosive characters and self destruction. The explosivity index has evolved during the last ten thousand years. The effusive activities were characterized by the occurrence of lava flows, the development of lava dome, and the production of the “nuee ardente d\u27avalanche” called Merapi type. The explosive stage is frequently accompanied by the occurence of pyroclastic flows. The present investigation is attempted to reveal the relationship between the characteristics of lahar and the evolution of the activity of Merapi Volcano. The quantitative analysis was focused on the size and shape of the lahar components particularly that of pumice as the main indicators in 73 measured stratigraphic columns of lahar deposits. In addition, the main chemical element rim structures of hornblende identified in lahar components indicate the different lahar units. There are five lahar units and five groups of Merapi activities which can be distinguished. It can be concluded that the characteristics of lahar reflect the evolution of the activities in the past. The risk analyses of Merapi Volcano therefore can be enlarged to cover the possible hazard based on the lahar characteristics


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    Sub bottom Profiling survey using strata box, a specially designed low penetration sub bottom Profiling (< 80 m) for coastal waters exploration, found out evidence of submarine volcanic activities in northern coastal waters of Weh Island, NanggroeAceh Darussalam Province. Gas bubbling could be observed at water columns of the digital sub bottom Profiling records as acoustic turbidity. There are at least 33 spots of volcanic gas bursts observed from the sub bottom Profiling. Examination of gas bursts at coastal area which show fumaroles and solfatara indicate reduce volcanic activity either at submarine or terrestrial. Identification of seafloor gas burst by diving team found out that center of such burst is occurred at a north - south opened lineation assumed as normal fault. It seems that the seafloor normal fault is the continuation of terrestrial fault of the same direction as observed from terrain earth google of Weh Island.Keywords: seafloor faulting, submarine volcanic activities, shallow sub bottom Profiling data, Weh Island Aceh Survei penampang bawah dasar laut (SBP) menggunakan strata box, suatu alat SBP penetrasi rendah yang didisain untuk eksplorasi perairan pantai, mendapatkan bukti-bukti aktivitas gunungapi bawah laut di perairan sebelah utara Pulau Weh, Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Gelembung-gelembung gas dapat diamati pada kolom air rekaman digital penampang bawah dasar laut sebagai turbiditas akustik. Sedikitnya dijumpai 33 titik semburan gas volkanik yang teramati dari penampang bawah dasar laut tersebut. Pemeriksaan semburan-semburan gas pada wilayah pantai sebagai fumarola dan solfataramenunjukkan telah berkurangnya aktivitas volkanik apakah pada dasar laut maupun darat. Identifikasi semburan gas dasar laut oleh tim selam mendapatkan bahwa pusat semburan berada pada kelurusan berarah utara - selatan yang diduga sebagai sesar normal. Tampaknya adalah bahwa sesar normal dasar laut tersebut merupakan kelanjutan sesar darat yang berorientasi sama seperti teramati dari citra earthgoogle terrain Pulau Weh. Kata kunci: pensesaran dasar laut, aktivitas gunungapi bawah laut, data penampang bawah dasar laut, Pulau Weh Ace