21 research outputs found

    Tools for studying and modulating (cardiac muscle) cell mechanics and mechanosensing across the scales.

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    Cardiomyocytes generate force for the contraction of the heart to pump blood into the lungs and body. At the same time, they are exquisitely tuned to the mechanical environment and react to e.g. changes in cell and extracellular matrix stiffness or altered stretching due to reduced ejection fraction in heart disease, by adapting their cytoskeleton, force generation and cell mechanics. Both mechanical sensing and cell mechanical adaptations are multiscale processes. Receptor interactions with the extracellular matrix at the nanoscale will lead to clustering of receptors and modification of the cytoskeleton. This in turn alters mechanosensing, force generation, cell and nuclear stiffness and viscoelasticity at the microscale. Further, this affects cell shape, orientation, maturation and tissue integration at the microscale to macroscale. A variety of tools have been developed and adapted to measure cardiomyocyte receptor-ligand interactions and forces or mechanics at the different ranges, resulting in a wealth of new information about cardiomyocyte mechanobiology. Here, we take stock at the different tools for exploring cardiomyocyte mechanosensing and cell mechanics at the different scales from the nanoscale to microscale and macroscale

    Microtubules regulate cardiomyocyte transversal Young's modulus.

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    The field of cardiomyocyte mechanobiology is gaining significant attention, due to accumulating evidence concerning the significant role of cellular mechanical effects on the integrated function of the heart. To date, the protein titin has been demonstrated as a major contributor to the cardiomyocytes Young's modulus (YM). The microtubular network represents another potential regulator of cardiac mechanics. However, the contribution of microtubules (MTs) to the membrane YM is still understudied and has not been interrogated in the context of myocardial infarction (MI) or mechanical loading and unloading. Using nanoscale mechanoscanning ion conductance microscopy, we demonstrate that MTs contribute to cardiomyocyte transverse YM in healthy and pathological states with different mechanical loading. Specifically, we show that posttranslational modifications of MTs have differing effects on cardiomyocyte YM: Acetylation provides flexibility, whereas detyrosination imparts rigidity. Further studies demonstrate that there is no correlation between the total protein amount of acetylated and detyrosinated MT. Yet, in the polymerized-only populations, an increased level of acetylation results in a decline of detyrosinated MTs in an MI model

    Short-term angiotensin II treatment regulates cardiac nanomechanics via microtubule modifications.

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    Mechanical properties of single myocytes contribute to the whole heart performance, but the measurement of mechanics in living cells at high resolution with minimal force interaction remains challenging. Angiotensin II (AngII) is a peptide hormone that regulates a number of physiological functions, including heart performance. It has also been shown to contribute to cell mechanics by inducing cell stiffening. Using non-contact high-resolution Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM), we determine simultaneously cell topography and membrane transverse Young's modulus (YM) by a constant pressure application through a nanopipette. While applying pressure, the vertical position is recorded and a deformation map is generated from which YM can be calculated and corrected for the uneven geometry. High resolution of this method also allows studying specific membrane subdomains, such as Z-grooves and crests. We found that short-term AngII treatment reduces the transversal YM in isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes acting via an AT1 receptor. Blocking either a TGF-β1 receptor or Rho kinase abolishes this effect. Analysis of the cytoskeleton showed that AngII depletes microtubules by decreasing long-lived detyrosinated and acetylated microtubule populations. Interestingly, in the failing cardiomyocytes, which are stiffer than controls, the short-term AngII treatment also reduces the YM, thus normalizing the mechanical state of cells. This suggests that the short-term softening effect of AngII on cardiac cells is opposite to the well-characterized long-term hypertrophic effect. In conclusion, we generate a precise nanoscale indication map of location-specific transverse cortical YM within the cell and this can substantially advance our understanding of cellular mechanics in a physiological environment, for example in isolated cardiac myocytes

    Short-term angiotensin II treatment regulates cardiac nanomechanics: Via microtubule modifications

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    Mechanical properties of single myocytes contribute to the whole heart performance, but the measurement of mechanics in living cells at high resolution with minimal force interaction remains challenging. Angiotensin II (AngII) is a peptide hormone that regulates a number of physiological functions, including heart performance. It has also been shown to contribute to cell mechanics by inducing cell stiffening. Using non-contact high-resolution Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy (SICM), we determine simultaneously cell topography and membrane transverse Young's modulus (YM) by a constant pressure application through a nanopipette. While applying pressure, the vertical position is recorded and a deformation map is generated from which YM can be calculated and corrected for the uneven geometry. High resolution of this method also allows studying specific membrane subdomains, such as Z-grooves and crests. We found that short-term AngII treatment reduces the transversal YM in isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes acting via an AT1 receptor. Blocking either a TGF-β1 receptor or Rho kinase abolishes this effect. Analysis of the cytoskeleton showed that AngII depletes microtubules by decreasing long-lived detyrosinated and acetylated microtubule populations. Interestingly, in the failing cardiomyocytes, which are stiffer than controls, the short-term AngII treatment also reduces the YM, thus normalizing the mechanical state of cells. This suggests that the short-term softening effect of AngII on cardiac cells is opposite to the well-characterized long-term hypertrophic effect. In conclusion, we generate a precise nanoscale indication map of location-specific transverse cortical YM within the cell and this can substantially advance our understanding of cellular mechanics in a physiological environment, for example in isolated cardiac myocytes

    Hypertensive pressure mechanosensing alone triggers lipid droplet accumulation and transdifferentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells to foam cells

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    Arterial Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) play a central role in the onset and progression of atherosclerosis. Upon exposure to pathological stimuli, they can take on alternative phenotypes that, among others, have been described as macrophage like, or foam cells. VSMC foam cells make up >50% of all arterial foam cells and have been suggested to retain an even higher proportion of the cell stored lipid droplets, further leading to apoptosis, secondary necrosis, and an inflammatory response. However, the mechanism of VSMC foam cell formation is still unclear. Here, it is identified that mechanical stimulation through hypertensive pressure alone is sufficient for the phenotypic switch. Hyperspectral stimulated Raman scattering imaging demonstrates rapid lipid droplet formation and changes to lipid metabolism and changes are confirmed in ABCA1, KLF4, LDLR, and CD68 expression, cell proliferation, and migration. Further, a mechanosignaling route is identified involving Piezo1, phospholipid, and arachidonic acid signaling, as well as epigenetic regulation, whereby CUT&Tag epigenomic analysis confirms changes in the cells (lipid) metabolism and atherosclerotic pathways. Overall, the results show for the first time that VSMC foam cell formation can be triggered by mechanical stimulation alone, suggesting modulation of mechanosignaling can be harnessed as potential therapeutic strategy

    Junctophilin-2 tethers T-tubules and recruits functional L-type calcium channels to lipid rafts in adult cardiomyocytes

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    Aim: In cardiomyocytes, transverse tubules (T-tubules) associate with the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), forming junctional membrane complexes (JMCs) where L-type calcium channels (LTCCs) are juxtaposed to Ryanodine receptors (RyR). Junctophilin-2 (JPH2) supports the assembly of JMCs by tethering T-tubules to the SR membrane. T-tubule remodeling in cardiac diseases is associated with down-regulation of JPH2 expression suggesting that JPH2 plays a crucial role in T-tubule stability. Furthermore, increasing evidence indicate that JPH2 might additionally act as a modulator of calcium signaling by directly regulating RyR and LTCCs. This study aimed at determining whether JPH2 overexpression restores normal T-tubule structure and LTCC function in cultured cardiomyocytes. Methods and results: Rat ventricular myocytes kept in culture for 4 days showed extensive T-tubule remodeling with impaired JPH2 localization and relocation of the scaffolding protein Caveolin3 (Cav3) from the T-tubules to the outer membrane. Overexpression of JPH2 restored T-tubule structure and Cav3 relocation. Depletion of membrane cholesterol by chronic treatment with Methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD) countered the stabilizing effect of JPH2 overexpression on T-tubules and Cav3. Super-resolution scanning patch-clamp showed that JPH2 overexpression greatly increased the number of functional LTCCs at the plasma membrane. Treatment with MβCD reduced LTCC open probability and activity. Proximity ligation assays showed that MβCD did not affect JPH2 interaction with RyR and the pore-forming LTCC subunit Cav1.2, but strongly impaired JPH2 association with Cav3 and the accessory LTCC subunit Cavβ2. Conclusions: JPH2 promotes T-tubule structural stability and recruits functional LTCCs to the membrane, most likely by directly binding to the channel. Cholesterol is involved in the binding of JPH2 to T-tubules as well as in the modulation of LTCC activity. We propose a model where cholesterol and Cav3 support the assembly of lipid rafts which provide an anchor for JPH2 to form JMCs and a platform for signaling complexes to regulate LTCC activity

    Microtubule-mediated regulation of  β2AR translation and unction in failing hearts

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    Background: Beta-1 adrenergic receptor (β 1 AR)- and Beta-2 adrenergic receptor (β 2 AR)-mediated cyclic adenosine monophosphate signaling has distinct effects on cardiac function and heart failure progression. However, the mechanism regulating spatial localization and functional compartmentation of cardiac β-ARs remains elusive. Emerging evidence suggests that microtubule-dependent trafficking of mRNP (messenger ribonucleoprotein) and localized protein translation modulates protein compartmentation in cardiomyocytes. We hypothesized that β-AR compartmentation in cardiomyocytes is accomplished by selective trafficking of its mRNAs and localized translation. Methods: The localization pattern of β-AR mRNA was investigated using single molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization and subcellular nanobiopsy in rat cardiomyocytes. The role of microtubule on β-AR mRNA localization was studied using vinblastine, and its effect on receptor localization and function was evaluated with immunofluorescent and high-throughput Förster resonance energy transfer microscopy. An mRNA protein co-detection assay identified plausible β-AR translation sites in cardiomyocytes. The mechanism by which β-AR mRNA is redistributed post–heart failure was elucidated by single molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization, nanobiopsy, and high-throughput Förster resonance energy transfer microscopy on 16 weeks post–myocardial infarction and detubulated cardiomyocytes. Results: β 1 AR and β 2 AR mRNAs show differential localization in cardiomyocytes, with β 1 AR found in the perinuclear region and β 2 AR showing diffuse distribution throughout the cell. Disruption of microtubules induces a shift of β 2 AR transcripts toward the perinuclear region. The close proximity between β 2 AR transcripts and translated proteins suggests that the translation process occurs in specialized, precisely defined cellular compartments. Redistribution of β 2 AR transcripts is microtubule-dependent, as microtubule depolymerization markedly reduces the number of functional receptors on the membrane. In failing hearts, both β 1 AR and β 2 AR mRNAs are redistributed toward the cell periphery, similar to what is seen in cardiomyocytes undergoing drug-induced detubulation. This suggests that t-tubule remodeling contributes to β-AR mRNA redistribution and impaired β 2 AR function in failing hearts. Conclusions: Asymmetrical microtubule-dependent trafficking dictates differential β 1 AR and β 2 AR localization in healthy cardiomyocyte microtubules, underlying the distinctive compartmentation of the 2 β-ARs on the plasma membrane. The localization pattern is altered post–myocardial infarction, resulting from t-tubule remodeling, leading to distorted β 2 AR-mediated cyclic adenosine monophosphate signaling

    Announcing the call for the Special Issue on “Cardiovascular mechanobiology—a special issue to look at the state of the art and the newest insights into the role of mechanical forces in cardiovascular development, physiology, and disease”

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    This Commentary describes a call for submissions for the upcoming special issue focused on the state of the art of cardiovascular mechanobiology research and the newest insights into the role of mechanical forces in cardiovascular development, physiology, and diseas

    Cardiovascular mechanobiology-a Special Issue to look at the state of the art and the newest insights into the role of mechanical forces in cardiovascular development, physiology and disease.

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    There has been much progress recently in the area of cardiovascular mechanobiology and this Special Issue aims at taking stock. This editorial gives context of the main motivation for this special issue as well as a brief summary of its content