43 research outputs found


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    One of the major concerns affecting the human skin is the exposure to ultra-violet radiations (UVR) causing photo-damage and skin cancers. In order to provide preventive measures against such incidences, there is an increased demand for sun-protectants. Sun screening agents have shown beneficiary effects on the skin by reducing the exposure of UVR and its associated symptoms. Although various constituents have been recognized to have sun protecting activity, their safety and efficacy is still a concern. The United States Food and Drugs Administration (USFDA) and European Guidelines (EU) guidelines have made the sun protecting factor (SPF) and other such indices compulsory on the labels of such formulas to guide the consumers for better selection. The various ranges of radiations and skin types influence the mechanism of photoreaction and subsequent choice of the formulation. Apart from existing agents, certain novel sun-screening agents and technologies are now available to provide better protection to human populations

    Design, Characterization and Evaluation of Metallic Nano Biocomposites of Neomycin

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    Neomycin is formulated into nanoparticles in order to increase the therapeutic efficacy, decrease the dose of drug and to decrease the topical dose related toxic effects. The present study was aimed at the preparation of zinc nanoparticles (ZN), chitosan nanoparticles (CN), zinc neomycin nanoparticles (ZNN) and zinc chitosan neomycin nanoparticles (ZCNN) in order to compare their antibacterial activity. Nanoparticles were prepared by subjecting the nano suspension containing the specified ingredients to stirring at 40oC for 4-5 h. The prepared nanoparticles were evaluated for particle size and surface morphology by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), mean particle size and particle size distribution by DLS, percentage yield, loading efficiency, in vitro drug release by diffusion technique and agar cup plate method. TEM microphotographs and zeta sizer analysis revealed that the prepared nanoparticles were in the nanometric range, the particle size and particle size range of ZCNN was less compared to ZNN indicated more surface area of ZCNN. Among all the nanoparticles prepared, percentage yield, loading efficiency, in vitro drug release and zone of inhibition was found to be more for ZCNN. Thus, the results suggested that ZCNN act as promising drug delivery systems with better in vitro characteristics compared to other nanoparticles with increased therapeutic activity of neomycin

    Comparison of different nano biocomposites of neomycin with marketed ointment by in-vitro and in-vivo evaluations

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    Nano drug delivery systems have rapid onset of action with enhanced therapeutic efficacy, decreased dose of the drug and decreased toxic effects when compared to conventional drug delivery systems. Hence neomycin is formulated into nanoparticles in order to increase the therapeutic efficacy, decrease the dose of drug and to decrease the topical dose related toxic effects. Hence the present work was aimed at the preparation of zinc nanoparticles (NP1), chitosan nanoparticles (NP2), different zinc chitosan neomycin nanoparticles (NP3,NP4,NP5,NP6,NP7,NP8) by altering the concentrations of chitosan and neomycin used in the formulation in order to optimise the composition. Nanoparticles were prepared by subjecting the nanosuspension containing the specified ingredients to stirring at 40╨╛C for 4-5 hr. The prepared nanoparticles were evaluated for particle size and surface morphology by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), mean particle size and particle size distribution by zeta sizer, percentage yield, loading efficiency, in-vitro drug release by diffusion technique and agar cup plate method and invivo wound healing activity. Among all the prepared zinc chitosan neomycin nanoparticles NP6 was found to possess maximum in-vitro drug release and antimicrobial activity. This may be due to the synergistic effect of all the ingredients i.e zinc, chitosan and neomycin present in the formulation. Hence zinc chitosan neomycin nanoparticles NP6 was subjected to in-vivo studies and compared with marketed neomycin ointment (nemozin). The wound healing was found to be more in group treated with ointment prepared with zinc chitosan neomycin nanoparticles compared to group treated with marketed neomycin ointment(nemozin) containing double the concentration of neomycin of NP6. Thus, the present work suggested that NP6 (0.2%) was found to be the best formulation of neomycin containing less than half of the concentration of neomycin of nemozin ointment(0.5%) as it shown equal invivo activity to nemozin ointment as this reduces the side effects, increases efficacy at low doses of drug compared to conventional formulations of neomycin

    Comparison of different nano biocomposites of neomycin with marketed ointment by in-vitro and in-vivo evaluations

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    Nano drug delivery systems have rapid onset of action with enhanced therapeutic efficacy, decreased dose of the drug and decreased toxic effects when compared to conventional drug delivery systems. Hence neomycin is formulated into nanoparticles in order to increase the therapeutic efficacy, decrease the dose of drug and to decrease the topical dose related toxic effects. Hence the present work was aimed at the preparation of zinc nanoparticles (NP1), chitosan nanoparticles (NP2), different zinc chitosan neomycin nanoparticles (NP3,NP4,NP5,NP6,NP7,NP8) by altering the concentrations of chitosan and neomycin used in the formulation in order to optimise the composition. Nanoparticles were prepared by subjecting the nanosuspension containing the specified ingredients to stirring at 40╨╛C for 4-5 hr. The prepared nanoparticles were evaluated for particle size and surface morphology by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), mean particle size and particle size distribution by zeta sizer, percentage yield, loading efficiency, in-vitro drug release by diffusion technique and agar cup plate method and invivo wound healing activity. Among all the prepared zinc chitosan neomycin nanoparticles NP6 was found to possess maximum in-vitro drug release and antimicrobial activity. This may be due to the synergistic effect of all the ingredients i.e zinc, chitosan and neomycin present in the formulation. Hence zinc chitosan neomycin nanoparticles NP6 was subjected to in-vivo studies and compared with marketed neomycin ointment (nemozin). The wound healing was found to be more in group treated with ointment prepared with zinc chitosan neomycin nanoparticles compared to group treated with marketed neomycin ointment(nemozin) containing double the concentration of neomycin of NP6. Thus, the present work suggested that NP6 (0.2%) was found to be the best formulation of neomycin containing less than half of the concentration of neomycin of nemozin ointment(0.5%) as it shown equal invivo activity to nemozin ointment as this reduces the side effects, increases efficacy at low doses of drug compared to conventional formulations of neomycin

    AlzheimerтАЩs disease: the role of extrinsic factors in its development, an investigation of the environmental enigma

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    In the realm of AlzheimerтАЩs disease, the most prevalent form of dementia, the impact of environmental factors has ignited intense curiosity due to its substantial burden on global health. Recent investigations have unveiled these environmental factors as key contributors, shedding new light on their profound influence. Notably, emerging evidence highlights the detrimental role of various environmental contaminants in the incidence and progression of AlzheimerтАЩs disease. These contaminants encompass a broad spectrum, including air pollutants laden with ozone, neurotoxic metals like lead, aluminum, manganese, and cadmium, pesticides with their insidious effects, and the ubiquitous presence of plastics and microplastics. By meticulously delving into the intricate web connecting environmental pollutants and this devastating neurological disorder, this comprehensive chapter takes a deep dive into their involvement as significant risk factors for AlzheimerтАЩs disease. Furthermore, it explores the underlying molecular mechanisms through which these contaminants exert their influence, aiming to unravel the complex interactions that drive the pathogenesis of the disease. Additionally, this chapter proposes potential strategies to mitigate the detrimental effects of these environmental contaminants on brain health, with the ultimate goal of restoring and preserving typical cognitive function. Through this comprehensive exploration, we aim to enhance our understanding of the multifaceted relationship between neurotoxins and AlzheimerтАЩs disease, providing a solid foundation for developing innovative in-vivo models and advancing our knowledge of the intricate pathological processes underlying this debilitating condition

    GIS based site selection and Marine Spatial Planning: A step towards sustainable seaweed farming

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    Seaweeds are globally expanding due to increasing demand and the various livelihood opportunities they provide for local communities. Apart from their industrial applications, seaweeds are a vital dietary component in many countries. India, through its seaweed mission, aims to elevate national seaweed production from 30,000 to 11 million tonnes by 2025. However, the growth of seaweed farming in India faces several challenges, particularly on robust site selection and assignment process. This factor significantly impacts the economic returns and viability of the farming system and also for entrepreneurship investments. Spatial planning for seaweed fanning sites, aided by advanced GIS-based technology, proved instrumental in successful planning before the initiation of cultivation process. Conducting a preliminary site selection survey across all maritime states of India, JCAR-CMFRJ identified 23,970 hectares suitable as potential seaweed farming sites. Gujarat and Tamil Nadu possess over 10,000 and 5,000 hectares respectively as potential areas for seaweed farming. Within Gujarat, the best-suited sites for seaweed farming were demarcated along Devbhumi Dwaraka, followed by Gir-Sonmath and Katchch. The ground truth data were digitized on a GIS platfonn to support marine spatial planning for seaweed fanning activities. To further aid the stakeholders, a dedicated GIS-based open-access portal highlighting the most suitable locations for seaweed fanning for the country was developed and made available in the public domain. Introducing a novel spatial planning framework for seaweed mariculture activities in territorial waters is crucial for sustainable sea space management. This preliminary plan can guide towards conflicts resolution, seaweed mariculture policy development and legislation in maritime states, serving as a foundation for India's broader marine spatial planning initiatives. The adaptable concept on MSP on seaweed mariculture is relevant and essential to regions with diverse techno-scientific and sociopolitical scenarios

    Techno-Economic performance of Spiny Lobster Mariculture in Tropical Sea Cages along Gujarat, Northwest Coast, India

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    The rising demand for spiny lobsters globally has sparked interest in mariculture, especially capture-based mariculture (CBM) practiced by coastal communities. In our empirical analysis, peer-reviewed published data has been synthesized and used to assess the economic interactions of CBM of spiny lobster in open sea cages. Financial, biological, and technical cost structures were assessed for viability of the culture system. The enterprise was estimated to generate USO 3,605.04inrevenueannually.TheNetPresentValue(NPV)wasdataminedtobeUSO3,605.04 in revenue annually. The Net Present Value (NPV) was datamined to be USO 1,226.17, with an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of up to 33%. A net profit sensitivity test was undertaken, demonstrating that cage production capacity versus harvest ratio significantly influences profit sensitivity. In contrast, the impact of seed and feed costs on the profitability of lobster culture was comparatively lower. However, sole dependency on natural seeds is setback and making entire farming enterprise more vulnerable. Upon the results, a few cultivation strategies have been developed for CBM to be profitable and present study could help in developing adapting management plans for successful lobster fanning enterprise

    Lobster sea cage farming and its influence on phytoplankton diversity in evolving aquatic environments

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    Assessing the ecological impact of sea cage farming on phytoplankton diversity and water quality is crucial for sustainable cage culture production. Despite previous attempts, conclusive insights into these changes remain elusive. Our study focuses on the ecological impact of spiny lobster (Panulirus polyphagus) sea cage farming on water quality changes, particularly phytoplankton species and diversity. Study was conducted of for I year period (September 2020 to August 2021) at Veraval in Northwest coast of India, where spiny lobster capture-based aquaculture is being practiced. Identification of 47 phytoplankton species from 41 genera showcased dominance by Bacillariophyceae (76.5%) and Dinophyceae (23.5%). Phytoplankton diversity (Shannon) analysis revealed a decline during the cage culture period (H'=3.19) at the experimental site, in contrast to the reference location (H'=3.45). Total Suspended Solids (TSS) were recorded to significantly impacted diversity and abundance (P :5 0.05). Key species positively correlated with TSS included Chaetoceros sp., Cyclotella sp., Rhizosolenia robusta, Skeletonema costatum, Thallassiophyxix palmeriana, Navicula sp., and Thallasiothrix ft'auerifeldii. Conversely, Biddulphia sinensis, Coscinodiscus excentricus, Ditylum brightwelli, Lithodesmium sp., Rhizosolenia alata, and six others exhibited negative correlations. Understanding the impact of phytoplankton abundance on the sea cage culture site is crucial, as it significantly influences the ecosystem in which the mariculture activity been carriedout. The study emphasizes the need for meticulous assessments plankton diversity before intensifying sea cage farming activities for sustainable mariculture development