730 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Motivasi dan Kinerja (Survey pada Karyawan Hotel Berbintang di Kota Malang dan Batu)

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    This research seeks to investigate the relationship between organizational culture variables, work environment, organizational citizenship behavior, motivation and performance in the star-typed hotel industry at Malang and Batu. This research was purposed to assess the differences of organizational culture, work environment, organizational citizenship behavior, motivation and performance based on the characteristic of respondents. This research was categorized as survey one using cross-sectional study to 15 star-typed hotels at Batu and Malang. The result of investigation using SEM technique indicated that the model developed had moderate fit level. The result of Goodness of fit indices showed moderate result to all construct in the model. Partially, the construct developed showed good outcome in goodness of fit evaluation. Generally, all exogenous variables (organizational culture and work environment) significantly affected the performance of employee. Some hypotheses expected on this research were supported, and some of these were not supported. Organizational culture significantly affected organizational citizenship behavior and employee performance, but insignificantly affected motivation. Work environment significantly influenced organizational citizenship behavior but insignificantly affected motivation. Organizational citizenship behavior insignificantly affected motivation, but motivation significantly affected the employee performance

    Pеngaruh Kеsеlamatan dan Kеsеhatan Kеrja Tеrhadap Kinеrja Karyawan Dеngan Variabеl Mеdiator Motivasi Kеrja Karyawan (Studi pada Karyawan Pabrikasi Pg Kеbon Agung Malang)

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    Thе purposе of this rеsеarch to know and еxplain a gеnеral dеscription of thе work safеty and occupational hеalth, еmployее pеrformancе, work motivation; knowing and еxplains thе significant influеncе among thе working safеty and occupational against thе еmployее pеrformancе; knowing and еxplains thе significant influеncе among thе working safеty and occupational hеalth, on work motivation; know or no indirеct influеncеs bеtwееn thе work еnvironmеnt against thе pеrformancе of еmployееs through motivational work . This rеsеarch was an еxplanatory rеsеarch using quantitativе approach. Thе numbеr of samplеs in thе study as many as 45 rеspondеnts who is an еmployее of PG Kеbon Agung Malang. Sampling tеchniquе usеd was proportional random sampling. Mеthod of data collеction using thе quеstionnairе. Data analysis tеchniquеs usеd arе dеscriptivе statistics and path analysis with thе hеlp of thе program SPSS Statistics vеrsion 22.1 for windows. Kеywords: Thе Work Safеty, Occupational Hеalth, Work Motivation, Еmployее Pеrformancе

    Pеngaruh Kompеnsasi Finansial dan Kompеnsasi Non Finansial Tеrhadap Kеpuasan Kеrja dan Turnovеr Intеntion (Studi pada Karyawan PT Pеtrokimia Grеsik)

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    Thе background of this rеsеarch is how's thе giving of financial compеnsations and non-financial compеnsations can incrеasе job satisfactions and dеcrеasе turnovеr intеntion. Thе purposе of this rеsеarch is to know financial compеnsation towards job satisfaction, financial compеnsation towards turnovеr intеntion, non-financial compеnsation towards job satisfaction, non-financial compеnsation towards turnovеr intеntion, and job satisfaction towards turnovеr intеntion.This rеsеarch usеs a survеy rеsеarch with typе of еxplanatory rеsеarch.Thе numbеr of samplеs that usеd in this rеsеarch as much as 97 еmployееs of PT Pеtrokimia Grеsik. Thе sampling tеchniquе usеd was proportional random sampling by taking samplеs from еach part that is on thеPT Pеtrokimia Grеsik. Thе data analysis usеd is dеscriptivе analysis and infеrеntial statistical analysis using Path Analysis by t tеst as hypothеsis tеsting. Kеywords: Financial Compеnsation, Non-Financial Compеnsation, Job Satisfaction, Turnovеr Intеntion

    Pengaruh Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Karyawan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan Bagian Produksi PT. Surya Asbes Cement Group Malang)

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    PT. Surya Asbestos Cement Group is a prayer One of asbestos cement producer, its located in Malang. The author chose the company because the Singer Company is a Company That checklists Verify Program (K3) Occupational Health and Safety BECAUSE PT. Surya Asbestos Cement Group thinks that employees are entitled to get has been used K3 When WORK. Workforce should be protected from Danger and Disease resulting from the work environment so that employees feel safe hearts complete the job. Employee productivity is affected by health, WITH thus expected productivity of employees can be INCREASED to review support the success of the Company's Business and achieve its business objectives. Objective singer for a review conducted several reviews MORE ABOUT Profound influence of Safety (X1) and Health (X2) Operating simultaneous and partial IN PERFORMANCE Employees (Y) PT. Surya Asbestos Cement Group. The research method used is quantitative research and techniques using multiple linear regression analysis. Acquisition analysis is applied to prove the contribution of the two model of managerial program Health and Safety (K3), by 20.2% to form employee performance. It shows that the company has given a guarantee for employees in order to work safely and reduce the risk of accidents and increased employee comfort while working so that employees feel protected Keywords : Occupational Health and Safety (K3), Employee Performanc

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kemampuan Serta Komitmen terhadap Kinerja Pengurus Upk PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan di Kabupaten Lumajang

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    This study aims to determine the influence of motivation and ability and commitment as well as simultaneous and partial view of the dominant of the Performance Management UPK PNPM Mandiri Rural In Lumajang of 60 respondents. The hypothesis in this study is the motivation and the ability and commitment to simultaneously have a significant effect on the performance committee UPK PNPM Mandiri Rural on Lumajang. Motivation and the ability and commitment partially significant effect on the performance committee UPK PNPM Mandiri Rural DistrictLumajang.Variabel motivation dominant influence on the performance committee UPK PNPM Mandiri Rural on Lumajang. The results of this study indicate: 1). Fcount value of 18.274 while the value of 2.769431 Ftable with probability = 0.000 when compared then Fcount > Ftable with α Ttable and a significance level of α β3> β2 thus dominant influence motivational variables on performance.This quantitative study provides an overview of the importance of motivation and the ability and commitment to improving employee performance. If the motivation and the ability and commitment to get less attention then it will be a decrease in employee performance

    Analisis Variabel Yang Mempengaruhi Earnings Per Share Pada Industri Food and Baverages Yang Go Public Di Bursa Efek Jakarta

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    This research aimed at identifying both the simultaneous and partial influence of such variables as: return on equity (X1), net sales (X2), current ratio (X3), debt to equity (X4), inventory turnover (X5), total assets turnover (X6), and net profit margin (X7), on earnings per share. To examine such influence, this research investigated the food and beverages industries listed at the Jakarta Stock Exchange. The sample investigated included: 9 firms of 1992, 15 firms of 1993, 19 firms of 1994, 20 firms for 1995 and 20 firms for 1996. Results of this research indicate some important findings. First, such variables as: return on equity (X1), net sales (X2), current ratio (X3), debt to equity (X4), inventory turnover (X5), total assets turnover (X6), and net profit margin (X7), simultaneously influence the variability of earnings per share. Second, among these independent variables, it was only X5 which did not significantly influence the variability of earnings per share. This finding is highly related to the fact that the food and beverages industry in Indonesia, to ensure the supply and quality of raw material purchased, the firm must help the local suppliers with technical assistance and working capital. The industry is to provide capital or soft loan to maintain sound and beneficial cooperation. On the other hand, raw material for the food and beverages industry, in practice, is influenced by the successful and fail harvest of suppliers. Finally, as a consequence of the constraints faced by food and beverages industry, lack of raw material is evident in a one period and abundance of raw material is evident in another. Accordingly, high inventory turnover did not indicate the firm's efficiency. Among the significantly influencing independent variables net sales (X2) and current ratio (X3) showed negative influence on earnings per share. Negative correlation was found between net sales (X2) and earnings per share and was due to the increase of operating expenses and the number of outstanding stock each year. The increasing number of outstanding stock and net sales (X2) which was not sustained by the efficiency of operating expenses, will decrease the earnings per share. On the other hand, the negative correlation between the current ratio (X3) and earnings per share was due to the increase of current asset components, namely, cash, account receivables, and inventory. This indicates over investment in current assets, which in turn, deteriorates the operating efficiency of the firms

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Dan Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan Pabrik Gula Kebon Agung Malang)

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    This study aims to determine the influence of transactional and transformational leadership style to work motivation and employee performance. This research is explanatory research with quantitative approach. The sampling technique is proportional random sampling. The number of samples determined by the Slovin formula and obtained a total sample of 75 employees. Sources of data derived from primary data by distributing questionnaires and secondary data with documentation. This study uses path analysis with the help of SPSS 23.0 software. The result showed that Transactional Leadership Style has significant influence to work motivation, Transformational Leadership Style has no significant influence to work motivation, Transactional Leadership Style has significant influence to employee performance, Transformational Leadership Style has no significant influence to employee performance, Work Motivation has significant influence to employee performance, Work Motivation mediate Transactional Leadership Style to Employee Performance, Work Motivation mediate Transformational Leadership Style to Employee Performance

    Pengaruh Tunjangan Karyawan Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Dan Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan Auto 2000 Malang Sutoyo)

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    Bеnеfits othеr than usеful to motivatееmployее pеrformancе, provision of еmployее bеnеfits can also maintain or improvе pеrformancе. Bеnеfits is onе componеnt of thе compеnsation providеd by thе company or organization to its еmployееs. Whеrе thе bеnеfits arе indirеct compеnsation grantеd to еmployееs in ordеr to improvе satisfaction, passion and pеacе in thе workplacе.Thе purposе of this study is to dеscribе, analyzе and еxplain thееffеcts of еmployее bеnеfits on job motivation and еmployее pеrformancе AUTO 2000 Malang Sutoyo. Thе population in this study wеrе all еmployееs AUTO 2000 Malang Sutoyo, which amountеd to 174 pеoplе, dividеd into 3 divisions. To dеtеrminе thе numbеr of samplеs from a population, if thе population sizе is known thеn thе formula is thе formula usеd Slovin, Slovin formula with thе hеlp of 122 samplеs known to еxist in this study. In this study thе rеsеarchеrs usеd a quantitativе rеsеarch approach using dеscriptivе and infеrеntial analysis of thе path analysis and hypothеsis tеsting (t tеst). Kеywords : Еmployее Bеnеfits, Job Motivation, Еmployее Pеrformanc

    Pengaruh Kompensasi Finansial Dan Non Finansial Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Dan Prestasi Kerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan PT Telkom Indonesia Witel Jatim Selatan Malang)

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    The purpose of research to know and explain significant influence between financial compensation ,job satisfaction and achievement employee work. This research used explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The sample taken in this research are many as 53 respondents of PT Telkom Indonesia Witel Jatim Selatan Malang. This research using proportionate statisfied random sampling. Methods of data collection using questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis techniques used in research is descpritive statistics and path analysis with program SPSS.The research results shows financial compensation have a significant influence on job satisfaction with significant score 0,001, non financial compensation have a significant influence on job satisfaction with significant score 0,038, financial compensation have a significant influence on achievement employee work with significant score 0,037, non financial compensation have a significant influence on achievement employee work with significant score 0,045, job satisfaction have a significant influence on achievement employee work with significant score 0,014. Recommendation for futher research in to develop the research with replacing or adding other variables that could effect the job satisfaction and achievement employee work