4 research outputs found

    Retrieval of Physical Properties of Particulate Emission from Animal Feeding Operations Using Three-Wavelength Elastic Lidar Measurements

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    Agricultural operations produce a variety of particulates and gases that influence ambient air quality. Lidar (LIght Detection And Ranging) technology provides a means to derive quantitative information of particulate spatial distribution and optical/physical properties over remote distances. A three-wavelength scanning lidar system built at the Space Dynamic Laboratory (SDL) is used to extract optical parameters of particulate matter and to convert these optical properties to physical parameters of particles. This particulate emission includes background aerosols, emissions from the agricultural feeding operations, and fugitive dust from the road. Aerosol optical parameters are retrieved using the widely accepted solution proposed by Klett. The inversion algorithm takes advantage of measurements taken simultaneously at three lidar wavelengths (355, 532, and 1064 nm) and allows us to estimate the particle size distribution. A bimodal lognormal particle size distribution is assumed and mode radius, width of the distribution, and total number density are estimated, minimizing the difference between calculated and measured extinction coefficients at the three lidar wavelengths. The results of these retrievals are then compared with simultaneous point measurements at the feeding operation site, taken with standard equipment including optical particle counters, portable PM10 and PM2.5 ambient air samplers, multistage impactors, and an aerosol mass spectrometer

    Absolute Radiance Recalibration of FIRST

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    : The FIRST (Far-InfraRed Spectroscopy of the Troposphere) instrument is a 10 to 100 micron spectrometer with 0.64 micron resolution designed to measure the complete mid and far-infrared radiance of the Earth\u27s Atmosphere. FIRST has been successfully used to obtain high-quality atmospheric radiance data from the ground and from a high-altitude balloon. A Fourier transform interferometer is used to provide the spectral resolution and two on-board blackbodies are used for calibration. This presentation will discuss the recent re-calibration of FIRST at Space Dynamics Laboratory for absolute radiance accuracy. The calibration used the LWRICS (Long Wave Infrared calibration source) blackbody, which NIST testing shows to be accurate to the ~100 mK level in brightness temperature. There are several challenged to calibrating FIRST, including the large dynamic range, out of phase light, and drift in the interferogram phase. The accuracy goal for FIRST was 0.2 K over most of the 10 to 100 micron range, and results show FIRST meets this goal for a range of target temperatures

    Characterization of Particulate Emission from Animal Feeding Operations with Three-wavelength Lidar Using Simultaneous In-Situ Point Measurements as Calibration Reference Sources

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    Lidar (LIght Detection And Ranging) provides the means to quantitatively evaluate the spatial and temporal variability of particulate emissions from agricultural activities, including animal feeding operations. A three-wavelength portable scanning Lidar system built at the Space Dynamic Laboratory (SDL) is used to extract optical properties of the particulate matter from the return Lidar signal and to convert these optical properties to physical parameters including the spatial distribution of particulate concentration around the agricultural facility and its temporal variations. The inversion algorithm developed to retrieve physical parameters of the particulate matter takes advantage of measurements taken simultaneously at three different wavelengths (355, 532, and 1064 nm) and allows us to estimate the particle size distribution in the emitted plume as well; however, quantitative evaluation of particulate optical and physical properties from the Lidar signal is complicated by the complexity of particles composition, particle size distribution, and environmental conditions such as the ambient humidity. Additional independent measurements of particulate physical and chemical properties are needed to unambiguously calibrate and validate the particulate physical properties retrieved from the Lidar measurements. In this paper we present results of the particulate emission characterization obtained by simultaneous remote measurements with Lidar and point measurements at the feeding operation site with standard equipment including optical particle counters, portable PM10 and PM2.5 ambient air samplers, multistage impactors, an aerosol mass spectrometer, and ion chromatography

    Aglite Lidar: Calibration and Retrievals of Well Characterized Aerosols from Agricultural Operations Using a Three-Wavelength Elastic Lidar

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    Lidar (LIght Detection And Ranging) provides the means to quantitatively evaluate the spatial and temporal variability of particulate emissions from agricultural activities. AGLITE is a three-wavelength portable scanning lidar system built at the Space Dynamic Laboratory (SDL) to measure the spatial and temporal distribution of particulate concentrations around an agricultural facility. The retrieval algorithm takes advantage of measurements taken simultaneously at three laser wavelengths (355, 532, and 1064 nm) to extract particulate optical parameters, convert these parameters to volume concentration, and estimate the particulate mass concentration of a particulate plume. The quantitative evaluation of particulate optical and physical properties from the lidar signal is complicated by the complexity of particle composition, particle size distribution, and environmental conditions such as heterogeneity of the ambient air conditions and atmospheric aerosol loading. Additional independent measurements of particulate physical and chemical properties are needed to unambiguously calibrate and validate the particulate physical properties retrieved from the lidar measurements. The calibration procedure utilizes point measurements of the particle size distribution and mass concentration to characterize the aerosol and calculate the aerosol parameters. Once calibrated, the Aglite system is able to map the spatial distribution and temporal variation of the particulate mass concentrations of aerosol fractions such as TSP, PM10, PM2.5, and PM1. This ability is of particular importance in the characterization of agricultural operations being evaluated to minimize emissions and improve efficiency, especially for mobile source activities