16 research outputs found

    Adaptive interventions for both accuracy and time in AI-assisted human decision making

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    In settings where users are both time-pressured and need high accuracy, such as doctors working in Emergency Rooms, we want to provide AI assistance that both increases accuracy and reduces time. However, different types of AI assistance have different benefits: some reduce time taken while increasing overreliance on AI, while others do the opposite. We therefore want to adapt what AI assistance we show depending on various properties (of the question and of the user) in order to best tradeoff our two objectives. We introduce a study where users have to prescribe medicines to aliens, and use it to explore the potential for adapting AI assistance. We find evidence that it is beneficial to adapt our AI assistance depending on the question, leading to good tradeoffs between time taken and accuracy. Future work would consider machine-learning algorithms (such as reinforcement learning) to automatically adapt quickly

    Differentially private partitioned variational inference

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    Learning a privacy-preserving model from sensitive data which are distributed across multiple devices is an increasingly important problem. The problem is often formulated in the federated learning context, with the aim of learning a single global model while keeping the data distributed. Moreover, Bayesian learning is a popular approach for modelling, since it naturally supports reliable uncertainty estimates. However, Bayesian learning is generally intractable even with centralised non-private data and so approximation techniques such as variational inference are a necessity. Variational inference has recently been extended to the non-private federated learning setting via the partitioned variational inference algorithm. For privacy protection, the current gold standard is called differential privacy. Differential privacy guarantees privacy in a strong, mathematically clearly defined sense. In this paper, we present differentially private partitioned variational inference, the first general framework for learning a variational approximation to a Bayesian posterior distribution in the federated learning setting while minimising the number of communication rounds and providing differential privacy guarantees for data subjects. We propose three alternative implementations in the general framework, one based on perturbing local optimisation runs done by individual parties, and two based on perturbing updates to the global model (one using a version of federated averaging, the second one adding virtual parties to the protocol), and compare their properties both theoretically and empirically.Comment: Published in TMLR 04/2023: https://openreview.net/forum?id=55Bcghgic

    InstructABSA: Instruction Learning for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis

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    In this paper, we present InstructABSA, Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) using the instruction learning paradigm for all ABSA subtasks: Aspect Term Extraction (ATE), Aspect Term Sentiment Classification (ATSC), and Joint Task modeling. Our method introduces positive, negative, and neutral examples to each training sample, and instruction tunes the model (Tk-Instruct) for each ABSA subtask, yielding significant performance improvements. Experimental results on the Sem Eval 2014, 15, and 16 datasets demonstrate that InstructABSA outperforms the previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches on all three ABSA subtasks (ATE, ATSC, and Joint Task) by a significant margin, outperforming 7x larger models. In particular, InstructABSA surpasses the SOTA on the Rest14 ATE subtask by 7.31% points, Rest15 ATSC subtask by and on the Lapt14 Joint Task by 8.63% points. Our results also suggest a strong generalization ability to new domains across all three subtasksComment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, 5 appendix page