1,241 research outputs found

    Extremal Problems in Minkowski Space related to Minimal Networks

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    We solve the following problem of Z. F\"uredi, J. C. Lagarias and F. Morgan [FLM]: Is there an upper bound polynomial in nn for the largest cardinality of a set S of unit vectors in an n-dimensional Minkowski space (or Banach space) such that the sum of any subset has norm less than 1? We prove that |S|\leq 2n and that equality holds iff the space is linearly isometric to \ell^n_\infty, the space with an n-cube as unit ball. We also remark on similar questions raised in [FLM] that arose out of the study of singularities in length-minimizing networks in Minkowski spaces.Comment: 6 pages. 11-year old paper. Implicit question in the last sentence has been answered in Discrete & Computational Geometry 21 (1999) 437-44

    T.S. Kuhn se bydrae tot die wetenskapsleer

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    In this paper the author gives an exposition of T.S. Kuhn’s contribution to the philosophy and historiography of science. He discusses Kuhn’s rejection of the “received view "of science and places Kuhn’s critique on Logical Positivism within the framework of an historicist and sociological approach to the philosophy of science. The author pays attention to Kuhn s rival theory on the revolutionary growth oj science, with special reference to the role of the disciplinary matrix and exemplars in the formation of scientific knowledge. Kuhn’s differences form and attack on the basic premises oj the “received view" are clearly slated. After this exposition the author briefly evaluates Kuhn's influential contribution to the philosophy of science. He concludes with some remarks on the relevance of Kuhn’s theories for a Christian view of science


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    Introduction The Aeneid is a text which elicits many questions from the reader. One of the fascinating aspects is the depiction of Dido, queen of Carthage, in this epic. Dido, the founder of the might of the Carthaginians, the arch-enemies of those who would later becqme the Romans, is one of the most captivating figures in this epic. While one could argue thac the poet simply had the insight to juxtapose one figure of greatness with the other in order to place Aeneas, the primogenitor of the Romans, in heroic relief, Vergil actually goes much further, according to most modern commentators. Mackie (1988:82), for example, states that the poet gives Dido a privileged position in the epic: "Vergil does not desire that the reader's sympathy be shared between the two characters: the vast imbalance in their dramatic roles is intended to focus our attention and sympathy on the decline and death of the queen." Boyle (1986: 115) is rather more nuanced. He points out that the fourth book of the Aeneid as a whole is focused on "a dramatic narrative which illustrates in vivid personal terms the cost of the pursuit of imperial greatness. The emphasis in thrs book is predominantly (though not entirely) upon the personal sufferings of Dido, with whom Virgil's sympathy predominantly lies."

    Godsdiensregte in die regspraak: uitlegmetodes in die CESA-beslissings

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    Religious rights in case law: Methods of interpretation in the CESA judgments In this article an investigation is conducted into the methods of interpretation followed by specific courts in the adjudication of disputes concerning rights pertaining to religion. This inquiry takes place against the backdrop of an exposition of the protection of the rights concerning religion in the Constitution, 1996. The divergent methods followed by the High Court and the Constitutional Court in deciding the application and appeal of Christian Education South Africa respectively are analysed, characterised and compared. The merits and weaknesses of the methods followed by the courts in this case are highlighted. This assessment is made against the background of the question whether persons who take their religious convictions seriously may have the expectation that their rights concerning religion will be effectively protected by South African courts

    Literatuurteorie, literatuurwetenskaplike metode en Christelike wetenskapsbeoefening*

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    In this article the author attempts to highlight the conditions which have to be com plied with if literary critics working from different theoretical paradigms wish to communicate meaningfully. He indicates that the field of investigation of literary criticism can be delimited differently in terms of different literary theories, and he categorizes the various theories on the basis of this view into four main groups. He attempts to indicate that the theoretical assumptions held by a scientist have important implications for the methods which he uses in his scientific investigation, and therefore also for the results obtained by moans of those methods. He illustrates this hypothesis by way of a discussion of divergent approaches, viz. a purely text-directed approach and an ideological approach

    "LiterĂŞre analise van die Nuwe Testament"

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    In this article issues surrounding the various methods of analysis of the New Testament are discussed from a literary-theoretical angle. The focus throughout is on epistemological and methodological issues
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