67 research outputs found

    Modelling Complex Chemical Processes in Homogeneous Solutions: Automatic Numerical Simulation

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    Two algorithms for the determination of the necessary limit of local error for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equation (ODE) systems describing homogeneous chemical and biochemical processes, and for the evaluation of their stiffness are developed. The approach for finding the necessary limit of local error of a numerical ODE solver is justified by the proof of the corresponding theorems. The application of the new algorithms implemented in version 2.1 of KinFitSim software to the simulation of real chemical systems is considered on the example of Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction

    Mathematical Modelling of Nitric Oxide Release Caused by Exocytosis and Determination of a Stellate Neuron Activity Function in Rat Brain

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    In this work we report the results of the mathematical modelling of NOâ—¦ -release by neurons considering a series of Gaussian bursts, together with its transport in the brain by diffusion. Our analysis relies on the NOâ—¦ -release from a neuron monitored before, during and after its patch-clamp stimulation as detected by an ultramicroelectrode introduced into a slice of living rat’s brain. The parameters of the neuron activity function have been obtained by numerical fitting of experimental data with simulated theoretical results. Within our initial hypothesis about the Gaussian decomposition of NOâ—¦ -release that allowed drawing qualitative and quantitative conclusions about the considered neuron activity function. It is noted that since the activity function can be readily modified this signal processing may be adapted to the treatment of other and maybe more physiologically relevant hypotheses

    Theoretical concepts underlying ECL generation

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    Theoretical Modeling and Optimization of the Detection Performance: a New Concept for Electrochemical Detection of Proteins in Microfluidic Channels

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    In this work, we present a complete theoretical analysis of a new concept of electrochemical detector for application in proteomics upon considering two band microelectrodes performing in generator-collector mode. This concept of an original electrochemical detector is aimed at the detection of proteins following their separation in microfluidic biochips. The theoretical analysis is based on the use of the time-dependent coordinate transformation which allows performing precise modeling for a wide range of the key parameters governing the electrochemical detector performance. This allows defining a precise optimization procedure for its best efficiency upon considering the qualitative and quantitative effects of each of the main operational parameters

    Nurses\u27 Alumnae Association Bulletin, April 1959

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    Alumnae News Anniversary Class of /34 Article from Pennsylvania Nurse Committee Reports Current Events at Jefferson Greetings from the President Jefferson Story Lost Members Letter - Past President Marriages Necrology New Arrivals Notices Pictured - Student Nurses\u27 Residence Report of the School of Nursing and Nursing Services Staff Nurses Social Functions Student Activities Voluntary Service Year of Great Activity and Expansio

    Simple and clear evidence for positive feedback limitation by bipolar behavior during scanning electrochemical microscopy of unbiased conductors

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    On the basis of an experimentally validated simple theoretical model, it is demonstrated unambiguously that when an unbiased conductor is probed by a scanning electrochemical tip (scanning electrochemical microscopy, SECM), it performs as a bipolar electrode. Though already envisioned in most recent SECM theories, this phenomenon is generally overlooked in SECM experimental investigations. However, as is shown here, this may alter significantly positive feedback measurements when the probed conductor is not much larger than the ti

    New theoretical insights into the competitive roles of electron transfers involving adsorbed and homogeneous phases

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    The traditional textbook view of adsorptive features in electrochemistry, viz., involving a bell-shaped wave prior to or after the diffusional wave is certainly right but concerns a very limited series of conditions in which adsorption kinetics are too slow vs. the scan rate. Laviron examined the converse situations in which extremely rapid adsorption kinetics make the voltammetric process follow the classical diffusional behavior though the effective electrochemical reactions proceed via adsorbed species. Thanks to a new simulation approach, implemented in KISSA©, the present work examines intermediate situations which could not be investigated since they do not lead to analytical formulations. Besides allowing investigating the transition between the two above limiting behaviors, it is established that during such transitions voltammograms display CE-type behaviors in which the rates of the pseudo-antecedent chemical steps feature those of adsorption. An electroactive adsorbed species is indeed involved in a dynamic steady state between its adsorption and its consumption by electron transfer at the electrode surface so that its current is independent of the potential. This is a general situation presently overlooked in electrochemical theories. For example, the same CE-like behavior is also shown to occur during electropolymerization of redox polymers though it now is hidden under the monomer diffusion-controlled wave. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Importance of correct prediction of initial concentrations in voltammetric scans: contrasting roles of thermodynamics, kinetics, and natural convection.

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    In order to successfully model an electrochemical reaction mechanism one must ensure that all the equations, including initial conditions, satisfy the pertinent thermodynamic and kinetic relationships. Failure to do so may lead to invalid results even if they are mathematically correct. This fact has been previously emphasized (Luo, W.; Feldberg, S. W.; Rudolph, M. J. Electroanal. Chem. 1994, 368, 109 - 113; Rudolph, M. Digital Simulation in Electrochemistry. In Physical Electrochemistry; Rubenstein, I., Ed.; Marcel Dekker: New York, 1995; Chapter 3) and existing computer software for electrochemical simulations, such as DigiSim (Rudolph, M.; Reddy, D. P.; Feldberg, S. W. Anal. Chem. 1994, 66, 589A; http://www.basinc.com/products/ec/digisim/), offer the option of enforcing the so-called "pre-equilibration" which evaluates thermodynamic concentrations of all species prior to beginning a voltammetric scan. Although this approach allows setting consistent thermodynamic values it may result in a nonrealistic initial concentrations set because it corresponds to the whole solution status at infinite time for infinite kinetic constants. However, the perturbation created by the working electrode poised at its rest potential is necessarily limited by the size of the electrode, reaction kinetics, and duration of the rest period. Furthermore, natural convection limits even more the importance of the perturbation. This is analyzed theoretically through comparison of simulation results by DigiSim and KISSA-1D software for certain common electrochemical mechanisms in order to illustrate the importance of correct prediction of initial concentrations
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