38 research outputs found

    Optimal power and efficiency of single quantum dot heat engines: theory and experiment

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    Quantum dots (QDs) can serve as near perfect energy filters and are therefore of significant interest for the study of thermoelectric energy conversion close to thermodynamic efficiency limits. Indeed, recent experiments in [Nat. Nano. 13, 920 (2018)] realized a QD heat engine with performance near these limits and in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. However, these experiments also highlighted a need for more theory to help guide and understand the practical optimization of QD heat engines, in particular regarding the role of tunnel couplings on the performance at maximum power and efficiency for QDs that couple seemingly weakly to electronic reservoirs. Furthermore, these experiments also highlighted the critical role of the external load when optimizing the performance of a QD heat engine in practice. To provide further insight into the operation of these engines we use the Anderson impurity model together with a Master equation approach to perform power and efficiency calculations up to co-tunneling order. This is combined with additional thermoelectric experiments on a QD embedded in a nanowire where the power is measured using two methods. We use the measurements to present an experimental procedure for efficiently finding the external load RPR_P which should be connected to the engine to optimize power output. Our theoretical estimates of RPR_P show a good agreement with the experimental results, and we show that second order tunneling processes and non-linear effects have little impact close to maximum power, allowing us to derive a simple analytic expression for RPR_P. In contrast, we find that the electron contribution to the thermoelectric efficiency is significantly reduced by second order tunneling processes, even for rather weak tunnel couplings

    Thermoelectric experiments on nanowire-based quantum dots

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    This thesis experimentally investigates the possibilities of using quantum effects in semiconductor nanostructures for engineering their thermoelectric properties. More specifically, heterostructured InAs/InP nanowires are used to create short InAs quantum dots (QDs) with electronic state structure resembling that found in atoms. Recently developed top-heater architecture is used to apply a temperature differential across the QDs. The nanowire-based QD devices are used for studies of thermoelectric effects at the nanoscale and for experimental demonstration of particle-exchange heat engines.This thesis first gives an overview of the most important physical effects governing the behavior of quantum dots (QDs). The Master equation approach to model the electronic transport in QDs is introduced in the sequential electron tunneling approximation. It is used to illustrative the transport behavior of QDs. The Landauer-Büttiker approach is also introduced as a reference and the differences with the sequential electron tunneling approximation are discussed. A summary of the most important literature on the thermoelectric properties of single QDs is given and discussed to provide the context for the experimental studies in this thesis. Finally, a description of the experimental methods used in this thesis is given.There are three studies included in this thesis. The first investigates the nonlinear thermoelectric response of a QD with an applied thermal bias. A strongly nonlinear behavior is observed which can be fully explained by the interplay between different QD electronic states contributing to thermocurrent in opposing directions. The second study experimentally demonstrates efficient particle-exchange heat engines based on QDs for the first time. The analysis of the heat engines' power and efficiency indicate heat-to-electric conversion efficiencies up to 70% of Carnot efficiency. The third study investigates the thermoelectric response of QDs in the presence of Kondo correlations. It verifies a previous theoretical prediction that the sign of the thermoelectric signature in QDs inverts due to the Kondo correlations.The experiments presented in this thesis have been successful in filling a gap between theory and experiments on several fronts. Future experiments could, for example, study Kondo-correlated QDs in the nonlinear thermoelectric response regime in the presence of magnetic field, where theory predictions are harder to obtain, or could employ thermoelectric characterization techniques to study entropy of various different QD states

    Integrated material practice in free-form timber structures

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    Integrated material practice in free-form timber structures is a practice-led research project at CITA (Centre for IT and Architecture) that develops a digitally-augmented material practice around glue-laminated timber. The project is part of the InnoChain ETN and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 642877. The advent of digital tools and computation has shifted the focus of many material practices from the shaping of material to the shaping of information. The ability to process large amounts of data quickly has made computation commonplace in the design and manufacture of buildings, especially in iterative digital design workflows. The simulation of material performance and the shift from models as representational tools to functional ones has opened up new methods of working between digital model and physical material. Wood has gained a new relevance in contemporary construction because it is sustainable, renewable, and stores carbon. In light of the climate crisis and concerns about overpopulation, and coupled with developments in adhesives and process technology, it is returning to the forefront of construction. However, as a grown and heterogeneous material, its properties and behaviours nevertheless present barriers to its utilization in architecturally demanding areas. Similarly, the integration of the properties, material behaviours, and production constraints of glue-laminated timber (glulam) assemblies into early-stage architectural design workflows remains a challenging specialist and inter-disciplinary affair. Drawing on a partnership with Dsearch – the digital research network at White Arkitekter in Sweden – and Blumer Lehmann AG – a leading Swiss timber contractor – this research examines the design and fabrication of glue-laminated timber structures and seeks a means to link industrial timber fabrication with early-stage architectural design through the application of computational modelling, design, and an interrogation of established timber production processes. A particular focus is placed on large-scale free-form glulam structures due to their high performance demands and the challenge of exploiting the bending properties of timber. By proposing a computationally-augmented material practice in which design intent is informed by material and fabrication constraints, the research aims to discover new potentials in timber architecture. The central figure in the research is the glulam blank - the glue-laminated near-net shape of large-scale timber components. The design space that the blank occupies - between sawn, graded lumber and the finished architectural component - holds the potential to yield new types of timber components and new structural morphologies. Engaging with this space therefore requires new interfaces for design modelling and production that take into account the affordances of timber and timber processing. The contribution of this research is a framework for a material practice that integrates processes of computational modelling, architectural design, and timber fabrication and acts as a broker between domains of architectural design and industrial timber production. The research identifies four different notions of feedback that allow this material practice to form

    Thermoelectric power factor limit of a 1D nanowire

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    In the past decade, there has been significant interest in the potentially advantageous thermoelectric properties of one-dimensional (1D) nanowires, but it has been challenging to find high thermoelectric power factors based on 1D effect in practice. Here we point out that there is an upper limit to the thermoelectric power factor of non-ballistic 1D nanowires, as a consequence of the recently established quantum bound of thermoelectric power output. We experimentally test this limit in quasi-ballistic InAs nanowires by extracting the maximum power factor of the first 1D subband through I-V characterization, finding that the measured maximum power factors conform to the theoretical limit. The established limit predicts that a competitive power factor, on the order of mW/m-K^2, can be achieved by a single 1D electronic channel in state-of-the-art semiconductor nanowires with small cross-section and high crystal quality

    Nonlinear thermoelectric response due to energy-dependent transport properties of a quantum dot

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    Quantum dots are useful model systems for studying quantum thermoelectric behavior because of their highly energy-dependent electron transport properties, which are tunable by electrostatic gating. As a result of this strong energy dependence, the thermoelectric response of quantum dots is expected to be nonlinear with respect to an applied thermal bias. However, until now this effect has been challenging to observe because, first, it is experimentally difficult to apply a sufficiently large thermal bias at the nanoscale and, second, it is difficult to distinguish thermal bias effects from purely temperature-dependent effects due to overall heating of a device. Here we take advantage of a novel thermal biasing technique and demonstrate a nonlinear thermoelectric response in a quantum dot which is defined in a heterostructured semiconductor nanowire. We also show that a theoretical model based on the Master equations fully explains the observed nonlinear thermoelectric response given the energy-dependent transport properties of the quantum dot.Comment: Cite as: A. Svilans, et al., Physica E (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physe.2015.10.00

    A quantum-dot heat engine operating close to the thermodynamic efficiency limits

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    Cyclical heat engines are a paradigm of classical thermodynamics, but are impractical for miniaturization because they rely on moving parts. A more recent concept is particle-exchange (PE) heat engines, which uses energy filtering to control a thermally driven particle flow between two heat reservoirs. As they do not require moving parts and can be realized in solid-state materials, they are suitable for low-power applications and miniaturization. It was predicted that PE engines could reach the same thermodynamically ideal efficiency limits as those accessible to cyclical engines, but this prediction has not been verified experimentally. Here, we demonstrate a PE heat engine based on a quantum dot (QD) embedded into a semiconductor nanowire. We directly measure the engine's steady-state electric power output and combine it with the calculated electronic heat flow to determine the electronic efficiency η\eta. We find that at the maximum power conditions, η\eta is in agreement with the Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency and that the overall maximum η\eta is in excess of 70%\% of the Carnot efficiency while maintaining a finite power output. Our results demonstrate that thermoelectric power conversion can, in principle, be achieved close to the thermodynamic limits, with direct relevance for future hot-carrier photovoltaics, on-chip coolers or energy harvesters for quantum technologies

    Verb prefixes in Latgalian : a discussion based on data found in a collection of Latgalian folk tales

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    Latgalian originated in the eastern part of Latvia (see Maps 1 and 2, Appendix 1 ) . Although still spoken, it is gradually becoming extinct as it is being replaced by the more prestigious official, literary, standard Latvian which in turn is being replaced in many sectors of administration by Russian; eastern Latvia has a high concentration of Russian inhabitants (see Map 3, Appendix 1). In spite of the fact that it has been and is the language of literary expression of a number of poets and writers and that it even has its own newspaper published in Munich, Latgalian outside Latvia is spoken by an ever decreasing number of exiled Latgalians. Its speakers, coming from some of the poorest areas of rural Latvia, have traditionally been labelled as mostly uneducated and uncultured and it is only comparatively recently that such labels have begun to disappear

    Heat driven transport in serial double quantum dot devices

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    Studies of thermally induced transport in nanostructures provide access to an exciting regime where fluctuations are relevant, enabling the investigation of fundamental thermodynamic concepts and the realization of thermal energy harvesters. We study a serial double quantum dot formed in an InAs/InP nanowire coupled to two electron reservoirs. By means of a specially designed local metallic joule-heater, the temperature of the phonon bath in the vicinity of the double quantum dot can be enhanced. This results in phonon-assisted transport, enabling the conversion of local heat into electrical power in a nano-sized heat engine. Simultaneously, the electron temperatures of the reservoirs are affected, resulting in conventional thermoelectric transport. By detailed modelling and experimentally tuning the interdot coupling we disentangle both effects. Furthermore, we show that phonon-assisted transport gives access to the energy of excited states. Our findings demonstrate the versatility of our design to study fluctuations and fundamental nanothermodynamics.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures + S