53 research outputs found

    Mechanism of premature translation termination on a sense codon

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    Accurate translation termination by release factors (RFs) is critical for the integrity of cellular proteomes. Premature termination on sense codons, for example, results in truncated proteins, whose accumulation could be detrimental to the cell. Nevertheless, some sense codons are prone to triggering premature termination, but the structural basis for this is unclear. To investigate premature termination, we determined a cryo-EM structure of the Escherichia coli 70S ribosome bound with RF1 in response to a UAU (Tyr) sense codon. The structure reveals that RF1 recognizes a UAU codon similarly to a UAG stop codon, suggesting that sense codons induce premature termination because they structurally mimic a stop codon. Hydrophobic interaction between the nucleobase of U3 (the third position of the UAU codon) and conserved Ile 196 in RF1 is important for misreading the UAU codon. Analyses of RNA binding in ribonucleoprotein complexes or by amino acids reveal that Ile-U packing is a frequent protein-RNA binding motif with key functional implications. We discuss parallels with eukaryotic translation termination by the release factor eRF1

    ArfB can displace mRNA to rescue stalled ribosomes

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    Ribosomes stalled during translation must be rescued to replenish the pool of translation-competent ribosomal subunits. Bacterial alternative rescue factor B (ArfB) releases nascent peptides from ribosomes stalled on mRNAs truncated at the A site, allowing ribosome recycling. Prior structural work revealed that ArfB recognizes such ribosomes by inserting its C-terminal alpha-helix into the vacant mRNA tunnel. In this work, we report that ArfB can efficiently recognize a wider range of mRNA substrates, including longer mRNAs that extend beyond the A-site codon. Single-particle cryo-EM unveils that ArfB employs two modes of function depending on the mRNA length. ArfB acts as a monomer to accommodate a shorter mRNA in the ribosomal A site. By contrast, longer mRNAs are displaced from the mRNA tunnel by more than 20 A and are stabilized in the intersubunit space by dimeric ArfB. Uncovering distinct modes of ArfB function resolves conflicting biochemical and structural studies, and may lead to re-examination of other ribosome rescue pathways, whose functions depend on mRNA lengths

    Structural basis for +1 ribosomal frameshifting during EF-G-catalyzed translocation [preprint]

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    Frameshifting of mRNA during translation provides a strategy to expand the coding repertoire of cells and viruses. Where and how in the elongation cycle +1-frameshifting occurs remains poorly understood. We captured six ∼3.5-Å-resolution cryo-EM structures of ribosomal elongation complexes formed with the GTPase elongation factor G (EF-G). Three structures with a +1-frameshifting-prone mRNA reveal that frameshifting takes place during translocation of tRNA and mRNA. Prior to EF-G binding, the pre-translocation complex features an in-frame tRNA-mRNA pairing in the A site. In the partially translocated structure with EF-G, the tRNA shifts to the +1-frame codon near the P site, whereas the freed mRNA base bulges between the P and E sites and stacks on the 16S rRNA nucleotide G926. The ribosome remains frameshifted in the nearly post-translocation state. Our findings demonstrate that the ribosome and EF-G cooperate to induce +1 frameshifting during mRNA translocation

    Mechanism of ribosome rescue by ArfA and RF2

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    ArfA rescues ribosomes stalled on truncated mRNAs by recruiting release factor RF2, which normally binds stop codons to catalyze peptide release. We report two 3.2 A resolution cryo-EM structures - determined from a single sample - of the 70S ribosome with ArfA*RF2 in the A site. In both states, the ArfA C-terminus occupies the mRNA tunnel downstream of the A site. One state contains a compact inactive RF2 conformation. Ordering of the ArfA N-terminus in the second state rearranges RF2 into an extended conformation that docks the catalytic GGQ motif into the peptidyl-transferase center. Our work thus reveals the structural dynamics of ribosome rescue. The structures demonstrate how ArfA \u27senses\u27 the vacant mRNA tunnel and activates RF2 to mediate peptide release without a stop codon, allowing stalled ribosomes to be recycled

    Ribosome inhibition by C9ORF72-ALS/FTD-associated poly-PR and poly-GR proteins revealed by cryo-EM [preprint]

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    Toxic dipeptide repeat (DPR) proteins are produced from expanded G4C2 hexanucleotide repeats in the C9ORF72 gene, which cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Two DPR proteins, poly-PR and poly-GR, repress cellular translation but the molecular mechanism remains unknown. Here we show that poly-PR and poly-GR of ≥ 20 repeats inhibit the ribosome’s peptidyl-transferase activity at nanomolar concentrations, comparable to specific translation inhibitors. High-resolution cryo-EM structures reveal that poly-PR and poly-GR block the polypeptide tunnel of the ribosome, extending into the peptidyl-transferase center. Consistent with these findings, the macrolide erythromycin, which binds in the tunnel, competes with the DPR proteins and restores peptidyl-transferase activity. Our results demonstrate that strong and specific binding of poly-PR and poly-GR in the ribosomal tunnel blocks translation, revealing the structural basis of their toxicity in C9ORF72-ALS/FTD

    Structural basis for +1 ribosomal frameshifting during EF-G-catalyzed translocation

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    Frameshifting of mRNA during translation provides a strategy to expand the coding repertoire of cells and viruses. How and where in the elongation cycle +1-frameshifting occurs remains poorly understood. We describe seven ~3.5-A-resolution cryo-EM structures of 70S ribosome complexes, allowing visualization of elongation and translocation by the GTPase elongation factor G (EF-G). Four structures with a + 1-frameshifting-prone mRNA reveal that frameshifting takes place during translocation of tRNA and mRNA. Prior to EF-G binding, the pre-translocation complex features an in-frame tRNA-mRNA pairing in the A site. In the partially translocated structure with EF-G*GDPCP, the tRNA shifts to the +1-frame near the P site, rendering the freed mRNA base to bulge between the P and E sites and to stack on the 16S rRNA nucleotide G926. The ribosome remains frameshifted in the nearly post-translocation state. Our findings demonstrate that the ribosome and EF-G cooperate to induce +1 frameshifting during tRNA-mRNA translocation

    Structures of Yeast 80S Ribosome-tRNA Complexes in the Rotated and Nonrotated Conformations

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    SummaryThe structural understanding of eukaryotic translation lags behind that of translation on bacterial ribosomes. Here, we present two subnanometer resolution structures of S. cerevisiae 80S ribosome complexes formed with either one or two tRNAs and bound in response to an mRNA fragment containing the Kozak consensus sequence. The ribosomes adopt two globally different conformations that are related to each other by the rotation of the small subunit. Comparison with bacterial ribosome complexes reveals that the global structures and modes of intersubunit rotation of the yeast ribosome differ significantly from those in the bacterial counterpart, most notably in the regions involving the tRNA, small ribosomal subunit, and conserved helix 69 of the large ribosomal subunit. The structures provide insight into ribosome dynamics implicated in tRNA translocation and help elucidate the role of the Kozak fragment in positioning an open reading frame during translation initiation in eukaryotes

    Ribosome Structure Reveals Preservation of Active Sites in the Presence of a P-Site Wobble Mismatch

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    Translation initiation in the P site occasionally occurs at atypical (non-AUG) start codons, including those forming a mismatch in the third (wobble) position. During elongation, however, a pyrimidine-pyrimidine wobble mismatch may trigger a translation quality-control mechanism, whereby the P-site mismatch is thought to perturb the downstream A-site codon or the decoding center, thereby reducing translation fidelity and inducing termination of aberrant translation. We report a crystal structure of the 70S initiation complex containing an AUC codon in the ribosomal P site. Remarkably, the ribosome stabilizes the mismatched codon-anticodon helix, arranging a normally disruptive cytosine-cytosine pair into a Watson-Crick-like conformation. Translation-competent conformations of the tRNA, mRNA, and decoding center suggest that a P-site wobble-position mismatch in the 70S initiation complex does not pre-arrange the mRNA or decoding center to favor subsequent miscoding events

    Mechanism of Inhibition of Translation Termination by Blasticidin S

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    Understanding the mechanisms of inhibitors of translation termination may inform development of new antibacterials and therapeutics for premature termination diseases. We report the crystal structure of the potent termination inhibitor blasticidin S bound to the ribosomal 70S*release factor 1 (RF1) termination complex. Blasticidin S shifts the catalytic domain 3 of RF1 and restructures the peptidyl transferase center. Universally conserved uridine 2585 in the peptidyl transferase center occludes the catalytic backbone of the GGQ motif of RF1, explaining the structural mechanism of inhibition. Rearrangement of domain 3 relative to the codon-recognition domain 2 provides insight into the dynamics of RF1 implicated in termination accuracy
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