6 research outputs found

    Structure of Erm-modified 70S ribosome reveals the mechanism of macrolide resistance

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    Many antibiotics inhibit bacterial growth by binding to the ribosome and interfering with protein biosynthesis. Macrolides represent one of the most successful classes of ribosome-targeting antibiotics. The main clinically relevant mechanism of resistance to macrolides is dimethylation of the 23S rRNA nucleotide A2058, located in the drug-binding site, a reaction catalyzed by Erm-type rRNA methyltransferases. Here, we present the crystal structure of the Erm-dimethylated 70S ribosome at 2.4 Å resolution, together with the structures of unmethylated 70S ribosome functional complexes alone or in combination with macrolides. Altogether, our structural data do not support previous models and, instead, suggest a principally new explanation of how A2058 dimethylation confers resistance to macrolides. Moreover, high-resolution structures of two macrolide antibiotics bound to the unmodified ribosome reveal a previously unknown role of the desosamine moiety in drug binding, laying a foundation for the rational knowledge-based design of macrolides that can overcome Erm-mediated resistance

    Effective cotranslational folding of firefly luciferase without chaperones of the Hsp70 family

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    Molecular chaperones of the Hsp70 family (bacterial DnaK, DnaJ, and GrpE) were shown to be strictly required for refolding of firefly luciferase from a denatured state and thus for effective restoration of its activity. At the same time the luciferase was found to be synthesized in an Escherichia coli cell-free translation system in a highly active state in the extract with no chaperone activity. The addition of the chaperones to the extract during translation did not raise the activity of the enzyme. The abrupt arrest of translation by the addition of a translational inhibitor led to immediate cessation of the enzyme activity accumulation, indicating the cotranslational character of luciferase folding. The results presented suggest that the chaperones of the Hsp70 family are not required for effective cotranslational folding of firefly luciferase

    Context-specific action of macrolide antibiotics on the eukaryotic ribosome

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    Macrolide antibiotics bind in the nascent peptide exit tunnel of the bacterial ribosome and prevent polymerization of specific amino acid sequences, selectively inhibiting translation of a subset of proteins. Because preventing translation of individual proteins could be beneficial for the treatment of human diseases, we asked whether macrolides, if bound to the eukaryotic ribosome, would retain their context- and protein-specific action. By introducing a single mutation in rRNA, we rendered yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells sensitive to macrolides. Cryo-EM structural analysis showed that the macrolide telithromycin binds in the tunnel of the engineered eukaryotic ribosome. Genome-wide analysis of cellular translation and biochemical studies demonstrated that the drug inhibits eukaryotic translation by preferentially stalling ribosomes at distinct sequence motifs. Context-specific action markedly depends on the macrolide structure. Eliminating macrolide-arrest motifs from a protein renders its translation macrolide-tolerant. Our data illuminate the prospects of adapting macrolides for protein-selective translation inhibition in eukaryotic cells