17 research outputs found

    Agrarian Policy of the Region in Terms of Economic Development Innovation

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    The relevance of the topic lies in the difficult situation of the agricultural sector, which explains the General decline in production, broken economic ties, lack of scientifically grounded concept of legal base for implementation of market reforms, and innovation mechanism, creating economic conditions for expanded reproduction, which led to the deconstruction of all existing systems. The current situation in the agricultural sector is characterized by crisis factors. The main cause of imbalance of the system of agriculture was a radical transformation of the ownership of the means of production. Changed organizational-legal forms of collective enterprises, was developed the sector of individual entrepreneurship in rural areas. Agriculture with its labor-intensive production may allow one of the most acute social problems - employment. Consequently, there is the problem of the development of the mechanism of economic relations between the government, stakeholders in the agricultural production and commercial structures for the development of new adequate approaches to the provision of investment resources to the agricultural sector of the economy. Thus the expansion of the scope of economic methods of state return release of funds to the agricultural sector can become a real source of maintaining their resource potential as the most economical and effective innovative way to support the industry. Keywords: agriculture, innovations, innovation transformation, innovation process, food security JEL Classifications: Q18, R11, R5

    Auditory Cortex Responses to Clicks and Sensory Modulation Difficulties in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

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    Auditory sensory modulation difficulties are common in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and may stem from a faulty arousal system that compromises the ability to regulate an optimal response. To study neurophysiological correlates of the sensory modulation difficulties, we recorded magnetic field responses to clicks in 14 ASD and 15 typically developing (TD) children. We further analyzed the P100m, which is the most prominent component of the auditory magnetic field response in children and may reflect preattentive arousal processes. The P100m was rightward lateralized in the TD, but not in the ASD children, who showed a tendency toward P100m reduction in the right hemisphere (RH). The atypical P100m lateralization in the ASD subjects was associated with greater severity of sensory abnormalities assessed by Short Sensory Profile, as well as with auditory hypersensitivity during the first two years of life. The absence of right-hemispheric predominance of the P100m and a tendency for its right-hemispheric reduction in the ASD children suggests disturbance of the RH ascending reticular brainstem pathways and/or their thalamic and cortical projections, which in turn may contribute to abnormal arousal and attention. The correlation of sensory abnormalities with atypical, more leftward, P100m lateralization suggests that reduced preattentive processing in the right hemisphere and/or its shift to the left hemisphere may contribute to abnormal sensory behavior in ASD

    Institutional Choice Factors of a Resource Strategy for Firms

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    The offered research is devoted to the establishing relationships between specific factors of the institutional environment and the choice of a resource investment model for firms operating in the Russian economy. The investment order can be explained by the mutual influence of two groups of factors: comparative features of a resource itself and institutional parameters of the market. To justify the choice of a strategy the author offers to use the control criterion over resources. This criterion is determined by a planning horizon and a bungle of property rights of an investor. Clarifying the resources category from the position of the resource-based view and relational view let the author distinguish 2 models of attracting resources: the model, focused on the acquisition of assets, and the model, focused on the temporary mobilization of resources that are available in a network. The choice of the model is determined by the ratio of transactional and transformational costs when investors obtain property rights over resources. In the course of the research the influence of two groups of institutional factors were studied: 1) dynamic: the turbulence of the institutional environment, the asynchrony of changes, differently directed short- and long-term economic goals; 2) structural: the use of the ‘rational openness’ model of the economy in Russia, the synthesis of market institutions of developed countries and original Russian coordination mechanisms, the specific mechanisms of economics deformalization, the use of the mechanism of setting strict norms but providing weak enforcement, the low effectiveness and specifics of the property rights institution, the poor institutional trust, the double role of the state as a market regulator and its participant. The impact of specific and institutional factors led firms to the use of an intermediate model in Russia. It is a network (hybrid) form with strict barriers and institutional coordination mechanisms predominantly. This strategy is not effective. We identify the change's direction of Russia's institutional environment that regulates property rights

    Relation-specific investment: Theoretical axioms vs Evidence from Russia

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    According to Oliver Williamson, parameters of transaction – its frequency and relation-specific investment – determine the type of resource management. Theoretically, the main reason for the creation and sustainable functioning of complex hierarchical structures is related to business success being dependent on relation-specific and idiosyncratic resources, as well as to the minimization of transaction costs caused by resource exchange. Presumably, the converse is also true: a group of enterprises will make relation-specific investments independently and acquire non-specific resources in the market. The paper tests this thesis using the case study of the Russian industrial holding OOO MMC-Steel. Property rights theory and incomplete contracts theory make up the theoretical framework of the study. We apply economic and statistical methods, as well as the methodology of input-output balance. Empirical evidence consists of data on economic performance of OOO MMC-Steel. Production resources allocation by the level of specificity was studied in two stages. First, we assessed the holding’s choice between specific and nonspecific investments in 2014–2021. Second, we monitored resource flows within the industrial group. The findings show that OOO MMC-Steel’s specific investments are rather heterogeneous. Internal resource flows can be described as conditionally specific and aimed to a greater extent at obtaining coordination effects. The proposed methodology makes it possible to further develop the resource strategy considering the issue of resource allocation efficiency

    Allocation of a resource portfolio in a group of industrial enterprises

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    Efficient resource allocation is the key to ensuring the economic growth. Business integration generates both coordination and distribution effects of resource allocation. The former reflects the efficiency of the whole group in terms of resources distribution, the latter illustrates benefits and/or costs of its individual participants obtained due to resources dispensed to them. The paper develops and tests a method for assessing distributive allocative characteristics of resources in a group of enterprises. Neoclassical and new institutional economics constitute the methodological basis of the research, including the theories of production possibilities and industrial organisation, and the contract theory. The 2014–2021 data on economic performance of OOO MMC-Steel, a local group of enterprises in control of the Ural Mining Metallurgical Company, one of the largest holdings in Russia, are studied using general (system analysis and synthesis, typology) and economic statistical methods. According to the findings, there are seven types of resource allocation, which impact on the coordination and distribution effects in a group of industrial enterprises. The study develops a method for assessing three types of distributive allocation of resources: factor- and product-based, intra-organisational. The testing of this toolkit in three groups of resources (production, material, and labour) demonstrated that OOO MMC-Steel features a significant heterogeneity, and the level of allocation of resource portfolio is substantial. The proposed approach enables the creation of a resources strategy that takes into account the solutions to the problem of resources’ allocative efficiency in a group of industrial enterprises

    Individual P100m amplitude values in the typically developing (‘TYP’, 1<sup>st</sup> column) and ASD (2<sup>nd</sup> column) children in response to the 1<sup>st</sup> (‘S1’, 1<sup>st</sup> row) and second (‘S2’, 2<sup>nd</sup> row) clicks in a pair.

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    <p>Individual P100m amplitude values in the typically developing (‘TYP’, 1<sup>st</sup> column) and ASD (2<sup>nd</sup> column) children in response to the 1<sup>st</sup> (‘S1’, 1<sup>st</sup> row) and second (‘S2’, 2<sup>nd</sup> row) clicks in a pair.</p