4 research outputs found

    Synanthropic flora of Kuzbass

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    The article presents the materials of studies of the adventive flora of the Kemerovo region. For the territory of the Kemerovo region, we identified 244 alien species belonging to 162 genera and 50 families. As a result of the increasing process of invasion of new species into the territory of the region, the need for constant monitoring of alien species for the degree of their naturalization, especially in natural cenoses, is urgent. The problem of synanthropic plant species is becoming increasingly important not only for economically developed territories, but also for the relatively preserved mountain regions of Kuzbass. As a result of the studies, it was found that the synanthropic fraction of the Kuzbass flora, consisting of adventive and apophyte species, accounts for about 18% of the total composition of the flora of vascular plants in the Kemerovo region (60 apophyte species, 244 – advent ones). The revealed heterogeneity in the chorological, ecological and biological terms of the species of the adventive fraction makes it possible to find suitable conditions in various types of ecotopes on the territory of the Kemerovo region. This type of work can serve as a basis for developing a strategy for the preservation of natural phytosystems of Kuzbas

    To the issue of third edition of the Red List of the Kemerovo region

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    Recent systematic floristic researches cause the necessity of changes and amendments in the lists of rare and disappearing plants, included in the Red Book of the Kemerovo region of first (2000) and second (2012) edition. New recommendations for third edition are proposed. 142 species will be included into third edition of the Red Book of the Kemerovo region 32 more species will be added for the first time, 18 species will be removed. Only 46 species will keep both the presence and statuses (categories) of a rarity; 34 species, presented in all three lists, will change their category (status)

    Biodiversity of vascular plants of Kuzbass

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    The latest vascular plants biodiversity data of Kuzbass region is presented. The species that should be excluded from the Kemerovo region flora list are reported. The species that require further research for making an exclusion from Kuzbass vascular plants species list are mentioned. Additionally, rare species that can already be attributed to disappeared ones from the territory of the region are noted. It is established that there are 1728 species of vascular plants at the present time on the territory of Kuzbass

    Distribution, naturalization status, invasion history and plant communities of

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    All available data on the distribution of Impatiens glandulifera Royle in Siberia was analyzed. The species appeared in Siberia as an unpretentious ornamental plant around the middle of the 20th century. Cases of withdrawal from culture have been recorded since the 1970s and 1980s; mass naturalization began at the end of the 20th century. Currently, the species is common in many regions of Siberia, but the most active in the Altai Territory, the Altai Republic, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Irkutsk Regions. It is common in anthropogenic habitats; it can also often be found in suburban forests, ravines, along the banks of water bodies. It shows tolerance to habitat conditions, but is especially active in areas with a close occurrence of groundwater on humus-rich soils. The species richness of I. glandulifera communities is from 10-15 to 40 species. In total, about 100 species of vascular plants were recorded in I. glandulifera communities in Siberi