54 research outputs found

    The Effect of Negators, Modals, and Degree Adverbs on Sentiment Composition

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    Negators, modals, and degree adverbs can significantly affect the sentiment of the words they modify. Often, their impact is modeled with simple heuristics; although, recent work has shown that such heuristics do not capture the true sentiment of multi-word phrases. We created a dataset of phrases that include various negators, modals, and degree adverbs, as well as their combinations. Both the phrases and their constituent content words were annotated with real-valued scores of sentiment association. Using phrasal terms in the created dataset, we analyze the impact of individual modifiers and the average effect of the groups of modifiers on overall sentiment. We find that the effect of modifiers varies substantially among the members of the same group. Furthermore, each individual modifier can affect sentiment words in different ways. Therefore, solutions based on statistical learning seem more promising than fixed hand-crafted rules on the task of automatic sentiment prediction.Comment: In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis (WASSA), San Diego, California, 201

    Using Nuances of Emotion to Identify Personality

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    Past work on personality detection has shown that frequency of lexical categories such as first person pronouns, past tense verbs, and sentiment words have significant correlations with personality traits. In this paper, for the first time, we show that fine affect (emotion) categories such as that of excitement, guilt, yearning, and admiration are significant indicators of personality. Additionally, we perform experiments to show that the gains provided by the fine affect categories are not obtained by using coarse affect categories alone or with specificity features alone. We employ these features in five SVM classifiers for detecting five personality traits through essays. We find that the use of fine emotion features leads to statistically significant improvement over a competitive baseline, whereas the use of coarse affect and specificity features does not.Comment: In Proceedings of the ICWSM Workshop on Computational Personality Recognition, July 2013, Boston, US

    Best-Worst Scaling More Reliable than Rating Scales: A Case Study on Sentiment Intensity Annotation

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    Rating scales are a widely used method for data annotation; however, they present several challenges, such as difficulty in maintaining inter- and intra-annotator consistency. Best-worst scaling (BWS) is an alternative method of annotation that is claimed to produce high-quality annotations while keeping the required number of annotations similar to that of rating scales. However, the veracity of this claim has never been systematically established. Here for the first time, we set up an experiment that directly compares the rating scale method with BWS. We show that with the same total number of annotations, BWS produces significantly more reliable results than the rating scale.Comment: In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Vancouver, Canada, 201

    Identifying Purpose Behind Electoral Tweets

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    Tweets pertaining to a single event, such as a national election, can number in the hundreds of millions. Automatically analyzing them is beneficial in many downstream natural language applications such as question answering and summarization. In this paper, we propose a new task: identifying the purpose behind electoral tweets--why do people post election-oriented tweets? We show that identifying purpose is correlated with the related phenomenon of sentiment and emotion detection, but yet significantly different. Detecting purpose has a number of applications including detecting the mood of the electorate, estimating the popularity of policies, identifying key issues of contention, and predicting the course of events. We create a large dataset of electoral tweets and annotate a few thousand tweets for purpose. We develop a system that automatically classifies electoral tweets as per their purpose, obtaining an accuracy of 43.56% on an 11-class task and an accuracy of 73.91% on a 3-class task (both accuracies well above the most-frequent-class baseline). Finally, we show that resources developed for emotion detection are also helpful for detecting purpose
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