2 research outputs found

    Alignment of first 130 nucleotides of 3’UTR of ZIKV, illustrating Musashi binding element (MBE) location and associated mutations over time and geographic spread.

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    <p>Sequences shown are the only ones that are unique for country and/or sequence; duplicates of the same country were discarded. Alignment was performed using the MAFFT multiple sequence alignment program for unix-like operating systems. Visualization was performed using Geneious. There is presence of stem-loop I (SL I) and stem-loop II (SL II) on those sequences, with SL II being partially shown. There is also presence of MBE on SL II, with two SNPs on African sequences, which could potentially change the RNA structure and availability of the element. SL I and SL II were annotated from Zhu Z. et al. MBE was annotated using the UTRscan tool of UTRSite (<a href="http://utrsite.ba.itb.cnr.it/" target="_blank">http://utrsite.ba.itb.cnr.it/</a>).</p