16 research outputs found

    The influence of technogenesis on the accumulation of chemical elements in the placental barrier of Tomsk region

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    The paper discusses general patterns of chemical elements accumulation in the placental tissue of residents of different Tomsk agglomeration settlements (Tomsk, Asino, the settlement of Mirny, the village of Moryakovsky Zaton) as well as of Tomsk districts (Sovetsky, Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Kirovsky) as an indicator that demonstrates a degree of human impact on the human health. The paper describes possible sources of chemical elements in the human body, depending on residence area. The chemical elements were determined to the maximum (the concentration coefficient exceeds 1,5) accumulated in the tissues of the residents of each settlement. For Tomsk they are Au, As, La, U, Br, for the village of Moryakovsky Zaton – La, As, Ca, Sc, for the village of Mirny – Hf, Sm, Ce, Au; in the city of Asino Eu reaches the maximum concentration coefficient that equals to 1,2. According to the study, the authors assumed that in the barrier system of the placenta, as in the protective mechanism of the body, chemical elements accumulate selectively, depending on their release from the env


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    The investigation was performed in group of 70 patients with phenylketonuria of children, being registered in the dispanser of the medico-genetic consultation in St.-Petersburg, and the relatives of the first degree of affinity. In the group of 70 patients with phenylketonuria (PKU), living in St.-Petersburg, 10 different mutations of the PAG gene has been identified, which consists 90% of all mutant alleles. Detected has been a deletion of one nucleotide K363fs of two PKU-proband, not known earlier, in one Azerbaijan family, the method of its quick identification on the base of the restriction polymorphism has been offered. Coulping of the mutations with the VNTR-alleles (hypervariable 3'-not translated field of the PAG gene) has been characterized, which allows to make the conclusions, concerning the mechanisms of arising and spreading of the mutations. The obtained results allows to create the effective systems of the phenylketonuria prophylaxis is St.-Petersburg. The results of the given investigation can be used in the Medico-Genetic Consultations of St.-Petersburg, and in the scientific research Institutes, dealing with the problems of prophylaxis of the inherited pathologiesAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    On the classical solution of the first mixed problem for one-dimensional hyperbolic equation

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    The study deals with mixed problems for one-dimensional hyperbolic equation of the second order. The work is aimed at the demonstration of existence of the classical solution for problems considered with conditions on initial data coinciding with the required ones. A new method of studying the problems considered is constructed. The existence of the classical solution of the problems considered is first proved with the conditions on the initial data coinciding with the required ones. The field of application covers equations with partial derivatives; mathematical physicsAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio


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    Application of the local variations method for solving applied problems, including fire protection ones, can be associated with overcoming possible difficulties (both of an analytical nature and of a numerical implementation). For the following use of this method it was tested on the so-called "hard" examples taken from the literature. Although the test results should be considered like satisfactory, the applicability of the method for solving specific applied problems can be considered as optimistic

    Environmental and biomonitoring mercury research in the Crimean region

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    Effective mercury monitoring in ecosystems and humans is needed as a primary step to estimate regional ecological mercury standards based on environmental depositions and due to the technogenic influence. This aim of the study is to evaluate and summarize all the present data of environmental and biomonitoring alone and in combination to provide the most relevant strategies for medico-ecological monitoring in the Crimea. The methods used in the study. Mercury content in hair was determined by atomic adsorption analysis using mercury analyzer RА-915+ with PYRO-915 attachment in the laboratory of nuclear-geochemical methods of investigation at the Department of Geoecology and Geochemistry in National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. The results. The authors have determined mercury heterogeneous distribution in biosubstrates (hair) of people living in northern, eastern, western, southern and central regions of Crimean peninsula that might be caused by environmental depositions and due to the technogenic influence with values not exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations. The lowest mercury values (min=0,033 mkg/g, max=0,072 mkg/g) were observed in hair of people living in rural areas of the central region and the highest content (min=0,178 mkg/g, max=0,312 mkg/g) was noted among people living in eastern and especially in southern (min=0,134 mkg/g, max=0,505 mkg/g) regions of the Crimean peninsula. Although the comparison with the data of environmental field studies based on the European standards (critical loads) estimation and assessment of their exceedances, as well as previously revealed physiological effects at similar levels of Hg indicate insufficient information provided by traditional hygienic standards alone and emphasize the areas for further research

    Immunodominant fragments of myelin basic protein initiate T cell-dependent pain

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    AbstractBackgroundThe myelin sheath provides electrical insulation of mechanosensory Aβ-afferent fibers. Myelin-degrading matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) damage the myelin sheath. The resulting electrical instability of Aβ-fibers is believed to activate the nociceptive circuitry in Aβ-fibers and initiate pain from innocuous tactile stimulation (mechanical allodynia). The precise molecular mechanisms, responsible for the development of this neuropathic pain state after nerve injury (for example, chronic constriction injury, CCI), are not well understood.Methods and resultsUsing mass spectrometry of the whole sciatic nerve proteome followed by bioinformatics analyses, we determined that the pathways, which are classified as the Infectious Disease and T-helper cell signaling, are readily activated in the nerves post-CCI. Inhibition of MMP-9/MMP-2 suppressed CCI-induced mechanical allodynia and concomitant TNF-α and IL-17A expression in nerves. MMP-9 proteolysis of myelin basic protein (MBP) generated the MBP84-104 and MBP68-86 digest peptides, which are prominent immunogenic epitopes. In agreement, the endogenous MBP69-86 epitope co-localized with MHCII and MMP-9 in Schwann cells and along the nodes of Ranvier. Administration of either the MBP84-104 or MBP68-86 peptides into the naïve nerve rapidly produced robust mechanical allodynia with a concomitant increase in T cells and MHCII-reactive cell populations at the injection site. As shown by the genome-wide expression profiling, a single intraneural MBP84-104 injection stimulated the inflammatory, immune cell trafficking, and antigen presentation pathways in the injected naïve nerves and the associated spinal cords. Both MBP84-104-induced mechanical allodynia and characteristic pathway activation were remarkably less prominent in the T cell-deficient athymic nude rats.ConclusionsThese data implicate MBP as a novel mediator of pain. Furthermore, the action of MMPs expressed within 1 day post-injury is critical to the generation of tactile allodynia, neuroinflammation, and the immunodominant MBP digest peptides in nerve. These MBP peptides initiate mechanical allodynia in both a T cell-dependent and -independent manner. In the course of Wallerian degeneration, the repeated exposure of the cryptic MBP epitopes, which are normally sheltered from immunosurveillance, may induce the MBP-specific T cell clones and a self-sustaining immune reaction, which may together contribute to the transition of acute pain into a chronic neuropathic pain state

    Heavy metals content in soils of residential territories of Crimea Republic

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    Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью мониторинга содержания тяжелых металлов в компонентах экосистем и биосубстратах человека как начального этапа исследований по оценке их воздействия на экосистемы и здоровье населения с целью установления региональных экологических нормативов содержания с учетом природной и техногенной специфики региона. Цель работы: определить и оценить валовое содержание Pb, Zn, Sr, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, As, V в почвах 30 площадок мониторинга селитебных территорий городов и поселков центрального, южного, восточного, северо-западного, западного и северного регионов Крымского полуострова. Методы. Валовое содержание Pb, Zn, Sr, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, As, V в почвах определяли на рентгенфлюоресцентном спектрометре «Спектроскан Макс-GV». Результаты. Чаще всего превышения предельно допустимых концентраций (ПДК) и (или) кларков на территории полуострова имели место для Cr, Co, Pb, в меньшей степени As и Zn. Максимальные величины превышений отдельных металлов достигали следующих значений: As (6,6 ПДК), Pb (2,1 ПДК), V (1,1 ПДК), Zn (1,7 ОДК), Ni (1,1 ОДК), Со (2,8 кларка почв населенных пунктов), Сu (2,6 кларка почв населенных пунктов), Cr (1,7 кларка почв населенных пунктов), Sr (1,7 кларка почв населенных пунктов). Сравнительный анализ распределения содержания тяжелых металлов с величинами кларков, природной и техногенной характеристикой регионов позволяет предположить, что выявлено содержание тяжелых металлов в значительной степени имеет антропогенное происхождение. Для уточнения геохимической характеристики почв и ее происхождения необходимы дальнейшие исследования, в том числе заповедных территорий Крыма.The relevance of the research is caused by the need to monitor heavy metal content in ecosystems and human bio-substrates as the initial stage in assessing their impact on ecosystems and human body for determination the regional ecological standards taking into account natural and technogenic specificity of the region. The aim of this study was to evaluate soil content of Pb, Zn, Sr, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, As, V at 30 monitoring sites of residential areas in the central, southern, eastern, northwestern, western and northern regions of the Crimean peninsula. Methods. The total content of Pb, Zn, Sr, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, As, V in samples of soil was determined using x-ray spectrometer "Spektroskan Max-GV" in the laboratory of Soil Science Department in Academy of biology and biotechnology in Southern Federal University. Results. Exceedances of the maximum permissible concentrations were determined for Cr, Co, Pb, while As and Zn showed excess rarely. The maximum values of exceedances were as follows: 6,6 for As; 2,1 for Pb; 1,1 for V; 1,7 for Zn; 1,1 for Ni of maximum permissible concentration, 2,8 for Co; 2,6 for Cu; 1,7 for Cr and Sr of clarkes for settlements. The comparative analysis of heavy metals distribution in soil of the regions with different natural and anthropogenic conditions allows assuming that the revealed heavy metals exceedances are mostly of an anthropogenic origin. Further studies including the reserved territories of the Crimea are needed to identify the geochemical soil characteristics and their origin at different regions

    Environmental and biomonitoring mercury research in the Crimean region

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    Актуальность работы обусловлена необходимостью мониторинга содержания ртути в экосистемах и биосубстратах человека, как начального этапа исследований по оценке воздействия на экосистемы и организм человека с целью установления региональных экологических нормативов ее содержания с учетом природной и техногенной специфики региона. Цель работы: обобщение полученных ранее данных экологического мониторинга и новых данных биологического мониторинга с целью их сопоставления и оценки информативности используемых подходов при проведении медико-экологического мониторинга на территории Республики Крым. Методы исследования. Содержание ртути в волосах определяли атомно-абсорбционным методом с использованием анализатора ртути с зеемановской коррекцией неселективного поглощения «РА-915М», пиролитической приставки «ПИРО-915+» и пакета программ RA915Р в лаборатории ядерно-геохимических методов исследования кафедры геоэкологии и геохимии Томского политехнического университета. Результаты. Установлена территориальная неоднородность распределения ртути в биосубстратах (волосах) жителей северного, восточного, западного, южного и центрального географических регионов крымского полуострова, которая может быть обусловлена как природными, так и техногенными особенностями региона проживания. При этом наиболее низкое ее содержание (min=0,033 мкг/г, max=0,072 мкг/г) отмечалось в волосах жителей сельскохозяйственных территорий центрального региона, а наиболее высокие значения (min=0,178 мкг/г, max=0,312 мкг/г) имели место у жителей восточного и, в особенности, южного (min=0,134 мкг/г, max=0,505 мкг/г) регионов крымского полуострова. Выявленные значения ртути практически не выходили за пределы принятых нормативных значений. Однако два обстоятельства указывают на недостаточную информационную ценность традиционных гигиенических нормативов. Во-первых, данные экологического мониторинга, проведенного ранее с использованием европейских экосистемных экологических нормативов (критические нагрузки), и результаты оценки их превышений фактической нагрузкой ртутью по данным длительных (не менее года) полевых исследований. Во-вторых, физиологические эффекты, установленные для таких же уровней ртути в отношении центральной нервной и иммунной систем взрослых и детей, проживающих в Крыму, также указывают на необходимость дальнейших исследований.Effective mercury monitoring in ecosystems and humans is needed as a primary step to estimate regional ecological mercury standards based on environmental depositions and due to the technogenic influence. This aim of the study is to evaluate and summarize all the present data of environmental and biomonitoring alone and in combination to provide the most relevant strategies for medico-ecological monitoring in the Crimea. The methods used in the study. Mercury content in hair was determined by atomic adsorption analysis using mercury analyzer RА-915+ with PYRO-915 attachment in the laboratory of nuclear-geochemical methods of investigation at the Department of Geoecology and Geochemistry in National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. The results. The authors have determined mercury heterogeneous distribution in biosubstrates (hair) of people living in northern, eastern, western, southern and central regions of Crimean peninsula that might be caused by environmental depositions and due to the technogenic influence with values not exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations. The lowest mercury values (min=0,033 mkg/g, max=0,072 mkg/g) were observed in hair of people living in rural areas of the central region and the highest content (min=0,178 mkg/g, max=0,312 mkg/g) was noted among people living in eastern and especially in southern (min=0,134 mkg/g, max=0,505 mkg/g) regions of the Crimean peninsula. Although the comparison with the data of environmental field studies based on the European standards (critical loads) estimation and assessment of their exceedances, as well as previously revealed physiological effects at similar levels of Hg indicate insufficient information provided by traditional hygienic standards alone and emphasize the areas for further research