10 research outputs found

    Prospects for using a new phosphorus-containing extractant in uranium technology

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    Phosphorus-containing compounds are widely used in industrial hydrometallurgical processes as extragents and complexes of color, noble, rare-earth metals and transuranium elements [1]..

    The Genetic legacy of Palaeolithic <i>Homo sapiens sapiens</i> in extant Europeans: a Y-chromosome perspective

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    A genetic perspective of human history in Europe was derived from 22 binary markers of the nonrecombining Y chromosome (NRY). Ten lineages account for &gt;95% of the 1007 European Y chromosomes studied. Geographic distribution and age estimates of alleles are compatible with two Paleolithic and one Neolithic migratory episode that have contributed to the modern European gene pool. A significant correlation between the NRY haplotype data and principal components based on 95 protein markers was observed, indicating the effectiveness of NRY binary polymorphisms in the characterization of human population composition and history

    Electrolyte exposure time effects on structure, composition and biocompatibility of microarc oxidation coatings on Mg-Ca-Zn alloys

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    The problem of using magnesium in medicine is biodegradation, which leads to the loss of the implant mechanical integrity before the bone tissue formation. Doping and subsequent coating deposition is an effective solution to this problem. This paper investigates the effects of electrolyte exposure time during micro-arc oxidation of the Mg-Ca-Zn alloy on its phase composition, biodegradation, and biocompatibility. As a result of micro-arc oxidation, a dense coating with a gradient structure is formed on the surface of the Mg-Ca-Zn alloy, consisting of amorphous and amorphous-nanocrystalline parts. The amorphous layers of the coating mainly consist of O, P, and Mg. The nanocrystalline layer is enriched in F, while the diffusion zone is enriched in O, F, and Mg. The coating has a porous structure typical for microarc oxidation. The nonlinear behavior of the diffraction pattern at small diffraction angles indicates the amorphous state of the coating. The amount of amorphous component is increasing with exposure time, indicating an increase in the coating thickness. Scratch testing with a diamond indenter tip indicates good coating adhesion. All coated Mg-Ca-Zn samples show a significant reduction in weight loss compared to the uncoated sample after 21 days in the culture medium. Surgical treatment of rabbit femurs with implants made from coated Mg-Ca-Zn samples demonstrated high biocompatibility. Clinical evaluation of the results showed a complete absence of purulent-inflammatory complications in all animals during the first 28 days after implantation

    Factors promoting development of renal tubulointerstitial lesions in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    Aim. To identify profibrogenic mediators, markers of endothelial dysfunction and hemostasis in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and chronickidney disease (CKD). Materials and methods. The study included 120 patients with DM and 20 age-matched normotensive subjects without DM showing the glomerularfiltration rate (GFR) > 60 ml/min/1.73 m3. Four groups of patients were distinguished: 1 - DM2 patients without renal pathology (n=33), 2 - DM2 patients with diabetic nephropathy (n=24), 3 - DM2 patients with ischemic nephropathy (IN) (n=33) verified by contrast visualization techniques(multispiral CM of abdominal aorta and renal arteries, abdominal angiography of renal arteries or MR angiography of renal arteries and abdominal aorta), 4 - DM1 patients with DN (n=30). Clinical examination included assessment of complaints, analysis of medical history of the main diseaseand concomitant disorders, determination of the main clinical and biochemical characteristics of blood and urine, measurement of НbА1с and 24-hralbuminuria (AU) by standard methods, estimation of GFR by the MDRD formula, ECG, echocardiography, 24-hr AP monitoring, counseling bycardiologist and ophthalmologist (fundal examination by ophthalmoscopy). Standard kits were used to detect profibrogenic mediators and markersof endothelial dysfunction including transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-b), angiotensin II (AT II), monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1),regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES), adhesion factors (intracellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1), vascular celladhesion molecule (VCAM-1) vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), interleukin-6 (IL-6), asymmetric dimethylargnine (ADMA), homocysteine(HCYST), metalloproteinases (MMP), von Willebrand factor (vWF), plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-I). Results. DM patients with CKD had elevated blood profibrogenic cytokine (MCP-1, TGF-1b, IL-6) and extracellular matrix degradation factor(MMP-9) levels compared with patients without CKD and healthy subjects. These changes were unrelated to the type of diabetes or the cause ofnephropathy, which suggests their contribution to renal pathology through the universal mechanism of tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Activation of profibrogeniccytokines in DM patients with CKD was closely associated with endothelial dysfunction manifest as enhanced production of blood adhesive angiogenic, thrombogenic factors (FW, PAI, VICAM, sICAM, VEGF), and endothelium-affecting factors (ADMA, homocysteine). Mediators of inflammationand fibrogenesis in these patients negatively correlated with GFR and positively with AU, the main markers of renal dysfunction. Hyperuricemia,TGF-1b, ADMA, and MCP-1 are considered to be the risk factors of impaired renal filtration function. Conclusion. The level of profibrogenic cytokines and ndothelial dysfunction factors in DM patients with different renal lesions reflects severity of tubulointerstitialfibrosis. It may be used for the purpose of prognostication and substantiation of intensification of secondary prophylaxis of renal insufficiency