253 research outputs found

    Staggered chiral random matrix theory

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    We present a random matrix theory (RMT) for the staggered lattice QCD Dirac operator. The staggered RMT is equivalent to the zero-momentum limit of the staggered chiral Lagrangian and includes all taste breaking terms at their leading order. This is an extension of previous work which only included some of the taste breaking terms. We will also present some results for the taste breaking contributions to the partition function and the Dirac eigenvalues.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, v2 has minor edits and corrections to some equations to match published versio

    Towards a strong-coupling theory of QCD at finite density

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    We apply strong-coupling perturbation theory to the QCD lattice Hamiltonian. We begin with naive, nearest-neighbor fermions and subsequently break the doubling symmetry with next-nearest-neighbor terms. The effective Hamiltonian is that of an antiferromagnet with an added kinetic term for baryonic "impurities," reminiscent of the t-J model of high-T_c superconductivity. As a first step, we fix the locations of the baryons and make them static. Following analyses of the t-J model, we apply large-N methods to obtain a phase diagram in the (N_c,N_f) plane at zero temperature and baryon density. Next we study a simplified U(3) toy model, in which we add baryons to the vacuum. We use a coherent state formalism to write a path integral which we analyze with mean field theory, obtaining a phase diagram in the (n_B,T) plane.Comment: Lattice2002(nonzerot) - Parallel talk and poster presented at Lattice 2002, Cambridge, MA, USA, June 2002. 6 pages, 6 EPS figure

    Linking confinement to spectral properties of the Dirac operator

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    We represent Polyakov loops and their correlators as spectral sums of eigenvalues and eigenmodes of the lattice Dirac operator. The deconfinement transition of pure gauge theory is characterized as a change in the response of moments of eigenvalues to varying the boundary conditions of the Dirac operator. We argue that the potential between static quarks is linked to spatial correlations of Dirac eigenvectors.Comment: References and a comment added. To appear in PR

    Pair production in a strong electric field: an initial value problem in quantum field theory

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    We review recent achievements in the solution of the initial-value problem for quantum back-reaction in scalar and spinor QED. The problem is formulated and solved in the semiclassical mean-field approximation for a homogeneous, time-dependent electric field. Our primary motivation in examining back-reaction has to do with applications to theoretical models of production of the quark-gluon plasma, though we here address practicable solutions for back-reaction in general. We review the application of the method of adiabatic regularization to the Klein-Gordon and Dirac fields in order to renormalize the expectation value of the current and derive a finite coupled set of ordinary differential equations for the time evolution of the system. Three time scales are involved in the problem and therefore caution is needed to achieve numerical stability for this system. Several physical features, like plasma oscillations and plateaus in the current, appear in the solution. From the plateau of the electric current one can estimate the number of pairs before the onset of plasma oscillations, while the plasma oscillations themselves yield the number of particles from the plasma frequency. We compare the field-theory solution to a simple model based on a relativistic Boltzmann-Vlasov equation, with a particle production source term inferred from the Schwinger particle creation rate and a Pauli-blocking (or Bose-enhancement) factor. This model reproduces very well the time behavior of the electric field and the creation rate of charged pairs of the semiclassical calculation. It therefore provides a simple intuitive understanding of the nature of the solution since nearly all the physical features can be expressed in terms of the classical distribution function.Comment: Old paper, already published, but in an obscure journa

    The Sign Problem via Imaginary Chemical Potential

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    We calculate the analytic continuation of the average phase factor of the staggered fermion determinant from real to imaginary chemical potential. Our results from the lattice agree well with the analytical predictions in the microscopic regime for both quenched and phase-quenched QCD. We demonstrate that the average phase factor in the microscopic domain is dominated by the lowest-lying Dirac eigenvalues

    Variational analysis of the deconfinement phase transition

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    We study the deconfining phase transition in 3+1 dimensional pure SU(N) Yang-Mills theory using a gauge invariant variational calculation. We generalize the variational ansatz of Phys. Rev. D52, 3719 (1995) to mixed states (density matrices) and minimize the free energy. For N > 3 we find a first order phase transition with the transition temperature of T_C = 450 Mev. Below the critical temperature the Polyakov loop has vanishing expectation value, while above T_C, its average value is nonzero. According to the standard lore this corresponds to the deconfining transition. Within the accuracy of our approximation the entropy of the system in the low temperature phase vanishes. The latent heat is not small but, rather, is of the order of the nonperturbative vacuum energy.Comment: 15 pages, correction of minor typos only, submitted to JHE

    Effective sigma models and lattice Ward identities

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    We perform a lattice analysis of the Faddeev-Niemi effective action conjectured to describe the low-energy sector of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. To this end we generate an ensemble of unit vector fields ("color spins") n from the Wilson action. The ensemble does not show long-range order but exhibits a mass gap of the order of 1 GeV. From the distribution of color spins we reconstruct approximate effective actions by means of exact lattice Schwinger-Dyson and Ward identities ("inverse Monte Carlo"). We show that the generated ensemble cannot be recovered from a Faddeev-Niemi action, modified in a minimal way by adding an explicit symmetry-breaking term to avoid the appearance of Goldstone modes.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figures, JHEP styl
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