170 research outputs found

    Technology for designing an individual educational trajectory of university students

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    The continuity of education has to ensure the possibility of a person’s multidimensional progression of a person in the educational space and create optimal conditions for such progression. The continuous education system is currently one of the priorities in the state development policy in Russi

    Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic rays and Gamma Astronomy

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    The paper is a script of a lecture given at the ISAPP-Baikal summer school in 2018. The lecture gives an overview of the Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic rays and Gamma Astronomy (TAIGA) facility including historical introduction, description of existing and future setups, and outreach and open data activities.Comment: Lectures given at the ISAPP-Baikal Summer School 2018: Exploring the Universe through multiple messengers, 12-21 July 2018, Bol'shie Koty, Russi

    A study on the sharp knee and fine structures of cosmic ray spectra

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    The paper investigates the overall and detailed features of cosmic ray (CR) spectra in the knee region using the scenario of nuclei-photon interactions around the acceleration sources. Young supernova remnants can be the physical realities of such kind of CR acceleration sites. The results show that the model can well explain the following problems simultaneously with one set of source parameters: the knee of CR spectra and the sharpness of the knee, the detailed irregular structures of CR spectra, the so-called "component B" of Galactic CRs, and the electron/positron excesses reported by recent observations. The coherent explanation serves as evidence that at least a portion of CRs might be accelerated at the sources similar to young supernova remnants, and one set of source parameters indicates that this portion mainly comes from standard sources or from a single source.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy

    The HiSCORE Project

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    A central question of Astroparticle Physics, the origin of cosmic rays, still remains unsolved. HiSCORE (Hundred*i Square-km Cosmic ORigin Explorer) is a concept for a large-area wide-angle non-imaging air shower detector, addressing this question by searching for cosmic ray pevatrons in the energy range from 10TeV to few PeV and cosmic rays in the energy range above 100TeV. In the framework of the Tunka-HiSCORE project, first prototypes have been deployed on the site of the Tunka-133 experiment, where we plan to install an engineering array covering an area of the order of 1km2. On the same site, also imaging and particle detectors are planned, potentially allowing a future hybrid detector system. Here we present the HiSCORE detector principle, its potential for cosmic ray origin search and the status of ongoing activities in the framework of the Tunka-HiSCORE experiment


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    The objective: to assess treatment outcomes in tuberculosis patients with extensive drug resistance (XDR TB) treated by new anti-tuberculosis drugs in the civilian community of Arkhangelsk Region.The analysis included all cases of XDR TB registered in the civilian community of Arkhangelsk Region from November 2006 to December 2013; treatment outcomes were assessed in 21 patients who were treated by regimens containing new anti-tuberculosis drugs (bedaquiline, delamanid, linezolid, clofazimine, imipenem with amoxiclav). 16 patients were treated by regimens containing 4 new anti-tuberculosis drugs. 2 patients were treated by regimen IV containing two drugs – bedaquiline, linezolid and bedaquiline, clofazimine; and 3 patients with regimens containing bedaquiline only.From November 2006 to December 2017, 175 XDR TB patients were registered in Arkhangelsk Region. The effective chemotherapy using new drugs made 57%, and mortality made 4.7%. In-take of new anti-tuberculosis drugs was accompanied side effects of minor and moderate degree.New anti-tuberculosis drugs are to be studied further in order to work out the most effective regimens for treatment of XDR TB patients.Цель: оценка результатов лечения больных с широкой лекарственной устойчивостью возбудителя (ШЛУ-ТБ) с применением новых противотуберкулезных препаратов в гражданском обществе Архангельской области.Проанализированы все случаи ШЛУ-ТБ, зарегистрированные на территории Архангельской области в гражданском обществе с ноября 2006 г. по декабрь 2016 г., и оценены результаты лечения 21 больного, где в схему лечения включены новые противотуберкулезные препараты (бедаквилин, деламанид, линезолид, клофазимин, имипенем в комбинации с амоксиклавом). У 16 больных схема лечения состояла из 4 новых противотуберкулезных препаратов. В схему лечения по IV категории 2 пациентам добавлены два препарата ‒ бедаквилин, линезолид и бедаквилин, клофаземин и 3 больным ‒ один бедаквилин.С ноября 2006 г. по декабрь 2017 г. в Архангельской области зарегистрировано 175 больных ШЛУ-ТБ. Эффективный курс химиотерапии с новыми лекарственными препаратами составил 57%, а смертность ‒ 4,7%. На прием новых лекарственных средств наблюдались в большинстве случаев побочные реакции слабой и умеренной степени тяжести.Необходимо продолжить изучение новых противотуберкулезных препаратов для разработки наиболее эффективного режима терапии для больных с ШЛУ-ТБ

    The precision of the IACT mechanical mounts of the TAIGA observatory

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    The TAIGA (Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray physics and Gamma Astronomy) observatory is located in the Tunka valley (~50 km west from the southern shore of Lake Baikal) at an altitude of 675m a.s.l. The TAIGA observatory aims to address gamma-ray astronomy at energies from a few TeV to several PeV and CR physics from 100 TeV to several EeV. Its main feature is the complementary, hybrid approach to distinguish CR events from those of gamma rays. Currently TAIGA consists of ~80 wide-angle air Cherenkov detectors (HiSCORE stations), three ~4m diameter IACTs and several hundred surface and underground muon detectors, grouped in three jointly operating arrays. The exceptional feature of the TAIGA IACT array is it’s topology that allows one to aim for the optimal cost/performance by scanning the optimal inter-telescope distances from 300m up to 600m. The IACTs have alt-azimuth type mounts and 576-pixel imaging cameras in the foci, covering 9.6° aperture in the sky. The segmented reflectors of ~10m² area follow the Davis-Cotton design. The largest diameter of the hexagonal shape reflector is 4.3m and the focal length is 4.75m. The rigid telescope mount provides a maximum displacement of EAS image below 2mm (i.e. ≤ 0.024°) in the photodetector plane. The main parameters of IACTs are of a crucial importance for their efficient operation and is presented