38 research outputs found

    Toward harmonized phenotyping of human myeloid-derived suppressor cells by flow cytometry: results from an interim study

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    There is an increasing interest for monitoring circulating myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) in cancer patients, but there are also divergences in their phenotypic definition. To overcome this obstacle, the Cancer Immunoguiding Program under the umbrella of the Association of Cancer Immunotherapy is coordinating a proficiency panel program that aims at harmonizing MDSC phenotyping. After a consultation period, a two-stage approach was designed to harmonize MDSC phenotype. In the first step, an international consortium of 23 laboratories immunophenotyped 10 putative MDSC subsets on pretested, peripheral blood mononuclear cells of healthy donors to assess the level of concordance and define robust marker combinations for the identification of circulating MDSCs. At this stage, no mandatory requirements to standardize reagents or protocols were introduced. Data analysis revealed a small intra-laboratory, but very high inter-laboratory variance for all MDSC subsets, especially for the granulocytic subsets. In particular, the use of a dead-cell marker altered significantly the reported percentage of granulocytic MDSCs, confirming that these cells are especially sensitive to cryopreservation and/or thawing. Importantly, the gating strategy was heterogeneous and associated with high inter-center variance. Overall, our results document the high variability in MDSC phenotyping in the multicenter setting if no harmonization/standardization measures are applied. Although the observed variability depended on a number of identified parameters, the main parameter associated with variation was the gating strategy. Based on these findings, we propose further efforts to harmonize marker combinations and gating parameters to identify strategies for a robust enumeration of MDSC subsets

    Neural Representation of Motor Output, Context and Behavioral Adaptation in Rat Medial Prefrontal Cortex During Learned Behavior

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    Selecting behavioral outputs in a dynamic environment is the outcome of integrating multiple information streams and weighing possible action outcomes with their value. Integration depends on the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), but how mPFC neurons encode information necessary for appropriate behavioral adaptation is poorly understood. To identify spiking patterns of mPFC during learned behavior, we extracellularly recorded neuronal action potential firing in the mPFC of rats performing a whisker-based “Go”/“No-go” object localization task. First, we identify three functional groups of neurons, which show different degrees of spiking modulation during task performance. One group increased spiking activity during correct “Go” behavior (positively modulated), the second group decreased spiking (negatively modulated) and one group did not change spiking. Second, the relative change in spiking was context-dependent and largest when motor output had contextual value. Third, the negatively modulated population spiked more when rats updated behavior following an error compared to trials without integration of error information. Finally, insufficient spiking in the positively modulated population predicted erroneous behavior under dynamic “No-go” conditions. Thus, mPFC neuronal populations with opposite spike modulation characteristics differentially encode context and behavioral updating and enable flexible integration of error corrections in future actions

    MS2DeepScore: a novel deep learning similarity measure to compare tandem mass spectra

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    Mass spectrometry data is one of the key sources of information in many workflows in medicine and across the life sciences. Mass fragmentation spectra are generally considered to be characteristic signatures of the chemical compound they originate from, yet the chemical structure itself usually cannot be easily deduced from the spectrum. Often, spectral similarity measures are used as a proxy for structural similarity but this approach is strongly limited by a generally poor correlation between both metrics. Here, we propose MS2DeepScore: a novel Siamese neural network to predict the structural similarity between two chemical structures solely based on their MS/MS fragmentation spectra. Using a cleaned dataset of > 100,000 mass spectra of about 15,000 unique known compounds, we trained MS2DeepScore to predict structural similarity scores for spectrum pairs with high accuracy. In addition, sampling different model varieties through Monte-Carlo Dropout is used to further improve the predictions and assess the model’s prediction uncertainty. On 3600 spectra of 500 unseen compounds, MS2DeepScore is able to identify highly-reliable structural matches and to predict Tanimoto scores for pairs of molecules based on their fragment spectra with a root mean squared error of about 0.15. Furthermore, the prediction uncertainty estimate can be used to select a subset of predictions with a root mean squared error of about 0.1. Furthermore, we demonstrate that MS2DeepScore outperforms classical spectral similarity measures in retrieving chemically related compound pairs from large mass spectral datasets, thereby illustrating its potential for spectral library matching. Finally, MS2DeepScore can also be used to create chemically meaningful mass spectral embeddings that could be used to cluster large numbers of spectra. Added to the recently introduced unsupervised Spec2Vec metric, we believe that machine learning-supported mass spectral similarity measures have great potential for a range of metabolomics data processing pipelines

    nanopub: A python library for searching, publishing and modifying nanopublications

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    The nanopub python library provides a client for searching, publishing and modifying nanopublications

    fair-workflows/fairworkflows: fairworkflows v0.3.0

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    Added Added CHANGELOG.md, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md and CONTRIBUTING.md Changed Upgrade to nanopub v1.2.7 (among other things, to fix click bug) </ul


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    Deep learning based similarity measure of mass spectrometry data

    iPRESTO: Automated discovery of biosynthetic sub-clusters linked to specific natural product substructures

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    Microbial specialised metabolism is full of valuable natural products that are applied clinically, agriculturally, and industrially. The genes that encode their biosynthesis are often physically clustered on the genome in biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs). Many BGCs consist of multiple groups of co-evolving genes called sub-clusters that are responsible for the biosynthesis of a specific chemical moiety in a natural product. Sub-clusters therefore provide an important link between the structures of a natural product and its BGC, which can be leveraged for predicting natural product structures from sequence, as well as for linking chemical structures and metabolomics-derived mass features to BGCs. While some initial computational methodologies have been devised for sub-cluster detection, current approaches are not scalable, have only been run on small and outdated datasets, or produce an impractically large number of possible sub-clusters to mine through. Here, we constructed a scalable method for unsupervised sub-cluster detection, called iPRESTO, based on topic modelling and statistical analysis of co-occurrence patterns of enzyme-coding protein families. iPRESTO was used to mine sub-clusters across 150,000 prokaryotic BGCs from antiSMASH-DB. After annotating a fraction of the resulting sub-cluster families, we could predict a substructure for 16% of the antiSMASH-DB BGCs. Additionally, our method was able to confirm 83% of the experimentally characterised sub-clusters in MIBiG reference BGCs. Based on iPRESTO-detected sub-clusters, we could correctly identify the BGCs for xenorhabdin and salbostatin biosynthesis (which had not yet been annotated in BGC databases), as well as propose a candidate BGC for akashin biosynthesis. Additionally, we show for a collection of 145 actinobacteria how substructures can aid in linking BGCs to molecules by correlating iPRESTO-detected sub-clusters to MS/MS-derived Mass2Motifs substructure patterns. This work paves the way for deeper functional and structural annotation of microbial BGCs by improved linking of orphan molecules to their cognate gene clusters, thus facilitating accelerated natural product discovery