51 research outputs found

    Study of ultrathin Pt/Co/Pt trilayers modified by nanosecond XUV pulses from laser-driven plasma source

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    We have studied the structural mechanisms responsible for the magnetic reorientation between in-plane and out-of-plane magnetization in the (25 nm Pt)/(3 and 10 nm Co)/(3 nm Pt) trilayer systems irradiated with nanosecond XUV pulses generated with laser-driven gas-puff target plasma source of a narrow continuous spectrum peaked at wavelength of 11 nm. The thickness of individual layers, their density, chemical composition and irradiation-induced lateral strain were deduced from symmetric and asymmetric X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns, grazing-incidence X-ray reflectometry (GIXR), grazing incidence X-ray fluorescence (GIXRF), extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements. In the as grown samples we found, that the Pt buffer layers are relaxed and that the layer interfaces are sharp. As a result of a quasi-uniform irradiation of the samples, the XRD, EXAFS, GIXR and GIXRF data reveal the formation of two distinct layers composed of Pt1-xCox alloys with different Co concentrations, dependent on the thickness of the as grown magnetic Co film but with similar ∼1% lateral tensile residual strain. For smaller exposure dose (lower number of accumulated pulses) only partial interdiffusion at the interfaces takes place with the formation of a tri-layer composed of Co-Pt alloy sandwiched between thinned Pt layers, as revealed by TEM. The structural modifications are accompanied by magnetization changes, evidenced by means of magneto-optical microscopy. The difference in magnetic properties of the irradiated samples can be related to their modification in Pt1-xCox alloy composition, as the other parameters (lateral strain and alloy thickness) remain almost unchanged. The out-of-plane magnetization observed for the sample with initially 3 nm Co layer can be due to a significant reduction of demagnetization factor resulting from a lower Co concentration

    Lithuania role in shaping the EU's common foreign and security policy towards Russia in 2014-2015

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    Per paskutinius 2 metus Rusijos ir Europos Sąjungos, o taip pat Rusijos ir Lietuvos santykiai tapo blogiausi nuo pat Sovietų Sąjungos žlugimo laikų. Rusijos įvykdytą Krymo pusiasalio aneksija bei atvira agresija Rytų Ukrainoje sudavė rimtą smūgį saugumui Europos žeminę ir santykiams su Rusija. Juk ne per seniausiai ES ir Rusija skaitėsi strateginiais partneriais, vystė bendrus projektus ir ruošėsi atnaujinti strateginės partnerystės sutartį. Tačiau dabar Europos Sąjungai Rusijai taiko sankcijas bei sulaukia atsakomųjų, o Maskva net nesiruošia įgyvendinti Minsko susitarimų. Lietuvos ir Rusijos santykiai nuolatos buvo komplikuoti. Lietuvai 2004 metais tapus Europos Sąjungos nare, atsirado galimybė paveikti bei padidinti savo vaidmenį ES – Rusijos santykiuose, naudojantis Bendrijos užsienio politikos instrumentais – bendrą užsienio ir saugumo politika. Ne veltui Lietuva skaitoma kaip viena iš labiausiai kritikuojančių Rusiją valstybių narių visoje ES ir dažnai už tai vadinama kaip „vieno klausimo valstybė“. Rašant šį darbą yra siekiama nustatyti Lietuvos vaidmenį formuojant Europos Sąjungos bendrą užsienio ir saugumo politiką Rusijos atžvilgiu Ukrainos krizės kontekste. Darbo tikslas – Europos integracijos teorijų rėmuose išanalizuoti Lietuvos vaidmenį formuojant Europos Sąjungos BUSP Rusijos Federacijos atžvilgiu 2014-2015 metais. Pirmoji darbo dalis skirta Europos integracijos teorijoms, kuriomis darbe remiamasi, svarbiausiems postulatams pateikti bei teoriniams pagrindams pristatyti. Antroji darbo dalis skirta apžvelgti bendrosios užsienio ir saugumo politikos istorinę raidą bei nustatyti nacionalinių valstybių vaidmenį BUSP sprendimų priėmime. Taip pat šioje darbo dalyje siekiama suprasti kodėl Europos Sąjungos bendroji užsienio ir saugumo politika nėra tokia efektyvi ir vieninga. Trečioji darbo dalis skirta išnagrinėti Lietuvos užsienio politiką Rusijos atžvilgiu nuo 1990 m. iki dabartinio laikotarpio. Bus išskirti pagrindiniai užsienio politikos etapai bei jų bruožai ir jų reikšmė tolesnei Lietuvos pozicijai Rusijos atžvilgiu. Šioje dalyje bus išskirti trys etapai. Ketvirtoje darbo dalyje bus analizuojamas Lietuvos atstovų Europos Parlamente, Prezidentės Dalios Grybauskaitės ir užsienio reikalų ministro Lino Linkevičiaus oficialus diskursas Rusijos atžvilgiu 2014-2015 m. rėmuose.Over the last two years Russian and European Union, as well as Russian and Lithuanian relations became the worst since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia's annexation of Crimea peninsula and aggression in Eastern Ukraine has made a serious impact on relations with Russian and for security of the European Continent. After all, not so long ago EU and Russia was strategic partners, developed common projects and was preparing to renew a Strategic Partnership Agreement. However at this moment EU is imposing economic sanctions on Russia. At that time Moscow even not trying to accomplish Minsk agreement. Lithuania–Russia relations was consistently complicated. In 2004 Lithuania's accession to the EU made a possibility to influence and increase one’s role in EU-Russian relations by using Foreign policy instruments - Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). To some purpose Lithuania is the country which criticizing Russia’s actions the most in the EU. In this thesis is trying to find out Lithuanian role in forming the EU common Foreign and Security policy against Russia during the crisis in Ukraine. The aim of the thesis – by using European integration theories to analyze Lithuanian role of the formation of the EU common Foreign and Security policy against Russian Federation in 2014-2015. The first part of the thesis is written about the European integration theories. By using these theories in this thesis is trying to present the main ideas and postulates of the European integration. The second part of the thesis is written about the Common Foreign and Security Policy historical development. Also in this part of the thesis is identifying the national States role in CFSP decision making. It is important to mention that in this part of the thesis is trying to find out why the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy is not that effective and common. The third part of the thesis is written about Lithuanian foreign policy towards Russia since 1990 to present day. Also in this part is analyzing the main three phases of the Lithuanian foreign policy towards Russia. The last part of the thesis is analyzing Lithuanian representatives in the European Parliament, President Dalia Grybauskaitė and Minister of Foreign Affairs Linas Linkevičius official discourse towards Russia in 2014-2015.Politikos mokslų ir diplomatijos fakult.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    The Improvement of Atomic Force Microscope Suitable for Magnetic Domain Structure Measurements

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    Based on commercial Burleigh METRISTM\text{}^{TM}-2000 Atomic Force Microscope two methods of magnetic force measurements were realised. The developed system was successfully applied for study of magnetic structure of both YIG-garnet and CoNi/Pt magneto-optic multilayers

    Two-dimensional Green's functions for fluid and thermoelastic two-phase plane

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    The two-dimensional Green's functions for a steady-state line heat source in the interior of fluid and thermoelastic two-phase plane are derived in this paper. By virtue of the compact two-dimensional general solutions which are expressed in harmonic functions, four newly introduced harmonic functions with undetermined constants are constructed. Then, all the thermoelastic components in the fluid and thermoelastic two-phase plane can be derived by substituting these harmonic functions into the corresponding general solutions. And the undetermined constants can be obtained by the corresponding conditions of compatibility, boundary and equilibrium. Numerical results are given graphically by contours