511 research outputs found

    Artificial Creativity: A Case Against Copyright for AI-Created Visual Artwork

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    Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly complex, and provides examples of compelling, human-like performances. One such artificial intelligence technology is known as Creative Adversarial Network (“CAN”) technology, which relies on inputs of preexisting pieces of art to create pieces of original art that pass as human-made. Whether the coders responsible for CAN-technology should be granted coverage for the resultant art remains an open question in United States jurisprudence. This paper seeks to explore why, given both software’s historical legacy in copyright law and bedrock copyright justifications, extending copyright coverage to the coders responsible for CAN technology would be a grave misstep in copyright policy

    Molecular markers for prediction of response and progression free survival to novel therapies in cutaneous malignant melanoma

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    Drugs inhibiting the MAPK-pathway (MAPKi) and immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) have changed the clinical outcome of metastatic cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) in a significant way. Nonetheless, many patients have primary resistance or develop acquired resistance to these therapies within a relatively short period of time. This thesis was performed to explore mechanisms of resistance and possible predictive biomarkers to further improve treatment outcome and to help individualize treatment in this patient population. In Paper I, we compared mRNA and protein expression in MAPKi resistant and sensitive melanoma cell lines. By applying gene expression and proteome profiling we identified two previously described (MET and EPHA2) and two novel (FLI1 and CD13/ANPEP) candidate biomarkers that, when overexpressed, were associated with treatment resistance to MAPKi. The overexpression of MET and EPHA2 was confirmed in melanoma samples from patients with metastatic CMM when comparing samples taken before and after treatment with MAPKi. In cell lines, we demonstrated that an inhibitor of EPHA2 (the multikinase inhibitor dasatinib), re-sensitized cells to MAPKi treatment. In Paper II, we analyzed plasma samples from 28 patients with metastatic CMM before and during treatment with MAPKi. Micro-RNA (miRNA) was extracted from plasmatic extra cellular microvesicles (EVs) and miRNA profiling was performed by microarray, using a panel with 372 human miRNAs. We assessed the association of the miRNA levels with response to treatment and progression free survival (PFS) and found that an increased level of let-7g-5p during treatment, compared to before treatment, was correlated with better response. A high level of miRNA 497-5p during treatment was associated with longer PFS. In Paper III, we investigated if plasmatic proteins were related to response and PFS to MAPKi or ICI in 109 patients with metastatic CMM. Proteomic profiling of plasma samples collected before and during treatment was performed by mass spectroscopy and the abundance of proteins was then correlated with treatment response and PFS. We identified that the plasma levels of 43 proteins, either before or during treatment, were prognostic/predictive of treatment outcome. An inverse correlation between acute-phase inflammatory proteins and apolipoproteins was observed. Patients with high levels of acute-phase inflammatory proteins and low levels of apolipoproteins had worse outcome to therapy. In Paper IV, we analyzed mRNA expression by targeted RNA sequencing of pre-treatment tumor samples from 28 patients with metastatic CMM who underwent treatment with MAPKi or ICI. Transcriptomic data was correlated with treatment response and PFS in gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). Enrichment of genes in IFN-gamma and inflammatory response was associated with longer PFS to MAPKi therapy, and decreased expression of proliferative genes and increased expression of immune genes correlated with longer PFS to ICI. Finally, lower expression of proliferation genes and immune evasion genes was associated with increased response to ICI. In summary, we have identified possible mechanisms of resistance and potential predictive biomarkers to novel therapies in patients with metastatic CMM. Our studies were performed in small cohorts of patients and further studies to validate our findings are warranted

    Usage Tests of Oak Moss Absolutes Containing High and Low Levels of Atranol and Chloroatranol.

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    Atranol and chloroatranol are strong contact allergens in oak moss absolute, a lichen extract used in perfumery. Fifteen subjects with contact allergy to oak moss absolute underwent a repeated open application test (ROAT) using solutions of an untreated oak moss absolute (sample A) and an oak moss absolute with reduced content of atranol and chloroatranol (sample B). All subjects were in addition patch-tested with serial dilutions of samples A and B. Statistically significantly more subjects reacted to sample A than to sample B in the patch tests. No corresponding difference was observed in the ROAT, though there was a significant difference in the time required to elicit a positive reaction. Still, the ROAT indicates that the use of a cosmetic product containing oak moss absolute with reduced levels of atranol and chloroatranol is capable of eliciting an allergic reaction in previously sensitised individuals

    Plasma proteins in a standardised skin mini-erosion (I): permeability changes as a function of time

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    BACKGROUND: A standardised technique using a suction-induced mini-erosion that allows serial sampling of dermal interstitial fluid (IF) for 5 to 6 days has been described. In the present study, we studied permeability changes as a function of time. METHODS: We examined IF concentrations of total protein concentration and the concentration of insulin (6.6 kDa), prealbumin (55 kDa), albumin (66 kDa), transferrin (80 kDa), IgG (150 kDa) and alpha-2-macroglobulin (720 kDa) as a function of time, using an extraction pressure of 200 mmHg below atmospheric. RESULTS: At 0 h after forming the erosion, mean total IF protein content (relative to plasma) was 26 ± 13% (SD). For the individual proteins, the relative mean concentrations were 65 ± 36% for insulin, 48 ± 12% for albumin, 30 ± 19% for transferrin, 31 ± 15%for IgG and 19.5 ± 10% for alpha-2-macroglobulin. At 24 h, the total IF protein content was higher than at 0 h (56 ± 26% vs 26 ± 13%; p < 0.05, diff: 115%), as were some of the individual protein concentrations: prealbumin (50 ± 24 vs 25 ± 13%; p < 0.05), albumin (68 ± 21 vs 48 ± 12%; p < 0.05) and IgG (55 ± 30 vs 31 ± 15%; p = 0.05). ln the interval 24 h to 96 h the concentrations were relatively unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that fluid sampled at 0 h after forming the erosion represents dermal IF before the full onset of inflammation. From 24 h onward, the sampled fluid reflects a steady state of increased permeability induced by inflammation. This technique is promising as a tool for clinically sampling substances that are freely distributed in the body and as a model for studying inflammation and vascular permeability

    Plasma proteins in a standardised skin mini-erosion (II): effects of extraction pressure

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    BACKGROUND: A standardised suction technique has been used to sample plasma proteins in dermal interstitial fluid (IF) serially for 5 to 6 days from a suction-induced skin mini-erosion. Increased protein concentrations ascribed to inflammation have been shown from day 1 onward. In this study, we assessed the effect of two different extraction pressures on IF sample composition. METHODS: Total protein concentration and the concentrations of insulin, prealbumin, albumin, transferrin, IgG and alpha-2-macroglobulin were assessed daily in healthy volunteers. Samples were extracted at 50 mmHg and 200 mmHg below the atmospheric. RESULTS: At 0 h after forming the erosion, mean total IF protein content (relative to plasma) was lower in the samples extracted at -200 mmHg than at -50 mmHg (26 +/-13% (SD) vs 48 +/-9.8%; p < 0.05). There were no significant differences at 24, 48, 72 or 96 h. Of the individual proteins, expressed as area units (AU) for area under the curve (AUC) from 0–96 h, albumin was lower in IF sampled at -200 mmHg (2.49 +/- 0.68 vs 3.08 +/- 0.36 AU; p < 0.05), as was transferrin (1.91 +/- 0.52 vs 2.40 +/- 0.42 AU; p < 0.05). Extraction volumes were significantly higher at -200 mmHg (AUC diff: 60%; p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Samples of IF extracted at 0 h at -200 mmHg contained lower protein concentrations, indicating an increased water fraction and an intact sieve function of the vascular wall. The difference in protein concentration extracted at higher and lower pressure from 24 h onward was less pronounced. Lower pressure should be used to sample substances of greater molecular size

    Mötet mellan teori och praktik Hur resonerar arbetsterapeuter kring detta?

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    Det Àr av vikt att professioner har en teoretisk grund att luta sig mot och att teorin införlivas i praktiken. Inom arbetsterapin försvÄras detta av att professionen har brottats med paradigmskiften, vilket i sin tur har bidragit till en stor mÀngd av tyst kunskap inom yrket. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur arbetsterapeuter i den kliniska verksamheten resonerar kring anvÀndandet av arbetsterapeutisk teori, frÀmst vid anvÀndandet av processer och modeller. Sju arbetsterapeuter intervjuades i denna kvalitativa studie. De delgav sina tankar och resonemang angÄende anvÀndandet av arbetsterapeutisk teori i arbetet. Resultatet visade sig vara lite av en paradox, dÄ arbetsterapeuterna poÀngterar teorins vikt, men ÀndÄ uppger att det inte Àr nÄgot de alltid anvÀnder i sin helhet, i det vardagliga arbetet. De uppger dock att de plockar bitar av teorier, modeller och processer och anser att dessa Àr bra som stöd för att se mÀnniskan bakom funktionshindret. Valet av teori görs utifrÄn personlig preferens, utbildning och rÄdande tradition pÄ arbetsplatsen. I diskussionen belyses hur sammanlÀnkningen av teori och praktik skulle kunna underlÀttas, detta frÀmst ur ett studentperspektiv dÄ det Àr dÀr man tydligast kÀnner av svÄrigheterna i att sammanlÀnka dessa. Det Àr av största vikt att studenterna medvetandegörs om hur teori anvÀnds i praktiken, tidigt i utbildningen, detta för att underlÀtta inlÀrningen och förmÄgan att sedan urskilja dem i den kliniska verksamheten

    Skin Exposures, Hand Eczema and Facial Skin Disease in Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to enhanced hygiene procedures and use of personal protective equipment, but also to increased attention to occupational skin disease in healthcare workers. The occurrence of hand and facial skin disease in > 5,000 Swedish healthcare workers was investigated in a questionnaire survey. Levels of skin exposure related to hygiene procedures and personal protective equipment were recorded. Caring for patients with COVID-19 entailed higher levels of wet work and face mask exposures, and was associated with higher 1-year prevalence of both hand eczema (36%) and facial skin disease (32%) compared with not being directly engaged in COVID-19 care (28% and 22%, respectively). Acne and eczema were the most common facial skin diseases; for both, a dose-dependent association with face mask use was found. Dose-dependent associations could be shown between hand eczema and exposure to soap and gloves, but not to alcohol-based hand disinfectants

    Patch testing with aluminium Finn Chambers could give false-positive reactions in patients with contact allergy to aluminium

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    Background Earlier laboratory studies have shown that sodium tetrachloropalladate, Myroxylon pereirae, caine mix II, and palladium chloride trigger the release of aluminium (Al) from Finn Chambers (FC). Objectives To investigate whether aluminium realease from FC could influence the diagnostic outcome of patch testing with FC. Method A retrospective analysis of patch test results from 2010 to 2019 was performed. A two-sided Fisher\u27s exact test was used to calculate any overrepresentation of contact allergy to Al among patients with positive reactions to sodium tetrachloropalladate, Myroxylon pereirae, caine mix II, and palladium chloride. Results A total of 5446 patients had been tested with FC during the study period. There was a significant overrepresentation of contact allergy to Al among patients with positive reactions to sodium tetrachloropalladate, Myroxylon pereirae, caine mix II, and palladium chloride. Patients with a strong Al allergy had significantly higher amounts of concomitant reactions to sodium tetrachloropalladate, Myroxylon pereirae, caine mix II, and palladium chloride compared to patients with weak Al allergy. These results were not seen for patients tested with Finn Chambers AQUA. Conclusion In patients with contact allergy to Al, patch testing with Finn chambers could give false-positive reactions to sodium tetrachloropalladate, Myroxylon pereirae, caine mix II, and palladium chloride

    Prurigo nodularis - vid svÄrare symtom kan pregabalin övervÀgas.

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    Prurigo nodularis is a pruritic condition characterized by skin noduli. Different treatment options have been used with limited success. Pregabalin is a drug licensed for treatment of neuropathic pain in adults. As prurigo nodularis involves suffering for the patients and is difficult to treat, the aim of this case report is to report the effect of pregabalin treatment in seven patients with prurigo nodularis, treated in the dermatology clinic in Malmö, Sweden. Four patients experienced good effect of pregabalin, though two patients had a transient effect. Side effects of pregabalin have been reported. This case report indicates that pregabalin is a treatment option for therapy-resistant prurigo nodularis; even though one must be aware of that the effect may not be permanent and that there are side effects. The aim must be to use the drug for a limited time, taking the patient to a remission state, where the vicious itch-scratch cycle can be inhibited
