479 research outputs found

    Hierarchy of B\"acklund Transformation Groups of the Painlev\'e Systems

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    For each Painlev\'e system P_J except the first one, we have a B\"acklund transformation group which is a lift of an affine Weyl group. In this paper, we show that the B\"acklund transformation groups for J=V,IV,III,II are successively obtained from that for J=VI by the well known degeneration or confluence processes.Comment: 11 pages, to be published in J. Math. Soc. Japa

    Thiazolidinediones and Edema: Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis of Thiazolidinediones-Induced Renal Sodium Retention

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    Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) are one of the major classes of antidiabetic drugs that are used widely. TZDs improve insulin resistance by activating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) and ameliorate diabetic and other nephropathies, at least, in experimental animals. However, TZDs have side effects, such as edema, congestive heart failure, and bone fracture, and may increase bladder cancer risk. Edema and heart failure, which both probably originate from renal sodium retention, are of great importance because these side effects make it difficult to continue the use of TZDs. However, the pathogenesis of edema remains a matter of controversy. Initially, upregulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in the collecting ducts by TZDs was thought to be the primary cause of edema. However, the results of other studies do not support this view. Recent data suggest the involvement of transporters in the proximal tubule, such as sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter and sodium-proton exchanger. Other studies have suggested that sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter 2 in the thick ascending limb of Henle and aquaporins are also possible targets for TZDs. This paper will discuss the recent advances in the pathogenesis of TZD-induced sodium reabsorption in the renal tubules and edema

    Disentangling the migration phases during the non-breeding period reveals uneven carry-over effects to the subsequent breeding in a diving seabird

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム[OB] 極域生物圏11月16日(月) 統計数理研究所 セミナー室1(D305

    Jedinstveni obrazac djelovanja bisfenola A na ekspresiju gena čimbenika rasta živca embrionske mišje stanične linije N-44 dobivene iz hipotalamusa

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    We investigated the toxicity of bisphenol A (BPA) by determining the gene expression of nerve growth factor (Ngf) in the embryonic mouse cell line mHypoE-N44 derived from the hypothalamus exposed to BPA dose range between 0.02 and 200 μmol L-1 for 3 h. Ngf mRNA levels decreased in a dose-dependent manner, with significant reductions observed in the 2 to 50 μmol L-1 BPA treatment groups compared to controls. However, at 100 to 200 μmol L-1 the Ngf mRNA gradually increased and was significantly higher than control, while the expression of the apoptosis-related genes Caspase 3 and transformation-related protein 73 decreased significantly. These results suggest that in an embryonic hypothalamic cell line the higher doses of BPA induce a unique pattern of Ngf gene expression and that BPA has the potential to suppress apoptosis essential for early-stage brain development.U istraživanju toksičnosti bisfenola A (BPA) utvrđena je ekspresija gena čimbenika rasta živca (eng. nerve growth factor - NGF) embrionske mišje stanične linije mHypoE-N44 dobivene iz hipotalamusa nakon trosatnog izlaganja BPA-u u rasponu doza od 0,02 do 200 μmol L-1. Razine Ngf mRNA snizile su se ovisno o dozi, a značajne razlike od kontrolne skupine zamijećene su za raspon od 2 do 50 μmol L-1. Međutim, počevši od doze od 100 do 200 μmol L-1, razine Ngf mRNA značajno su se povećale u odnosu na kontrolu, a ekspresija gena kaspaze 3 i transformacijskog proteina 73 značajno snizila. Ti rezultati upućuju na to da visoke doze BPA u embrionskoj hipotalamičkoj staničnoj liniji stvaraju jedinstveni obrazac ekspresije gena Ngf te da BPA može suprimirati apoptozu koja je nužna za rani razvoj mozga

    Molecular cloning and sequencing of cDNA for rat cathepsin H Homology in pro-peptide regions of cysteine proteinases

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    AbstractA cDNA for rat cathepsin H was isolated and sequenced. The deduced protein comprising 333 amino acid residues is composed of a typical signal sequence (21 residues), a pro-peptide region (92 residues) and a mature enzyme region (220 residues). The amino acid sequence in the pro-peptide region, in particular, residues Phe-(−41) to Ser-(−29) of cathepsin H, is highly homologous to the pro-peptide regions of other cysteine proteinases. This homologous region may play a role in the processing of cysteine proteinases

    Simple Orchestration Application Framework to Control "Burning Plasma Integrated Code"

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    We have developed the Simple Orchestration Application Framework (SOAF) on a grid infrastructure to control cooperative and multiple execution of simulation codes on remote computers from a client PC. SOAF enables researchers to generate a scenario of their cooperative and multiple executions by only describing a configuration file which includes the information of execution codes and file flows among them. SOAF does not need substantial modification of the simulation codes. We have applied SOAF to the "Burning Plasma Integrated Code" which consists of various plasma simulation codes. In order to predict and interpret the behavior of fusion burning plasma, it is necessary to cooperatively and concurrently execute various simulation codes to understand complex plasma phenomena with wide temporal and spatial ranges. Those codes exist on distributed heterogeneous computers located in different sites such as universities and institutes. By using SOAF, we succeeded to cooperatively and concurrently execute four plasma simulation codes without substantial modification as described in the configuration file