52,420 research outputs found

    More on Uq(su(1,1))U_q(su(1,1)) with qq a Root of Unity

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    Highest weight representations of Uq(su(1,1))U_q(su(1,1)) with q=expπi/Nq=\exp \pi i/N are investigated. The structures of the irreducible hieghesat weight modules are discussed in detail. The Clebsch-Gordan decomposition for the tensor product of two irreducible representations is discussed. By using the results, a representation of SL(2,R)Uq(su(2))SL(2,R)\otimes U_q(su(2)) is also presented in terms of holomorphic sections which also have Uq(su(2))U_q(su(2)) index. Furthermore we realise ZNZ_N-graded supersymmetry in terms of the representation. An explicit realization of Osp(12)Osp(1 \vert 2) via the heighest weight representation of Uq(su(1,1))U_q(su(1,1)) with q2=1q^2=-1 is given.Comment: 24 page

    Aging dynamics of ferromagnetic and reentrant spin glass phases in stage-2 Cu0.80_{0.80}C0.20_{0.20}Cl2_{2} graphite intercalation compound

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    Aging dynamics of a reentrant ferromagnet stage-2 Cu0.8_{0.8}Co0.2_{0.2}Cl2_{2} graphite intercalation compound has been studied using DC magnetic susceptibility. This compound undergoes successive transitions at the transition temperatures TcT_{c} (8.7\approx 8.7 K) and TRSGT_{RSG} (3.3\approx 3.3 K). The relaxation rate SZFC(t)S_{ZFC}(t) exhibits a characteristic peak at tcrt_{cr} below TcT_{c}. The peak time tcrt_{cr} as a function of temperature TT shows a local maximum around 5.5 K, reflecting a frustrated nature of the ferromagnetic phase. It drastically increases with decreasing temperature below TRSGT_{RSG}. The spin configuration imprinted at the stop and wait process at a stop temperature TsT_{s} (<Tc<T_{c}) during the field-cooled aging protocol, becomes frozen on further cooling. On reheating, the memory of the aging at TsT_{s} is retrieved as an anomaly of the thermoremnant magnetization at TsT_{s}. These results indicate the occurrence of the aging phenomena in the ferromagnetic phase (TRSG<T<TcT_{RSG}<T<T_{c}) as well as in the reentrant spin glass phase (T<TRSGT<T_{RSG}).Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; submitted to Physical Review

    Excited state TBA and functional relations in spinless Fermion model

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    The excited state thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) equations for the spinless Fermion model are presented by the quantum transfer matrix (QTM) approach. We introduce a more general family called T-functions and explore functional relations among them (T-system) and their certain combinations (Y-system). {}From their analytical property, we derive a closed set of non-linear integral equations which characterize the correlation length of at any finite temperatures. Solving these equations numerically, we explicitly determine the correlation length, which coincides with earlier results with high accuracy.Comment: 4 page

    Orthonormalization procedure for chiral effective nuclear field theory

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    We show that the Q-box expansion of nuclear many-body physics can be applied in nuclear effective field theory with explicit pions and external sources. We establish the corresponding power counting and give an algorithm for the construction of a hermitean and energy-independent potential for arbitrary scattering processes on nucleons and nuclei to a given order in the chiral expansion. Various examples are discussed in some detail.Comment: 22 pp, 12 fig

    The light-cone gauge without prescriptions

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    Feynman integrals in the physical light-cone gauge are harder to solve than their covariant counterparts. The difficulty is associated with the presence of unphysical singularities due to the inherent residual gauge freedom in the intermediate boson propagators constrained within this gauge choice. In order to circumvent these non-physical singularities, the headlong approach has always been to call for mathematical devices --- prescriptions --- some successful ones and others not so much so. A more elegant approach is to consider the propagator from its physical point of view, that is, an object obeying basic principles such as causality. Once this fact is realized and carefully taken into account, the crutch of prescriptions can be avoided altogether. An alternative third approach, which for practical computations could dispense with prescriptions as well as prescinding the necessity of careful stepwise watching out of causality would be of great advantage. And this third option is realizable within the context of negative dimensions, or as it has been coined, negative dimensional integration method, NDIM for short.Comment: 9 pages, PTPTeX (included

    Electronic Transport on the Shastry-Sutherland Lattice in Ising-type Rare Earth Tetraborides

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    In the presence of a magnetic field frustrated spin systems may exhibit plateaus at fractional values of saturation magnetization. Such plateau states are stabilized by classical and quantum mechanisms including order-by-disorder, triplon crystallization, and various competing order effects. In the case of electrically conducting systems, free electrons represent an incisive probe for the plateau states. Here we study the electrical transport of Ising-type rare earth tetraborides RRB4_4 (R=R=Er, Tm), a metallic Shastry-Sutherland lattice showing magnetization plateaus. We find that the longitudinal and transverse resistivities reflect scattering with both the static and dynamic plateau structure. We model these results consistently with the expected strong uniaxial anisotropy in a quantitative level, providing a framework for the study of plateau states in metallic frustrated systems.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Feynman integrals with tensorial structure in the negative dimensional integration scheme

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    Negative dimensional integration method (NDIM) is revealing itself as a very useful technique for computing Feynman integrals, massless and/or massive, covariant and non-covariant alike. Up to now, however, the illustrative calculations done using such method are mostly covariant scalar integrals, without numerator factors. Here we show how those integrals with tensorial structures can also be handled with easiness and in a straightforward manner. However, contrary to the absence of significant features in the usual approach, here the NDIM also allows us to come across surprising unsuspected bonuses. In this line, we present two alternative ways of working out the integrals and illustrate them by taking the easiest Feynman integrals in this category that emerges in the computation of a standard one-loop self-energy diagram. One of the novel and as yet unsuspected bonus is that there are degeneracies in the way one can express the final result for the referred Feynman integral.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, no figure

    Negative dimensional approach for scalar two-loop three-point and three-loop two-point integrals

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    The well-known DD-dimensional Feynman integrals were shown, by Halliday and Ricotta, to be capable of undergoing analytic continuation into the domain of negative values for the dimension of space-time. Furthermore, this could be identified with Grassmannian integration in positive dimensions. From this possibility follows the concept of negative dimensional integration for loop integrals in field theories. Using this technique, we evaluate three two-loop three-point scalar integrals, with five and six massless propagators, with specific external kinematic configurations (two legs on-shell), and four three-loop two-point scalar integrals. These results are given for arbitrary exponents of propagators and dimension, in Euclidean space, and the particular cases compared to results published in the literature.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, Revte

    Two-loop self-energy diagrams worked out with NDIM

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    In this work we calculate two two-loop massless Feynman integrals pertaining to self-energy diagrams using NDIM (Negative Dimensional Integration Method). We show that the answer we get is 36-fold degenerate. We then consider special cases of exponents for propagators and the outcoming results compared with known ones obtained via traditional methods.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, 2 figures, styles include