461 research outputs found

    <Preliminary>Stereochemical Selectivity in Secoisolariciresinol Formation by Cell-free Extracts from Arctium lappa L. Ripening Seeds

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    Influence of Carbon Content on Solidifying Shell Growth of Carbon Steels at the Initial Stage of Solidification

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    A dipping test that a water cooled copper plate was continuously dipped at 14 mm/s was performed in order to investigate solidifying shell growth in initial solidification. Anomalous rough surfaces and uneven shell growth were exhibited for an ultra-low carbon steel (0.005 mass% C) and a hypo-peritectic carbon steel (0.116 mass% C), while for a low carbon steel (0.044 mass% C) and a hyper-peritectic carbon steel (0.304 mass% C), flat surfaces were formed. The carbon content dependence of the anomalous uneven shell growth can be explained by stress caused by solidification shrinkage and = transformation occurring from a fraction solid 0.7, where shell begins to have strength, to 1.0, complete solidification state. Besides the analysis shows that decrease of the cooling rate can reduce the stress in the shell generated during the initial solidification

    Anelasticity of Ferromagnetics : Magneto-Elastic Relaxation in Nickel

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    In the present work we are concerned with the inter-correlation between Bloch walls and structural imperfections in ferromagnetics, both of which are movable under an applied stress. The stress-relaxation accompanied by the movement of lattice imperfections will affect the displacement of Bloch wall. This points to a possibility that a gradual displacement of Bloch walls or their delayed jerkey motion plays an important role in transient creep of ferromagnetics (magneto-elastic relaxation). In fact we have found such a phenomenon in an annealed nickel from the measurements of transient creep without magnetic field in the one case and with field of 400 oersteds in the other, which was performed under the application of very small stresses of the order of 10^6~10^7 dynes/cm^2 at elevated temperatures. Experimental results are discussed somewhat quantitatively from the points of view of the recent theory of boundary layer model concerning mosaic structures in metals in connection with ferromagnetic domain structures

    Nano-artifact metrics based on random collapse of resist

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    Artifact metrics is an information security technology that uses the intrinsic characteristics of a physical object for authentication and clone resistance. Here, we demonstrate nano-artifact metrics based on silicon nanostructures formed via an array of resist pillars that randomly collapse when exposed to electron-beam lithography. The proposed technique uses conventional and scalable lithography processes, and because of the random collapse of resist, the resultant structure has extremely fine-scale morphology with a minimum dimension below 10 nm, which is less than the resolution of current lithography capabilities. By evaluating false match, false non-match and clone-resistance rates, we clarify that the nanostructured patterns based on resist collapse satisfy the requirements for high-performance security applications

    Modification of Cɛ mRNA Expression by EBV-Encoded Latent Membrane Protein 1

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    To evaluate the effect of expression of latent membrane protein (LMP) 1 encoded by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) on Cɛ mRNA expression, mRNA levels were examined by RT-PCR or Northern blot analysis upon transient transfection of LMP1 in the splenocytes derived from Brown-Norway rats with or without immunization with 2,4-dinitrophenyl-conjugated Ascaris suum antigen. Splenocytes were transfected with LMP1 expression vector, pSG5-LMP1, using lipofection method. Cɛ mRNA levels were considerably increased by transfection with pSG5-LMP1 in the splenocytes derived from the nonimmunized rats; however, Cɛ mRNA levels were decreased in the splenocytes derived from the immunized rats. Cɛ mRNA expression in IgE-producing cells are modulated by LMP1, which might depend on the differentiation status of B cells upon exposure to allergen

    Properties of the Soil Moisture and the Growth of "Muscat" Grape in the Computer-controlled Greenhouse for Pomological Studies

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    本学部附属農場・果樹園装置化施設内の大温室における水分特性を中心とした土壌の物理性を明らかにするとともに,灌水試験によるブドウ,"マスカット・オブ・アレキサンドリア"樹の生育について調査した. 1)本温室における土壌(マサ土)の三相分布では固相が70%にも及んでいた. 2)最大圃場容水量は30%以下,水分当量は10%以下となり,水分当量から萎凋係数までには2~3%の水分を含むにすぎず,極めて保水性の乏しい土壌であった. 3)透水係数は地下30cmまでは1~2×10-3cmsecであったが,それ以上深い場所,またはpF2.6(地下15cm)程度まで乾燥した場合,8.1mmの灌水では水分の移動が観測されなかった. 4)発芽前より収穫期までを果実の発育第I期中期を境に2分して前,後期とし,灌水量の多少の組合わせにより4区を設けて栽培したところ,前期少量灌水した区では新梢の初期生長が優ったのに対し,前期多量灌水区では開花期前後より旺盛な生育を示した. 5)果粒の肥大には果実発育の第I期後半から差がみられ,前期に多量灌水した区が優った. しかし,この区では縮果病の発生が7割程度多かった. 6)葉のみかけの光合成量と蒸散量を全期少量灌水区と全期多量灌水区において測定した結果,光合成量は後者の方が多かったが,蒸散量にはほとんど差はみられなかった. 7)根群分布を落葉後の12月に調査したところ,各区とも温室中央部は根域が浅く20~40cmであったのに対し,外側よりの樹は地下60cm付近に多かった. それは室中央部の地下30cm付近に著しく土壌硬度の高い層があったことによるためと思われる. これが幼木育成期より温室中央付近の樹の生育が悪いことの原因と思われる