36,400 research outputs found

    Higher Order Decompositions of Ordered Operator Exponentials

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    We present a decomposition scheme based on Lie-Trotter-Suzuki product formulae to represent an ordered operator exponential as a product of ordinary operator exponentials. We provide a rigorous proof that does not use a time-displacement superoperator, and can be applied to non-analytic functions. Our proof provides explicit bounds on the error and includes cases where the functions are not infinitely differentiable. We show that Lie-Trotter-Suzuki product formulae can still be used for functions that are not infinitely differentiable, but that arbitrary order scaling may not be achieved.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur


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    Dunia otomotif yang semakin berkembang menuntut perubahan agar alat transportasi lebih baik,tidak hanya pada mesinnya yang irit bahan bakar melainkan juga pada tingkat kenyamanan. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil rancang bangun pembuatan media pembelajaran sistemtransmisi otomatis CVT pada mesin Suzuki Skydrive tahun 2010. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalahpenelitian eksperimen. Obyek penelitian adalah mesin Suzuki Skydrive tahun 2010. Pengujian getaranberdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Tenaga Kerja nomor KEP. 51/MEN/1999. Instrumen dan alat yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah vibration tester. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskritifkuantitatif. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah dapat menghasilkan sebuah assemblingmedia pembelajaran transmisi otomatis CVT mesin Suzuki Skydrive tahun 2010 dengan material yangsesuai. Sehingga didapatkan perbandingan getaran rangka meja dudukan mesin terbesar yang dihasilkanoleh roller weight 15 gram sebesar 208,50 m/s2, roller weight 12 gram sebesar 205,50 m/s2, roller weight9 gram sebesar 201,44 m/s2, dan roller weight 7 gram sebesar 187,88 m/s2

    International Research Symposium on Talent Education, Part 4: The joys and benefits of Suzuki group class

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    This is the fourth article in a series reporting the findings of a large-scale demographic study of Suzuki teachers in Canada and the United States. Previous articles introduced the research, reporting on basic demographic statistics, teacher training, studio size, and structure of group classes. In this article we report on the results of an open-ended response question regarding the benefits of student participation in Suzuki group class

    Analisis Pengaruh Proses Oversize Piston Terhadap Kinerja Motor dan Pengujian Ketahanan Mekanik Piston Dengan Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Catia V5R14

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    Proses oversize piston banyak dilakukan pada motor yang telah melewati batas toleransi ukuran antara piston dan dinding silinder. Proses oversize adalah penggantian dengan diameter yang lebih besar dari ukuran sebelumnya. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis perhitungan kinerja motor dengan piston ukuran standard dan oversize, serta analisis pengujian ketahanan mekanik piston dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Catia. Dari hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa dengan meng-oversize piston terjadi kenaikan volume langkah, tapi tekanan dalam ruang bakar menurun, perbandingan kompresi meningkat, sedangkan untuk daya dan torsi yang dihasilkan relatif sama dengan ukuran motor standard. Serta dari analisis ketahanan mekanik menggunakan perangkat lunak Catia menunjukan bahwa tegangan maksimum tertinggi terjadi pada piston Suzuki Shogun 110cc oversize 0.0075 m, piston Yamaha Jupiter 110cc oversize 0.0025 m, piston Honda Kharisma 125cc oversize 0.005 m dan piston Suzuki Shogun R 125cc oversize 0.0075

    Transcriptional regulation in mouse macrophages : the role of enhancers in macrophage activation and infection

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    The results presented in Chapter 3 of this thesis were published as (the Authors retain copyright): Denisenko, E., Guler, R., Mhlanga, M. M., Suzuki, H., Brombacher, F., & Schmeier, S. (2017). Genome-wide profiling of transcribed enhancers during macrophage activation. Epigenetics & Chromatin, 10(1), 50. doi: 10.1186/s13072-017-0158-9Macrophages are sentinel cells essential for tissue homeostasis and host defence. Owing to their plasticity, macrophages acquire a range of functional phenotypes in response to microenvironmental stimuli. Of those, M(IFN-γ) and M(IL-4/IL-13) macrophage activation states are well known for their opposing pro- and anti-inflammatory roles. Imbalance in these populations of macrophages has been implicated in progression of various diseases. Macrophages also comprise the first line of an organism’s defence against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis; interactions between the bacteria and host macrophages define the infection outcome. The area of mammalian transcriptional regulation progressed remarkably with recent advances in high-throughput technologies. Enhancers emerged as crucial regulatory DNA elements capable of activating transcription of target genes at distance in an orientation-independent manner. A recent discovery revealed that enhancers can be transcribed themselves into enhancer RNAs, or eRNAs. Enhancers were shown to be pervasive, yet the associated regulatory patterns remain largely unknown and require further research. In this thesis, we investigated in silico transcribed enhancers in mouse tissues and cell lines, with a particular focus on macrophages. We have performed a large-scale study to identify transcribed enhancers across multiple tissues and to characterise their properties. In macrophages, we have established the most accurate, to our knowledge, genome-wide catalogue of transcribed enhancers and enhancer-gene regulatory interactions. We have inferred enhancers that might drive transcriptional responses of protein-coding genes upon M(IFN-γ) and M(IL-4/IL-13) macrophage activation, and demonstrated stimuli specificity of regulatory associations. We have conducted the first to our knowledge study of the role of transcribed enhancers in macrophage response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. Taken together, the present work provides new insights into genome-wide enhancer-mediated transcriptional control of macrophage protein-coding genes in different conditions. Given the increasing promise for enhancer and chromatin-directed therapy, this work paves the way for further studies towards hostdirected therapies and novel treatments for tuberculosis and immune diseases associated with macrophage dysfunction