8 research outputs found

    Endophytic diversity profiles.

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    <p><i>Aeschynomene fluminensis</i> (red line) and <i>Polygonum acuminatum</i> (black line) of environments with (+PHg and +AHg) (●) and without (-PHg and -AHg) (▲) mercury, using the Hill Series. For the parameter <i>a</i> = 0, the diversity value is equal to the number of species in the sample. For the <i>a</i> tending to 1, the diversity value is equivalent to the Shannon index. For <i>a</i> = 2, the value equals the Simpson index.</p

    Endophytic fungal communities of <i>Polygonum acuminatum</i> and <i>Aeschynomene fluminensis</i> are influenced by soil mercury contamination - Fig 3

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    <p><b>Non Metric Scheduling (NMDS) calculated from the Jaccard (A) and Bray-Curtis (B) distances for host isolates from mercury contaminated and uncontaminated areas</b>. The green and red polygons show the grouping between isolates from the contaminated and uncontaminated areas.</p

    Venn diagram of endophytic fungi isolated.

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    <p>Strains obtained from <i>Polygonum acuminatum</i> and <i>Aeschynomene fluminensis</i> from contaminated (+PHg and +AHg) and uncontaminated areas (-PHg and -AHg).</p