14 research outputs found


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    New media platforms have impacted the practices of traditional media in local environments. New media has created new opportunities for news organizations to participate in unique storytelling experiences and novel practices of audience engagement in global, national, regional and local environments. Many developments have raised questions, such as: Will new media platforms replace traditional media? This paper is based on a survey of students in Slovenia regarding the role of new media and the survey on usage of new media in local election campaign in 2010. An empirical analysis which is divided in two parts is the basis for the conclusions. In first part we analyzed the consumption of different media from younger generation. The second part of the analysis gives us the information about consumption of new media from the candidates in local election campaign in municipality of Maribor. The empirical data supports the hypotheses of the paper. First, traditional media requires main transformation but can not be substituted completely by new media. The paper will discuss the role of media, particularly television as the main traditional media. Second, media audience value medium according to the credibility and quality of information. According to the results of the survey among the young generation and according to the short overview of the local election campaign the paper will open the discussion about impact of traditional and new media. A survey of today\u27s websites and digital initiatives demonstrates that traditional television practices are now built into various web and digital media initiatives of local media industry. The future mandates the incorporation of traditional media into new platforms, but the chief paradigm for following professional standards should remain the same. The future of traditional and new platforms depends on their capacity to meet credibility and ethical standards!Nove medijske platforme su utjecale na praksu tradicionalnih medija u lokalnim sredinama. Novi mediji su stvorili nove mogućnosti za novinske organizacije da sudjeluju u jedinstvenom pripovijedanju iskustava i novoj praksi angažmana publike u globalnoj, nacionalnoj, regionalnoj i lokalnim sredinama. Mnoga zbivanja su izazvala pitanja, kao što su: Hoće li nove medijske platforme zamijeniti tradicionalne medije? Ovaj rad temelji se na anketi studenata u Sloveniji o ulozi novih medija i istraživanju o korištenju novih medija u lokalnoj izbornoj kampanji u 2010. Empirijska analiza koja je podijeljena u dva dijela je temelj za zaključke. U prvom dijelu smo analizirali korištenje različitih medija kod mlađe generacije. U drugom dijelu analize dobivamo informacije o korištenju novih medija u kampanji kandidata na lokalnim izborima u općini Maribor. Empirijski podaci podržavaju hipotezu rada. Prvo, tradicionalni mediji zahtijevaju velike transformacije, ali ne mogu se zamijeniti potpuno novim medijima. U radu će se raspravljati o ulozi medija, osobito televizije kao glavnog tradicionalnog medija. Drugo, medijska publika vrednuje medije prema vjerodostojnosti i kvaliteti informacija. Prema rezultatima istraživanja među mladom generacijom i prema kratkim pregledom kampanje lokalnih izbora u radu se otvara rasprava o utjecaju tradicionalnih i novih medija. Istraživanje današnjih web stranica i digitalne inicijative pokazuje da je tradicionalna televizijska praksa danas ugrađena u razne web i digitalne medijske inicijative lokalne medijske industrije. Budućnost zahtijeva uključivanje tradicionalnih medija u nove platforme, no glavna paradigma za profesionalne standarde treba ostati ista. Budućnost tradicionalnih i novih platformi ovisi o njihovoj sposobnosti da zadovolje vjerodostojnost i etičke standarde

    Model of Broadcasting as a Model for Local Media: Distinctiveness with Market Orientation

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    The Axiological and Teleological Aspects of Soccer as Seen Through the Values Scale of Bosnian — Herzegovinian and Slovenian Soccer Coaches

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    Na temelju (samo)procjene osobnih vrijednosti bosansko–hercegovačkih i slovenskih nogometnih trenera u radu se kritički promišlja o aksiološkom i teleloškom vidiku sporta, posebice nogometu koji se danas nametnuo kao društveni i kulturni fenomen. Glavni cilj rada bio je utvrditi hijerarhiju vrijednosti, analizirati faktorsku strukturu vrijednosti te utvrditi povezanost sociodemografskih podataka sa sustavom vrijednosti bosansko–hercegovačkih i slovenskih nogometnih trenera te utvrditi slažu li se vrijednosni nalazi hrvatskih nogometnih trenera s trenerima država iz okruženja. Za potrebe ovoga rada korišten je Schwartzov upitnik vrijednosti Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ, 2001), a istraživanje je provedeno 2017. godine u suradnji s Centrom za edukaciju Nogometnog/Fudbalskog saveza Bosne i Hercegovine i Nogometnom zvezom Slovenije. Provedena je faktorska analiza vrijednosti bosansko–hercegovačkih i slovenskih nogometnih trenera, koja je dala tri ekstrahirana vrijednosna faktora: vrijednosti vlastitoga odricanja, zadržavanje tradicionalnih odnosa i vlastiti probitak. Analiza rezultata pokazala je kako postoje razlike u hijerarhiji vrijednosti trenerskih podskupina UEFA B, UEFA A, UEFA PRO te kako određeni sociodemografski podatci utječu na vrijednosti bosansko–hercegovačkih i slovenskih nogometnih trenera.Based on the (self–) assessment of personal values by Bosnian — Herzegovinian soccer coaches and Slovenian soccer coaches, the article presents critical thoughts on the axiological and teleological aspect of sports, especially in regard to soccer which today has imposed itself as a social and cultural phenomenon. For the purposes of this article we used Schwartz’s values questionnaire — The Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ, 2001). Research was conducted in 2017 in cooperation with The Education Center of the Soccer Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Centar za edukaciju Nogometnog/Fudbalskog saveza Bosne i Hercegovine) and The Soccer Federation of Slovenia. An analysis of the results demonstrates that coaches differ in regard to their value hierarchies according to their coaching subgroup (UEFA A, UEFA B and UEFA PRO), and that socio–demographic variables are important in defining the value systems of Bosnian — Herzegovinian soccer coaches as well as Slovenian soccer coaches. The main goal was to determine value hierarchies, to analyze the factor structure of values, to determine the correlation of socio–demographic data with the value systems of Bosnian — Herzegovinian soccer coaches and Slovenian soccer coaches, and to determine whether the values of Croatian soccer coaches coincide with the values of coaches in the region. A factor analysis was conducted on the values of Bosnian — Herzegovinian soccer coaches and Slovenian soccer coaches from which three factors were extracted: self–renunciation, preserving of traditional relationships and personal success

    Is the handgrip strength influential factor on the competition result in elite male artistic gymnasts?

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    High handgrip strength in men’s artistic gymnastics is crucial, mainly for improving performance and to potentially prevent injuries, as well as for the fact that gymnasts body movements are around immovable apparatuses (pommel horse, rings, parallel bars and high bar) for the extended period of time. Since there are not so many studies that have dealt with this topic and on actual competition, we have aimed to examine the handgrip strength influence on the competition result in elite male artistic gymnasts. The sample of participants were conducted of 37 elite male artistic gymnasts (8–21 years old), from 8 different countries as national team competitors at the International Competition “Laza Krstić and Marica Dželatović” held in Novi Sad, Serbia. Basic anthropometric measurements were included (body height, body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI)), along with training experience and handgrip strength measurement (both dominant and nondominant hand). Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z test (p < 0.05) was used for distribution normality, along with regression analysis with Model 1 (participants age, training experience, body height, body weight and BMI), Model 2 (Model 1 + dominant handgrip strength) and Model 3 (Model 1 + nondominant handgrip strength). SPSS v.20 was used for all statistical analysis. Our study have revealed that there is significant influence of all 3 Models on the parallel bars final result (p = 0.033; p = 0.049; p = 0.031, respectively), in terms of all set of variables, whereas body weight Beta scores (28.6%; 30.3%; 32.7%, respectively) moslty explains the results. Both dominant and nondominant handgrip strength are influential factors only on the parallel bars final result. Since both hands are contributing equally, bilateral training is necessary. In order to expand the knowledge on this topic and completely understand the influential factors, future studies are needed on this sample. Regardless of our main findings, our results should be taken with caution

    Mediji in demokracija

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    Teorije o množičnih medijih

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    Social responsibility and economic uccess of public service broadcasting Channel 4 : distinctiveness with market orientation

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    The idea of satisfying cultural and economic dimensions of a society is the crucial issue for modern public service media. Management of media organizations has become a very complex process. It is inevitable to anticipate different interests, technological changes, changes in regulation, and different societal trends. A mixture of private and public management practices requires setting of appropriate criteria, and new management approaches for many public services. From the perspective of television institutions, these managerial practices are the answers to the challenges of the market: how to produce more with fewer funds in a very competitive market?The paper explores the issue of confrontation between the public interest, and the economic success of television organization. The idea of PSBis going to change as there are blurring boundaries between PSB and commercial broadcasting. Many authors open the issue of a changing role, and the position of television institution in a society since commercialization is the most common trend in all PSBs in Europe. Treating PSB as narrow elite and a cultural institution is becoming unrealistic. The paper explores the management approaches to fulfil the economic success, and social responsibility at the same time. The case of Channel 4, public service broadcaster in UK, explains why it is important to attract a broader range of viewers with its programmes while still catering for minorities with new digital services. This research enables the discussion of overall success of public service broadcaster which satisfies a remit while meeting the needs of different groups. The importance of the market share measures and flexible organizational structure of a publisher will be researched through broadcasting model of Channel 4. The idea of Channel 4 will be examined as a possible broadcasting model for a small European country Slovenia

    Organizacija TV in njeno preučevanje

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    Aging Adults about Online Dating: “I am back on the relationship market!”

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    The incidence of increasing aging populations and the popularity of online dating point to the importance of examining aging adults’ involvement in online dating. The study uses semi-structured in-depth interviews with 38 individuals from Slovenia aged 63 to 74. The analysis reveals than the majority of the participants claimed that they had access to a large market of potential partners by use of online dating. They used economic metaphors and related them with extremely positive expressions of recovery: we are alive again because we are back on the relationship market. Their decision to seek a partner through online dating meant that they were once again active in a socially important space, which stimulated a sense of revitalization. Even though the participants lived the majority of their lives under socialism, they have internalized the principles of the market economy and perceive their re-entry into the relationship market as their revival

    Usefulness of Digital Language Resources in Improving Native Language among Adults

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    Important keys to effective communication are language competences, which can be supported by using digital language resources. These usually assist the acquisition of a second language, despite their potential for improving one&rsquo;s native language. Our study was, thus, aimed at raising awareness about the possibilities of improving the native language of an adult population by using digital language resources for the Slovenian language. We conducted workshops, a survey and, partly, semi-structured interviews with 124 participants. We examined whether the perceived usefulness and ease of using digital language resources depends on age, education, self-assessed language proficiency, and experience with language training. The analysis revealed that self-initiative use of analogue language resources is related positively to using digital ones for seeking information, improving language use, as well as for study or work. Moreover, self-assessed proficiency in language was found to affect the perceived ease of using digital language resources. These findings may help language professionals support developing language skills by using digital language resources and preserving language in an adult population