5 research outputs found

    Antibacterial Activity of Legundi Leaf Extract (Vitex trifolia L.) with Betel Leaf Extract (Piper betle L.) against Staphylococcus aureus

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    One of the plants that have antibacterial compounds is legundi leaves and betel leaves. The combination of the two extracts is expected to provide a synergistic effect so that it can increase the inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. This study used the disc diffusion test method to determine the antibacterial activity. The data obtained were analyzed using the Kolmogrov-Smirnov test and continued with the one-way Anova test. The average diameter of the inhibition zone in this study ranged from 6.43 mm to 18.63 mm where legundi extract had a medium category, betel extract had a moderate to strong category, and combined extracts had a strong category. The combination of ethanol extract of legundi leaves (Vitex trifolia Linn.) with betel leaves (Piper betle L. ) has antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus growth in vitro, based on the results of the one way annova test with a significance value of p < 0.05. The combination of antibacterial compounds from legundi with betel nut with a ratio of 2:1 had a greater inhibitory power than the two single extracts

    Penyuluhan Kesehatan serta Pemeriksaan Kadar Hemoglobin dan Protein Urin pada Remaja Putri

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    Adolescence is an age stage that comes after childhood ends which is characterized by rapid growth with an age range of 10-19 years. Teenage girls are generally more prone to anemia than teenage boys. This community service activity aims to provide education to teenage girls about anemia and laboratory tests such as Hb levels and urine protein as an effort to provide health services to teenage girls at SMPN 1 Ubud, Gianyar. The method of implementing this activity includes counseling about anemia, checking Hb levels, and urine protein examination, as well as pre-test and post-test to determine the level of knowledge of teenage girls about anemia. From the results of the examination of 34 respondents, it was found that 29.4% had anemia and none of the respondents had proteinuria. As many as 94% of respondents have a good level of knowledge about anemia. There needs to be a role from family, school, and government to improve the health status of teenage girls such as giving blood tablets regularly to avoid anemia

    Genetic Relationship Between Gembrong Goat, Kacang Goat and Kacang X Etawah Crossbred (PE) Based on Their Mitochondrial DNA

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    Gembrong goat is a specific type of goat which has long hair covers its whole body including its neckand face, originated from eastern part of Bali (Karangasem). A study of this type of goat and its relationshipwith other local goats (Kacang and Kacang x Etawah crossbred) was carried out at Sawe village, Jembrana,Bali.. A number of 12 gembrong goats, 3 kacang goats from Kubu village, Karangasem and 3 Kacang xEtawah crossbred goats from Denpasar were used in this study. Blood samples of all goats were collectedfor mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis. PCR amplification of D-loop mitochondrial DNA was carriedout by using two primers i.e. CAP-F (5’-CGTGTATGCAAGTACATTAC -3’) and CAP-R (5’-CTGATTAGTCATTAGTCCATC – 3’) . Sequencing of 550 bp (base-pairs) of mitochondrial DNA (productof PCR) only found one polymorphic site at base number 231 with two haplotypes in gembrong goat only,while the other base-pairs were similar between the three goat types (Gembrong, Kacang and Kacang xEtawah crossbred) .The frequency of haplotype 1 was 83.3% and the frequency of haplotype 2 was 16.7%.It was concluded that based on their mitochondrial DNA sequences and “phylogenic analysis”, the threetypes of goat (Gembrong,Kacang and Kacang xEtawah crossbred) had a very close genetic relationship(kinship)

    Gambaran Darah Kambing Gembrong, Kambing Peranakan Etawah, dan Kambing Kacang di Bali (BLOOD ILLUSTRATION OF GEMBRONG GOAT, ETAWAH CROSSBRED GOAT AND KACANG GOAT IN BALI)

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    There were three kinds of goat developed in Bali since a long time ago i.e. Gembrong goat, EtawahCrossbred goat, and Kacang goat. Gembrong goat is nearly disappearingrecently due to decrease of itspopulation from year to year. The Gembrong goat has very interesting performance, funny, and this speciesis Balinese native goats. The objective of thisexperiment was to know the blood illustration among thethree speciesof the Balinese native goatwhere in the future it can be used as a guide to develop each ofthem. The experiment was used nine adults goats namely three adult male Gembrong goats, three adultmale Etawah Crossbred goats, and three adult male Kacang Goats respectively. The animal fed dailygreen feed grows around them and additional rice bran. Blood samples of the animals were collected forabout10-15 mL each with venoject, and then was kept in a cooler box and subsequently sent to the ProdiaClinic Laboratory at Denpasar. The results of the experiment showed that blood illustration of the threekinds of goat was not significantly different (P > 0.05) except the triglyseride

    Daya Hambat Ekstrak Daun Sirih dan Daun Legundi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Staphylococcus aureus

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    Staphylococcus aureus is one of the causes of infectious disease, ranging from mild to severe infections such as meningitis. The drug that is often used is the penicillin class of antibiotics. Apart from chemical antibiotics, natural antibacterial compunds from plants can be also used as an alternative treatment for this infection. Such as green betel (Piper betle L.) and legundi (Vitex trifolia L.). The ethanol extract of betel leaf has antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. The phytochemical content in legundi leaf is also able to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. The ethanol extract of betel leaf and legundi is made through a maceration process. The extract concentrations used in this study were 20%, 30%, and 40%. The inhibition test of Staphylococcus aureus using the disc method. From the results of this study, the active substances found in betel leaf were flavonoids, tannins, and phenols, while in legundi were found flavonoids, tannins and phenols, and quinones. In total, the mean inhibition zone in this study ranged from 7.87mm to 17.33mm where legundi leaf extract was in the moderate category, betel and combination extract were classified as strong. There was a difference in the diameter of the inhibition zone of betel and legundi extract at a concentration 20% with 40%. In the combination extract there is a difference in the concentration of 20% with 40% and 30% with 40%. An antimicrobial compound can be said to synergize if a mixture of two or more antimicrobial compounds is able to provide an effect of each compounds. In this study, it has seen that the mean of the combination is higher than the mean of legundi leaf extract. Meanwhile, the mean of betel leaf extract is still greater than the combination extract