17 research outputs found
Manajemen Pengelolaan Portal Berita Www.goriau.com Dalam Menarik Minat Baca Pada Media Sosial
Social media is now very popular among's the people. Like the mass media, social media can also disseminate information to the public in general. One of social media is currently popular it's news portals. This type of social media offer new information presented in the online form on a website. GoRiau.com is one of the leading news portal in Province of Riau. The further development of today's technology raises many new news portal. To competition, GoRiau.com through keredaksiannya face has a strategy to attract the requested read on social media. For this reason, this research is focused on the function of management on news portals GoRiau.com and what factors attract interest in reading to know.This research applies qualitative method with descriptive approach undertaken in GoRiau.com news portal, Sudirman streets No. 125 South Tangkerang, Bukitraya, Pekanbaru. Subjects of study include general chairman, chief editor, managing editor, and two journalists, as well as some of those readers who are determined through purposive method. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and documentation.The results of this study show that first, the management function in the editorial GoRiau.com news portal in an effort to attract interest in reading. GoRiau.com implement a planning that is done in three forms of the editorial meeting, which includes the planning meeting news content, placement planning meeting journalists, as well as evaluation. As for organizing, Goriau.com have determined the distribution of every reporter in accordance with the coverage of each post with the granting of work specified. Continue, regarding the actuating of the starting material coverage of news, collecting, writing, editing news on the website to which this form of utilization of new media. Form of controlling carried GoRiau.com one of which is the evaluation of the work, but other than that GoRiau.com also open a service complaint to the reader via e-mail. Second, the factors that attract interest in reading on this portal ie, interest, experience the same, and information needs. The entire series of the process is a form of editorial managerial done in order to attract readers
Gambaran Sikap Ergonomi dan Proporsi Keluhan Muskuloskeletal pada Tenaga Kerja Bongkat Muat di Pelabuhan Bongkar Muat Barang Jalan Tanjung Batu Kecamatan Lima Puluh Kota Pekanbaru
Ergonomics deals with optimization, efficiency, health, safety, and comfort in the workplace. One of this ergonomics principle approach is important for unloading workers in the harbour, because their workplace and work-system have high risk of workplace accidents if the principles of ergonomics is not applied. So, the effectivity, efficiency, productivity, comfort, and health of workers in the harbour need to be maintained and improved with ergonomics approach. The bad application of ergonomics when work (lifting methods, the weight limit of lifted load, special technique of lifting) can affect the work stress and excessive work stress will cause musculosceletal fatigue. This research was held on H. Ali Akbar unloading harbour on Jl. Tanjung Batu, Lima Puluh, Pekanbaru, with descriptive observasional method to describe risk of work ergonomy caused by bad application of ergonomics at work and musculosceletal symptoms proportion of 19 unloading workers by Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaire. The result is all unloading workers (100%) have musculosceletal injury with various grade of injury. When being observed, none of all unloading workers lift the load with the right method and no special technique had been used by unloading workers to lift the load
Persepsi Penderita terhadap Pengobatan dan Kesembuhan Penyakit Tuberkulosis Paru di Kota Pekanbaru
Tuberculosis ( TB ) is one of the world\u27s health problems. Indonesia is one of the countries with high TB incidence. There are 450,000 TB cases and 64,000 deaths per year or about 169 deaths per day. The TB case detection rate ( CDR ) in Indonesia is still below the national target. Low case detection rate of TB in Indonesia is influenced by several factors, which one of that is the perception of the patient to the treatment and recovery of TB disease. This research is qualitative by using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. By using the snowballing sampling technique obtained 12 samples from patients with pulmonary TB population and health care. The results obtained are the description of the informant\u27s perception of TB disease is largely lacking. There are the informants who do not know the exact cause of TB. Perceptions of informants to the treatment of TB disease is almost the same, it can be seen from all over the informants believed that the treatment provided by the health service will grant a recovery of TB disease than traditional treatments. Perceptions of informants to the recovery of TB disease is almost the same too, it can be seen from the statement of the entire informants feel confident and believe in doing the treatment at the health center can cure TB disease
Social Cognitive Theory: The Relationship between Knowledge, Environmental Observation, Outcome Expectation, Self-Efficacy, and Preventive Behavior of Over Weight in Adolescent
BACKGROUND: Obesity is a global health problem that has been increasing in various age groups, including adolescents. Overweight and obesity should be prevented to reduce the risks of various chronic diseases, including cardio-vascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. Albert Bandura proposed Social Cognitive Theory to explain health-related behaviors. This study aimed to determine the relationship between knowledge, environ-mental observation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, and preventive behavior of overweight in adolescent, using Social Cognitive Theory.
SUBJECT AND METHODS: This was an analytic observational study with cross sectional design, conducted in Malang, East Java. A total of 90 overweight or obese high school students in Malang were selected for this study. A set of questionnaire was designed to measure knowledge, environ-mental observation, outcome expectation, self-efficacy, and preventive behavior of overweight. This questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability. The data was analyzed using multiple linear regression model on STATA program.
RESULTS: Environmental observation (b=0.11; CI 95%=0.00 to 0.23; p=0.047), outcome expectation (b=0.11; CI 95%=0.00 to 0.22; p=0.041), and self-efficacy (b=0.14; CI 95%=0.04 to 0.24; p=0.006) had positive relationship with preventive behavior of overweight. However, the relationship between knowledge and preventive behavior was not statisti-cally significant (b=-0.14; CI 95%=-0.44 to 0.15; p=0.342). Together the independent variables in the model explained 38% of the variation in preventive behavior of overweight (adjusted R2=38.06).
CONCLUSION: Environmental observation, outcome expectation, and self-efficacy had positive relationship with preventive behavior overweight.
Keywords: knowledge, environmental observation, outcome expecta-tions, self-efficacy, preventive behavior
Analisis Penerapan Social Media sebagai Strategi Bisnis oleh Pelaku Bisnis Online
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur sejauh mana efektifitas penggunaan social media yang telah digunakan sebagai strategi bisnis oleh beberapa pelaku bisnis berbasis online. Subyek penelitian ini adalah beberapa pelaku bisnis berbasis online yang telah memanfaatkan social media untuk bisnis mereka. Analisis penelitian menggunakan analisis SWOT dan strategi biaya rendah dengan indikator keberhasilan dilihat dari dua perspektif yaitu dari sisi pelaku bisnis dan dari sisi konsumen yang mengakses produk bisnis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaku bisnis yang telah menerapkan social media mengalami peningkatan omzet hingga 104%. Penelitian diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan bagi para pelaku bisnis yang ingin menggunakan social media sebagai salah satu strategi dalam berpromosi
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Blended Learning pada Matakuliah Konsep Teknologi Informasi
The purpose of this research is to a.) Generate a Blended learning model That learning approach that integrates teacher center approach and distance learning using online learning resources that will be applicable to subjects Concept College of Information Technology at DCC LAMPUNG. b.) An increase in the achievement of students on the use of e-Learning in DCC LAMPUNG Universities c.) to be atractive for students on the use of e-Learning in DCC Lampung Higher Educations.Methods of research and development is done by following the steps Borg and Gall research to move to seven step because the study is still small. Data obtained using a questionnaire and a test instrument then the data were analyzed by descriptive and t test
Markerless mocap merupakan teknik pengambilan gerakan ekspresi manusia tetapi tidak memerlukan alat atau penanda khusus yang digunakan aktor. Teknik ini hanya menggunakan kamera kedalaman yang akan secara otomatis menentukan titik–titik sendi manusia. Selain menghemat biaya juga dapat mempercepat hasil produksi. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan mocap ekspresi wajah menggunakan teknik markerless menggunakan kinect lalu membandingkan ekspersi aktor dengan hasil mocap yang diimplementasikan ke objek 3D. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode FACS dan AU untuk membandingkan gerakan otot wajah yang terjadi serta meminta penilaian dari para pakar animator. Setelah pengujian didapat hasil bahwa mocap ekspresi wajah menggunakan teknik markerless dapat digunakan, namun ekspresi yang terjadi masih kurang ekspresif sehingga harus diadakan proses editing untuk membuat hasil yang sempurna.
Kata kunci: Mocap, FACS, Ekspresi wajah, Kinect, Animasi 3
Prediksi Ketahanan PC Overclocking dengan Menggunakan Regresi Linier
– Overclocking merupakan kegiatan di mana orang melakukan peningkatan pada variabel didalam sebuah perangkat komputer. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi suatu perangkat PC, maka otomatis beberapa vendor akan bersaing dalam menciptak fitur-fitur yang menarik digunakan untuk para vendor dalam menaikkan peforma dari sebuah komputer tersebut salah satunya adalah fitur Overclocking. Fitur overclocking sendiri jika tidak digunakan secara hati-hati akan membuat komputer tersebut mengalami gangguan seperti mati secara tiba-tiba atau yang parah bisa terjadinya bau kompone terbakar. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini dibuat agar para penguna komputer yang memfaatkan fitur ini bisa lebih hati-hati atau mengerti batas dari kemampuan dari komponen mereka. Penelitian ini juga hanya berfokus pada regresi linear yang berguna untuk membuat sebuah prediksi komputer tersebut bisa memiliki peforma tinggi dengan tidak memiliki resiko merusak komponen lainnya. Hasilnya pun juga cukup baik dimana tingkat eror MSE, RMSE dan MAPE tidak lebih dari 1,25. Kata Kunci – Overclocking, Komputer, Regresi, MSE, RMSE, MAPE