93 research outputs found

    Daya Beda, Tingkat Kesulitan, dan Tebaan Tes Biologi Kelas 8 Semester Gasal

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    The aims of this research: (1) Want to know different effort in biology test items at 8 class odd semester, (2) want to know difficult level in biology test items at 8 class odd semester, (3) want to know guessing biology test items at 8 class odd semester. Biology test 8 class odd semester includes 100 question items and have tried on 200 respondent. For analysis is used R programming. The results show: (1) Different effort in biology test items at 8 class odd semester about 1,002 up to 2,969. The lowest different effort item is 8 item and the highest different effort item is 38 item. (2) Difficult level in biology test items at 8 class odd semester about 1,005 un to 1,992. The lowest difficult level test item is 83 and 93 item and the highest difficult level is 45 item. (3) Guessing biology test items at 8 class odd semester. Biology test 8 class odd semester about 0,018 up to 0,989. The lowest guessing is 80 item and the highest guessing is 68 item

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penghasilan USAha Salon di Kota Solo

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    This study aims to analyze (1) Effect of products on the income of salon business in the city of Solo, (2) The effect of price on the income of salon business in the city of Solo, (3) Effect of promotions on the income of salon business in the city of Solo. This study is a sample research with 35 respondents of salon entrepreneur in the city of Solo, using proporsional sample random sampling. To test the hypothesis, researcher used linear multiple regression analysis, data processing using SPSS. The results of this study point to the fact (1) Product services significantly influence the salon business income in the city of Solo, indicated by p value of 0.02, so the hypothesis 1 is proved. (2) Price significant effect on the income of salon business in the city of Solo, indicated by p value of 0.024, so the hypothesis 2 is proved. (3) Promotion of a significant effect on operating income in the city of Solo salon indicated by p value of 0.030, so the hypothesis 3 is proved

    Diskresi, Lembaga Komunikasi dan Informatika di Kota YOGYAKARTA

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    The publication of Government Regulation Number: 41 year 2007 regarding the regional organization requires each region to form local ICT government institution. However, but the city of Yogyakarta conducted institutional discretion by not forming the institution. The purpose of this study was to determine why the city of Yogyakarta conducted the discretion by not maintaining the authority of Information and Communication Technology as mandated by the Government Regulation Number: 41 in 2007. The methods used in this research were descriptive and qualitative approach. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and tracking documentation. The techniques of data analysis used were data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results showed that the policy of discretion was taken because there were local capacity and necessity which were not anticipated by the Government Regulation

    Karakteristik Tes Biologi Kelas 7 Semester Gasal

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    The goals of the research: (1) To know the difficulty degree of the Biology test items for class VII by the period of the odd term, (2) To know the interval of the Biology test items for class VII by the period of the odd term, (3) To know the reliability of of the Biology test for class VII by the period of the odd term. The Biology test for class VII by the period of the odd term consists of 100 items tested toward 100 respondents. The item programming version 3.00 is used in the analysis. The result of the analysis shows that: (1) The difficulty degree of the Biology test items for class VII by the period of the odd term is at the interval of 0,025 up to 0,775. There are 30 items which are difficultly tested and 75 items which are easily tested. The comparison of the easy tested items: the medium tested items : the difficult tested items is 26% : 29% : 45%, (2) The interval of the Biology test items for class VII by the period of the odd term shows between -0,226 up to 1,000. The lowest interval belongs to the item numbered 47 and the highest interval belongs to the items numbered 65 and 66. There are found 18 items which belong in bad qualifiation, 23 items which belong in medium qualification, 22 items which belong in good qualification and 37 items which belong in the best qualification, (3) The reliability of of the Biology test for class VII by the period of the odd term is 0,839

    Stabilitas Hasil dan Kemampuan Adaptasi Galur-galur Padi Fe Tinggi Menggunakan Analisis Ammi (Additive Main Effect And Multiplicative Interaction)

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    Identifikasi suatu varietas yang memiliki hasil tertinggi pada suatu lingkungan tertentu mendasarkan pada nilai genotipe dan interaksi genotipe x lingkungan sangat bermanfaat bagi pemulia dan petani. Estimasi hasil suatu varietas mendasarkan pada nilai genotipe dan lingkungan masih belum cukup. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menunjukkan kegunaan model analisis AMMI (additive main effect and multiplicative interaction) dalam identifikasi stabilitas hasil dan adaptabilitas suatu verietas. Data produksi tujuh galur padi Fe tinggi yang ditanam delapan kondisi lingkungan digunakan dalam analisis untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan galur G2 merupakan genotipe ideal karena memiliki produksi gabah tertinggi dan memiliki stabilitas tertinggi, serta memiliki kemampuan adaptasi luas. Analisis model AMMI menggambarkan pola interaksi suatu genotipe dengan lingkungan, menggambarkan kesesuaian suatu genotipe dengan suatu lingkungan, nilai nominal hasil suatu genotipe pada suatu lingkungan, stabilitas suatu genotipe, adaptabilitas genotipe, dan pola hubungan lingkungan dengan genotipe

    Model Partisipasi Petani Lahan Kering Dalam Konservasi Lahan

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    The study intends to describe the participation of farmers in the dryland crop based Land Conservation Index (LCI), describes the factors that affect the implementation of land conservation, and develop models to improve the participation of farmers in land conservation. Research carried out in Sub DAS upstream of Solo river. All of the food crop farmers from the Pundung villages totaling 68 family heads as respondents. The results of a study of farmers in conserving land at a moderate level. Model to improve the implementation of land conservation is increasing: land area, ownership ruminants, a family member who worked, and level of education, and empowerment to increase participation in land conservation in the parameter is still low, namely: planting plants to strengthen terracing, mulching or manure, planting annual crops on sloping land, crop rotation, and a sense of responsibility of farmers

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Operasi Hitung terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika

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    Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahuan sejauh mana kemampuan operasi hitung siswa SMK Negeri 2 Kabupaten Tangerang, sejauh mana kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika SMK Negeri 2 Kabupaten Tangerang dan pengaruh kemampuan operasi hitung terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa SMK SMK Negeri 2 Kabupaten Tangerang. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kemampuan operasi hitung siswa SMK Negeri 2 Kabupaten Tangerang, berada pada katagori sedang, dengan nilai rerata 54,59 terletak pada rentang 50,17< ????̅ ≤ 55,83. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika SMK Negeri 2 Kabupaten Tangerang berada pada katagori tinggi, dengan nilai rerata 10 terletak pada rentang 9,58 < ????̅ ≤ 11,75. Tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan variabel bebas X (kemampan operasi hitung) terhadap variabel terikat Y (kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika) hal ini terlihat pada nilai sig table ANOVA sebesar 0,721 lebih besar dari 0,05
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