117 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Al-Washliyah dalam Memperkuat Aqidah Siswa

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    Studi ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh Al-Washliyah, sebuah organisasi Islam yang berkomitmen untuk mengembangkan pendidikan Islam dan memperkuat aqeedah (iman Islam) siswa. Al-Washliyah didirikan pada tahun 1930 di Medan, Sumatera Utara, dan memiliki fokus yang jelas pada pendidikan dan pengembangan karakter siswa. Metode penelitian dalam studi ini adalah analisis kualitatif data dan informasi yang ditemukan dalam berbagai sumber yang ada. Artikel ini menggabungkan data dan informasi yang ditemukan dari sumber-sumber yang ada untuk memberikan analisis kualitatif tentang bagaimana Al-Washliyah dan organisasi mahasiswa Islam berkontribusi dalam memperkuat aqeedah siswa. Data ini mencakup sejarah organisasi, tujuan, peran Lembaga Pendidikan dalam pengembangan kurikulum, serta kontribusi lembaga pendidikan Islam dalam konteks memperkuat aqidah siswa

    Solation and Characterization of a Novel Benzoate- Utilizing Serratia Marcescens

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    A new benzoate-utilizing strain, Serratia marcescens DS-8, isolated from the environment was characterized. The strain was enterobacilli, Gram negative, mesophilic, non halophilic, and aerobic bacterium that showed motile ovale-rod shaped cells. The isolate produced extracellular chitinase, protease, and prodigiosin (a red pigment produced by several Serratia strains yielding bright red or pink colonies). A physiological assay using Microbact* test showed that the strain was closely related to Klebsiella ozaenae (49.85%) and Serratia liquefaciens (24.42%), respectively. However, 16S rRNA sequence analysis indicated that the strain was closely related to S. marcescens DSM 30121 with similarity level of 98%. DS-8 strain was able to synthesize its own vitamins. Optimum growth in benzoate was obtained at pH between 7-8.5 and NaCl concentration of 1-1.5% (w/v). The isolate could grow in benzoate-containing medium up to 10 mM. Other carbon sources that could support the growth of DS-8 were casamino acid, glutamate, glucose, acetate, potato starch, and ethanol

    Characterization of Three Benzoate Degrading Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria Isolated From the Environment

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    Three anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria, DS-1, DS-4 and Cas-13, have been examinated for themorphological and physiological properties. All strains were rod-shape cells with a swollen terminal endGram negative, motile, non-halophilic, non-alkalophilic and non-acidophilic, and capable of utilizinbenzoate aerobically and photo-anaerobically. Sequence analysis of part of 16S rRNA genes showed that DS1 and Cas-13 were closely related to Rhodopseudomonas palustris Strain 7 with a similarity of 97%, whereaDS-4 may not be closely related to the former two strains with a similarity of 78% based on the constructephylogenic tree. Spectral analysis indicated that the three bacteria had bacteriochlorophyl a and normaspirilloxanthin series. Growth in medium enriched with vitamin and supplemented with benzoate as their sole C-sources wabetter than in medium without vitamin. Benzoate degradation in medium with vitamin was accelerated. Thability to grow on benzoate without added vitamins indicated that the bacteria were able to synthesize theown vitamins

    Peran Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Meningkatkan Umk Buruh Rokok Pr. Nojorono Di Kabupaten Kudus

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    The purpose of this research is to 1 ) to examine the role of the local government of kabupaten Kudus in order to increase labor umk in cigarette Kudus; and 2 ) to examine obstacles that experienced by the local government to efforts to improve labor umk in cigarette kabupaten Kudus .This research incline to qualitative descriptive with the subject of this study is 1 ) the head of remuneration board kabupaten Kudus; 2 ) regional secretary kabupaten Kudus; 3 ) the head of government of the district government Kudus; and 4 ) one of the entrepreneurs cigarette factory in kabupaten KudusThe results of the study shows that the involvement of the local government of kabupaten Kudus in order to increase ukm factory workers cigarette is nothing to creating balance industrial relations in the regions .In the industrial relations , i.e. the system relationships formed between actors in production process goods and / or services that consists of elements entrepreneurs , workers and the government based on values pancasila and the constitution of the republic of Indonesia 1945 .In setting minimum wage was supposed to the interests of both employers and employees / laborers equally shelter fair .For workers / laborers really need wages appropriate in order to satisfy their daily needs so that can be achieved well-being , but for the company also need to get insurance when it has raise the minimum wage not being disturb the development and productivity company especially for medium-sized companies and smallThe result of the observation on the process discussion minimum wage in wage council the provincial level shows is that all the process that runs apparently place in a democratic and in accordance with governance work wage council .Every element of the joined in wage council have equal opportunities in express their opinions .Aspirations cigarette workers in kabupaten holy previously was stated by the local government of kabupaten holy , potentially have problem when they came in talks discussion at the wage council province , so that the role of the local government of kabupaten holy be termarjinalisasiTransparency entrepreneurs about the ability his company indispensable .If workers know the companies condition , so demands increase of wage adapted to the state of company .In addition , the workers have to can provide an incentive that is favorable to company , for example through increased productivity .Increase of wage who was not in balance to increased productivity actually make competitiveness to grow weak and injurious laborers because will give chances reductions in force .That awareness must be built by both parties in order to have synergistic relations between businessmen and worker

    Kinerja Bupati Batang Tahun 2012

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    In 2011, Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo was being elected as Batang‘s Regent. He tagged ―Clean Bureaucracy and Growing Economy‖ vision in running his government for 5 years ahead. He started the 2012 by focusin on enhancing the quality of public service, infrastructure and the government accountability.Contrary, we find out there is lack of good governance in Batang‘s Regency during 2012. Some reasons are residents are being not pleased with the Government plan in developing the regency; also the government never reaches an agreement with the legislative for its own budget and masterplan. Vividly, those complicated events are becoming an obstacle for the government. Moreover the legitimation of the regent is also being questioned by his lack of ability in maintaining its own government.The purpose of the research is to understand the performance of Batang‘s Regent while running its Government during 2012.The performance evaluation indicators are taken from the Dwiyanto‘s theorem, those are: productivity, accountability, transparancy, reponsivity, and responsibility. The research is conducting by using the descriptive basis while the supporting data are analyzed qualitatively. The object‘s of the research is the Batang‘s Regent performance for the year 2012.The research concludes that the Regent‘s performance during a year is qualitatively reasonable for being marked as good. The purpose is, the optimum effort that already being given by the regent to reach its own goal—the government‘s vision. Some government supporting departments also reach a significant performance improvement during his leadership. However, we still find some governance failure during a period

    Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Pemberdayaan UMKM Di Kabupaten Klaten “Studi Pengecoran Logam Di Kecamatan Ceper”

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    In an era of global competition is increasingly fierce and open aphenomenon that must be faced by businesses to produce products that have astrong competitiveness and competitive price products. MSMEs as one of thesupporting force of the movement of domestic trade and driving economicdevelopment has a very important role and is crucial in order to improveregional and national economies, So to encourage the presence of these UMKMneed a policy that supports UMKM in order to develop, and can help economicgrowth. As Klaten district in empowering the UMKM sector, metal cast intoone of the local revenue contributor.This study used a qualitative method is to conduct a survey andinterviews with the cast metal yng businesses located in the village of Batursubdistrict Ceper Klaten to obtain data on the role of government in enablingbusinesses of cast metal which decreased.The results showed that of the answer businessmen about government'srole in the Klaten district policy UMKM sector, especially in the village ofBatur cast metal Ceper District of Klaten District overall has been going well,but there are some indicators which businesses are still not good and not inaccordance expectations. From the results of this study appear several solutionsto improve local government services to entrepreneurs Klaten cast metal. Toimprove the success rate of these policies certainly Klaten District Government,Cooperative Batur victorious and the business must work in synergy

    Partisipasi Pedagang dalam Revitalisasi Pasar Tradisional Studi Kasus: Pasar Karangayu Kota Semarang

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    AbstrackOne of the government's efforts in maintaining the existence of traditional markets is the establishment of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 20 of 2012 on Management and Empowerment of Traditional Markets. This research will reveal the participation of traders in the process of revitalizing traditional markets conducted by the government as a form of implementation of efforts to preserve traditional markets.This study aims to analyze the extent to which the participation of traders in planning and implementation of market revitalization Karangayu conducted by the Market Office of Semarang City. In this study researchers used qualitative research methods descriptive approach, namely research that describes a symptom that has occurred and analyze these symptoms through qualitative research procedures.The results of this study indicate that every process of participation provided by communities and traders is important because participation influences the success or failure of traditional market revitalization programs. The form and pattern of cooperation realized between the Market Office, Market Managers and Traders implemented is evidence that the traditional market revitalization process has not been going well enough without the definite support of the community even though the traders are very active in participating. Government must always involve community participation in every stage of revitalization of traditional market in Semarang City not only at certain stage only because people who better understand what they want related to policy implemented.


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    This study was carried out to obtain Vibrio isolates able to function as biocontrol of vibriosis in shrimp hatchery. Thirty one Vibrio isolates were isolated from tiger shrimp larvae and hatchery environments, i.e. Labuan, Pangandaran, and Lampung, Indonesia. Pathogenic  V. harveyi MR5339 was obtained from Maros, South-Sulawesi and was made as a rifampicin resistant mutant (RFR) to screen for those 31 Vibrio isolates in in vitro assays and to allow us to monitor their presence in shrimp larvae and larval rearing water. Almost all Vibrio  isolates could inhibit the growth of pathogenic V. harveyi MR5339 RFR. SKT-b isolate from Skeletonema was the most effective to inhibit the growth of V. harveyi MR5339 Rf* and significantly reduced larval mortality in pathogen challenge assays. These prospective biocontrol bacteria, at concentration of 10" CFU/ml, did not show pathogenicity to shrimp larvae. SKT-b was Gram negative, short rod-shape, exhibited yellow colonies on TCBS and swarming on SWC-agar media, motile, utilized glucose and sucrose but not lactose: produced extra-cellular protease and amylase, but did not produce chitmase. Partial sequencing of 16S-rRNA gene SKT-b showed SKT-b similarity to Vibrio alginofyticus. Keywords: shrimp larvae / biocontrol bacteria / vibriosis

    Strategi Politik Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) Pada Pemilu Legislatif Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun 2014

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    This research discusses the political strategy of united development party on legislative elections in pemalang regency in 2014. Method used in this research is qualiltative approach. The data are obtained through depth interviews to each informant continued to analyze them comprehensively. The results of this research explains some succesful results of political strategies applied by United Development Party (PPP) through, namely: Political Campaign, Prominent Figure, Base Mass, Introducing Cadre Popular, Community Approach, and General Strategy. Based on the vote on legislative elections in Pemalang regency in 2014 United Development Party got six seats of DPRD in Pemalang regency in period of 2014 – 2019, which in each constituency they have been represented by legislative candidate of United Development Party from six constituencies.The results is appropriate with the target targeted by Branch Leader Council (DPC) of United Development Party (PPP) of Pemalang regency, namely getting six seats of DPRD of Pemalang regency in every constituency from six constituencies. It has been represented by every legislative candidate of United Development Party (PPP) who passes as legislative member in period of 2014 – 2019
