50 research outputs found

    Survei Kesehatan Propinsi Maluku 1991: Hasil Kajian Deskriptif

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    An integrated household health survey has been conducted in Maluku Province in 1991 by the Research Center for Humatities and Social Science University of Indonesia, National Institute of Health Research and Development MOH, University of Pattimura and University of Sam Ratulangi. The objective of this survey is to obtain a general picture of health conditions of Maluku province and to compare with the results of the National Health Household Survey 1986 (NHHS \u2786). Methodologies, location of samples and questionaires used are the same as the NHHS \u2786 with a small modification. The number of samples is lower than the NHHS \u2786. Some limitations of the survey are also recognized. The results show some changes of demographic, health, and socio-economic conditions. The sample with age group below 10 years was 29.4% in 1986 and 24.7% in 1991, over 55 years was 7.7% in 1986 and is 8.9% in 1991 while illiteracy was 13% in 1986 and 3.5% in 1991. There is an improvement of some the health status indicators and health services coverage. Crude Death Rate in 1986 was 7.2%, while in 1991 5.3%. Infant Mortality Rate in 1986 was 66.1% in 1991 dropped to 63.2% while the Child Mortality Rate under 4 years was 11.4% in 1986 and 10.2% in 1991. However, the results also indicate some persistent conditions of community health behaviours. Health is found as a complex problem which is influenced by many factors. Health management service improvement, appropriate health manpower planning, improvement of health manpower quality, improvement of "PKMD" understanding and application, intensification of community participation, better intersectoral coordination, development and implementation of the concept of the center of group of islands for health services are recomended as a result of this discriptive analysis

    The Contribution of Research to Human Resources on Health

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    Overall Policy Formulation Processes and Implementation Method with a Special Focus on Human Resources for Health: a Learning Experience of Indonesia Case

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    Penelitian ini merupakan studi explorasi yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi mekanisme proses pengembangan dan implementasi kebijaksanaan bidang kesehatan khususnya dititik beratkan pada bidang pengembangan tenaga kesehatan. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan dengan melakukan diskusi intensif dengan para pengambil kebijaksn di lingkungan Departemen Kesehatan yang ada kaitannya dengan mekanisme pengembangan ketenagaan bidang kesehatan tersebut. Subjek penelitian adalah para Eselon I, II dan Ill di lingkungan Sekretariat Jenderal Depkes, khususnya Biro Perencanaan, Biro Kepegawaian, Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan (Pusdiknakes), dan Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Pegawai (Pusdiklat), serta di lingkungan Inspektorat Jenderal, khususnya Inspektorat Kepegawaian

    Regional Disparity of Drug Availability for Basic Emergency Obstetrict and Neonatal Care (BEONC): an Indonesian National Study in 2011

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    Background:As an important component to support the implementation of the Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (BEONC)the drugs should be available in the district/city pharmacy (IFK) in entire region in Indonesia. However, availability disparity occurred. Therefore, it is necessary to describe the disparity on the availability drugs in Indonesia.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in August-October 2011, which covered all IFK districts / municipalities in 33 provinces of Indonesia. The location comprised regional: Sumatra, Java and Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua. BEONC essential medicines were divided into two classifications: (1) very very important, and (2) very important.Results: In January 2012, out of 497 districts / cities 316 (64%) were available for this analysis. There were disparities on availability BEONC classified as very very important as well as very important drugs. Among the very important BEONC essential drugs, Dextrose infusion and Ergomterin / methiler-gometrin maleate injection, and injection Oxytosin available in all regions except in the Maluku. Anti-tetanus serum (ATS), furosemide injection, furosemide injection, Magnesium sulfate, and Procaine Penicillin were available in all regions. The important BEONC essential drugs, except Bicarbonas in Papua, all essential drugs BEONC less available in all regions. The most available was A2 infusion fluid, Cedilanide injection, sodium bicarbonate injection, and pethidine injection. It seemed that Nusa Tenggara region had relatively better BEONC drug stock as compared to other regions.Conclusion:There was significantly disparity on availability of very important essential BEONC drugs in all regions in Indonesia. Therefore it is necessary to solve the disparity problems of BEONC drugs. (Health Science Indones 2012;2:xx-xx

    Upaya Pemantapan Pelatihan Pengobat Tradisional: Kajian Kuantitatif secara Deskriptif (Bagian I)

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    Tulisan ini merupakan laporan penelitian upaya peningkatan kemampuan pengobat tradisional (Battra) dengan metode non-formal yang lebih dikenal sebagai sarasehan.Pengobat Tradisional (Battra), yang oleh masyarakat masih diyakini keberadaannya dan kemanfaatannya, merupakan tokoh masyarakat yang besar pengaruhnya, karena "profesinya" mengakar pada budaya setempat. Melihat potensi ini, para Battra perlu dibina dan ditingkatkan kemampuannya sehingga dapat bermanfaat sebagai komunikator dan motivator dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan-kegiatan keterpaduan KB-Kes, di samping peranannya dalam memberikan pengobatan kepada masyarakat

    Gambaran Perilaku Masyarakat Terhadap Risiko Penyakit Pes Pada Dusun Fokus Dan Dusun Terancam Pes

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    Plague is a zoonotic disease caused by Yersinia pestis from rat flea bites. According to the results of trapping mice were successfully carried out in the region hamlet threatened Tlogosari and hamlets focus Taman year 2014-2015 has increased. Increasing the density of the rat is influenced by the behavior of people who are less clean and the lack of public knowledge about the plague and rats. The purpose of this study was to describe the density of rodents and social behavior at the focus hamlet and threatened hamlet. This study was a descriptive study by using quantitative methods and cross sectional study design. The population was rat gots caught up in the hamlet of focus and hamlets threatened and existing community mousetrap in his home in the hamlet of focus and Tlogosari threatened hamlets. The sample that was whole rat gets caught using live traps and all households mousetrap in that home at the hamlet of focus Taman and Tlogosari threatened hamlet with an age range 15-64 years. The results of this study showed that rats found in the hamlet focus was Rattus tanezumi while hamlet threatened were Rattus tanezumi and Rattus tiomaticus. The highest density of rats was at the hamlet threatened (6.8%). Flea infestations were found in the focus hamlet and threatened hamlet were X.cheopis and St.cognatus. Society in hamlets focus had less good behavior among other behaviors seed storage and trash management. While hamlet threatened, people who had less good behavior was the behavior of the use of personal protective equipment and trash management behavior

    Pengembangan Jaringan Virologi dan Epidemiologi Influenza di Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini diturunkan untuk menyokong program pengendalian penyakit flu burung, sekaligus untuk menjelaskan riwayat terbentuknya program surveilans penyakit yang menyerupai influenza (Influenza Like Illness=ILI). Tulisan ini disadur dari laporan akhir "pengembangan jaringan surveilans virologim influenza di Indonesia Juni 2007" yang merupakan pertanggungjawaban pelaksanaan proyek surveilans ILI

    Gambaran Faktor – Faktor Kejadian Lesi Prakanker Leher Rahim di Puskesmas Candiroto, Kabupaten Temanggung

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    Cervical cancer is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity after breast cancer, representing approximately 12% of all cancer in women worldwide. Early diagnostic of cervical cancer with cervical precancerous lesions. The aim of the study is to describe the incidence of precancerous cervical lesions in Puskesmas Candiroto, Temanggung Regency. The study is an observational study which uses case control approach. Population of the study are woman who has conducted VIA test in Puskesmas Candiroto in 2015 – 2016 with 120 respondents. Analysis using frequency distribution. The result of distribution shows that Offspring history has 10,0% in the control grup, education has 38,0% with elementary school, using hormonal contraception (injection) has 40% in case group and marriage under 20th has 49,2% in control group . it is suggest that women must using non hormonal contraception and keep her hygiene personal

    Harmonisasi dan Sinkronisasi Pengaturan Kelembagaan Sertifikasi Halal Terkait Perlindungan Konsumen Muslim Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a country with a majority Muslim population is responsible for the comfort and certainty to consume halal products. Halal assurance of any product in Indonesia has been delegated by the State to LPOM MUI. In a further development based on Law No. 33 2014 On Halal Product Guarantee, that the authority for the implementation of halal certification in Indonesia is conducted by BPJPH. The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the arrangement of the halal certification management organization in Indonesia associated with the Act No. 33 of 2014 On Halal Product Guarantee and to determine and analyze how should halal certification management organization modelsby BPJPH. The results of this study, the first in the halal certification management organization held by BPJPH, but the Act of JPH provide 3 years for the establishment of BPJPH in accordance with the Act of JPH, as a result until now the halal certification management organization is still held by LPPOM MUI, which both models of BPJH in the management of halal certification under the Act of JPH still involve collaboration with other agencies and institutions.IntisariIndonesia merupakan negara yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam bertanggung jawab terhadap Kenyamanan dan kepastian untuk mengkonsumsi produk yang halal. Jaminan atas kehalalan setiap produk yang ada di Indonesia selama ini di delegasikan oleh Negara kepada LPOM MUI. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya berdasarkan UU No. 33 Tahun 2014 Tentang Jaminan Produk Halal, bahwa kewenangan untuk penyelenggaraan sertifikasi halal di Indonesia dilaksanakan oleh BPJPH. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaturan kelembagaan penyelenggaraan sertifikasi halal di Indonesia dikaitkan dengan UU No. 33 Tahun 2014 Tentang Jaminan Produk Halal dan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bagaimakah sebaiknya model kelembagaan penyelenggaran sertifikasi halal oleh BPJPH. Hasil dari penelitian ini, yang pertama dalam penyelenggaraan kelembagaan sertifikasi halal dipegang oleh BPJPH, namun UU JPH memberikan waktu 3 tahun untuk berdirinya BPJPH yang sesuai dengan UU JPH, sehingga sampai saat ini kelembagaan penyelenggaraan sertifikasi halal masih dipegang oleh LPPOM MUI, yang kedua model BPJH dalam penyelenggaraan sertifikasi halal berdasarkan UU JPH tetap melibatkan kerjasama dengan instansi dan lembaga terkait