7 research outputs found

    Features of the state anti-crisis program implemented in the conditions of COVID-19 prevalence

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    The article discusses the main approaches and measures taken by the government of the Russian Federation to support the country's economy in the context of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The main focus is on the areas: support for the population, support for small and medium-sized businesses, especially affected sectors of the economy. State support was noted for medical workers involved in combating the spread of the new coronavirus infection.В статье рассмотрены основные подходы и меры, предпринятые правительством Российской Федерации для поддержания экономики страны в условиях кризиса, вызванного пандемией коронавирусаCOVID – 19. Основное внимание уделено направлениям: поддержка населения, поддержка малого и среднего бизнеса, особо пострадавших отраслей экономики. Отмечена государственная поддержка медицинских работников, привлеченных для борьбы с распространением новой коронавирусной инфекции

    The relationship between philosophy and medicine. Based on the materials of the magazine "Man"

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    In this article, a literary review of the journal “Human being” is made in order to study the issues of the relationship between medicine and philosophy. The analysis of the journal's publication in the period from 2016-2020 allows us to identify the acute problems considered by the authors in the field of the relationship between philosophy and medicine.В данной статье сделан литературный обзор журнала “Человек” с целью исследования вопросов взаимосвязи медицины и философии. Анализ публикации журнала в период с 2016-2020 г позволяют выявить острые проблемы, рассматриваемые авторами в области взаимосвязи философии и медицины

    Development of interactive dialogue simulators for training algorithmized actions of a pediatricist

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    The purpose of the study. is to develope an interactive simulator for the study of functional disorders of the children’s digestive system.Цель исследования - статья посвящена разработке интерактивного тренажера для изучения функциональных расстройств органов пищеварения у детей

    Students’ satisfaction with the educational environment «Medspace»

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    The purpose of study. To find out the degree of student satisfaction with the MedSpace electronic educational environment implemented at USMU.Цель исследования – выяснить степень удовлетворенности студентов внедренной в УГМУ электронной образовательной средой MedSpace

    Development of interactive dialogue simulator for studying functional disorders of children's digestive organs

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    The purpose of the study is the article is devoted to the development of an interactive simulator for the study of children's FDDS.Цель исследования. Статья посвящена разработке интерактивного диалогового тренажера для изучения ФРОП у детей

    Investigation of Magnetic Nanoparticles Fe0.6Co0.4@C by NMR Method

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    Nanoparticles Fe0.6Co0.4@C were synthesized by the gas-phase method, part of the sample was annealed to increase magnetization. NMR spectra of 59Co were obtained. Analysis of the data obtained showed that after annealing, the spectrum corresponds to an ordered alloy with a BCC lattice.Работа выполнена в рамках проекта РНФ № 21-72-0007


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    FeMe@C (Me=Co,Ni) nanoparticles were synthesized by the gas-phase method, some of them were annealed to increase the magnetization. 59Co, 61Ni and 57Fe NMR spectra were obtained. By annealing, it is possible to obtain a structurally ordered phase of the FeCo alloy in the core of the particles.Работа выполнена в рамках проекта РНФ № 21-72-00007