658 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, dan Customer Relationship Management terhadap Kepuasan Pasien dan Loyalitas Pasien di Rumah Sakit Tingkat II Tentara Nasional Indonesia

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    Indonesian National Army Hospitals (RS TNIs) is one of hospitals that servicing the Indonesian National Army (TNI) big family and public community. In the competitive and dinamics situation like today\u27s era, RS TNIs need to watch the change happened due to the policy change of health services in hospital. In 2014 there was happened the fundamental change of the health services in hospital related to the entry of National Health Insurance (JKN) into force that guarantes all Indonesian people. This change concerned to financial management, funding, membership, treatment procedures, types of services covered and not covered, referral system, pattern rates, claim, supervisory and evaluation. The number of regulatory changes in the new era of health care in Indonesia have trigered other changes, in particular hospital customer behavior. This case is interesting to study. Population in this research was the customers in 15 TNI\u27s hospitals in Indonesia, who have been treated twice or more in the TNI level two hospitals, at class 1, class 2 and class 3 treatment rooms. From the testing result on models in this research, by the Maximum Likelihood Estimates (ML), the analysis structural equation (SEM) model, the proportional random sampling method and the assistance of software Amos 22, on 200 respondents. The model testing (fit) of research data may viewed from GFI, AGFI, TLI, CFI, and RMSEA values, which respectively were 0.902, 0.904, 0.921, 0.952 and 0.0690. that all of those in the expected value range thus the model can be accepted. The research results indicated that: 1). Service quality is influential on customer satisfaction. 2). Service quality is influential on customer loyalty. 3). Customer relationship management is influential on customer satisfaction. 4). Customer relationship management is insignificantly influential on customer loyalty. 5). Customer satisfaction is influential on customer loyalty

    Perlunya Pre-audit (Pencegahan) Untuk Mengurangi Tingkat Kesalahan Penganggaran/pengelolaan Suatu Kegiatan Pada Instansi Pemerintahan

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    Pre Audit dilakukan pada penganggaran dan dibahas antara eksekutif (pemerintah/ pemerintah daerah) dengan legislatif (DPR/ DPRD). Pre Audit yang baik dan terukur serta profesional berfungsi mengurangi penyimpangan (fraud) dan atau dapat mencegah korupsi lembaga yang melakukan. Pre Audit harus independen dan kompeten yaitu Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) dan dibantu inspektorat jenderal/ lembaga pengawasan Non Departemen / Inspektorat wilayah untuk pemerintah daerah.Hasil Pre Audit disampaikan obyek yang diperiksa, DPR/ DPD/ DPRD dan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan RI sebagai Bahan Post Audit untuk general audit dengan memberikan pendapat auditor (opini) atas Laporan Keuangan Baik Pusat maupun Daerah

    Resistensi Wereng Batang Cokelat Padi, Nilaparvata Lugens Stål Terhadap Insektisida Di Indonesia

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    The ricebrown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) is amajor insect pest of rice and their infestations occur everyyear in several locations in Indonesia. The use ofinsecticides often fails to control the BPH so theirpopulations are still high that cause rice crops showhopperburn and the farmer loses the yields. Thedevelopment of insecticide resistant in BPH population isone of the factors to contribute to the failure of insecticidescontrol. We have detected the development of fieldpopulation BPH resistance to BPMC, carbofuran, MIPC, andimidacloprid, but we do not know yet the development ofresistance to other insecticides to control BPH in Indonesia.This paper will review several cases on BPH resistance toinsecticides in Indonesia and other countries that includeaspects of the development of resistance in the field and inthe laboratory, the mechanism of resistance, inheritance ofresistance, genomics of resistance, and resistancemanagement. A policy and further study is also suggested forinsecticide resistance management in Indonesia

    Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian dalam Memberdayakan Petani

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    ENGLISHPerformance of agricultural extension agent refers to the concepts of empowerment that can improve capacity and the indipendence of farmers. This paper aims to describe the performance of agricultural extension agent in empowering farmers. Performance of agricultural extension agent is perceived by the satisfaction level of farmers who receive services from the agents. Factors that give positive and significant influence to the performance of agricultural extension agent in empowering farmers are: (1) The education of farmers both formal and non-formal educations; (2) The characteristics of the social system (e.g. social values of culture, farmers access to extension services and facilitation of agribusiness by relevant government institutions); and (3) The competence of agricultural extension agent (e.g. competence of extension agent to communicate; competence of extension agent to educate farmers and competence of extension agent in social interaction). INDONESIAKinerja penyuluh mengacu kepada konsep-konsep pemberdayaan yang mampu meningkatkan kapasitas dan kemandirian petani. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kinerja penyuluh dalam memberdayakan petani. Kinerja penyuluh pertanian dipersepsikan oleh tingkat kepuasan petani yang menerima jasa penyuluhan pertanian. Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh positif dan nyata terhadap kinerja penyuluh pertanian dalam memberdayakan petani adalah: (1) Karakteristik petani (pendidikan, baik formal maupun non formal); (2) Karakteristik sistem sosial (nilai-nilai sosial budaya, akses petani terhadap lembaga penyuluhan dan fasilitas agribisnis oleh lembaga pemerintah terkait); dan (3) Kompetensi penyuluh pertanian (yaitu kompetensi penyuluh berkomunikasi; kompetensi penyuluh membelajarkan petani dan kompetensi penyuluh dalam interaksi sosial)

    Peningkatan Motivasi Berprestasi Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Tema Tempat Umum Melalui Metode Ular Beruntun

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi dan hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan metode ular beruntun pada tema tempat umum kelas III SDN 4 Ngraho semester I tahun pelajaran 2015/2016.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari 2 siklus dengan 4 tahapan yaitu perencanaan,tindakan,observasi,dan refleksi.Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengambilan data adalah berupa tes,observasi dan instrumen kuesioner motivasi berprestasi.Pembelajaran dilakukan dengan dengan menggunakan silabus, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, bahan ajar, dan LKS. Selama penelitian, dilakukanpengamatan keterampilan proses, aktivitas, belajar siswa dan pada akhir pembelajaran dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hasil tes tulis menunjukkan peningkatan . Pra siklus 57 menjadi 66,pada siklus kedua ,meningkat lagi menjadi 87 ,pra sikulus ketuntasan belajar mencapai 35 % pada siklus 1 mencapai 70,5 %,pada siklus kedua meningkat menjadi 100%.Hasil pengisian kuesioner mengalami peningkatan dari siklus 1 sampai siklus 2 ,dari 78 %dengan kategori baik meningkat menjadi 96%dengan kategori sangat baik.Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode ular beruntun dapat meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi dan hasil belajar siswa

    Pengukuran Kesehatan Bank Syariah Dengan Sharia Complience and Performance

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    The purpose of this study was to measure the health of Islamic banks which were not only based on the financial performance (CAMEL), but also included the performance of sharia. The financial performance was measured by the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), asset quality (NPL), earning Ability (ROA), and liquidity sufficiency (FDR) while sharia performance was measured by education and training grants, profit sharing ratio, zakah ratio, and Islamic investments ratio. The population in this study were all Islamic banks in Indonesia namely 13 Islamic banks. Furthermore, there were eleven samples of the Islamic banks. It was because there were 2 Islamic banks which were not included in the samples because they officially opened in 2014, so the data had not completed yet. The data in this research was secondary data drawn from the annual financial statements of Islamic banks which had been published. The result showed the contradiction that was banks had high sharia performance, but they had low financial performance. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur kesehatan bank syariah yang tidak hanya berdasar pada kinerja finansial (CAMEL), tetapi juga memasukkan kinerja syariah. Kinerja finansial diukur dengan permodalan (CAR), kualitas asset (NPL), kemampuan laba (ROA), dan kecukupan likuiditas (FDR). Sementara kinerja syariah diukur dengan hibah pendidikan dan pelatihan, profit sharing ratio, zakah ratio, dan rasio investasi islami. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua bank umum syariah yang beroperasi di Indonesia yakni sebanyak 13 bank syariah. Adapun sampelnya sebanyak sebelas bank syariah. Ada dua bank syariah yang tidak masuk sebagai sampel karena relatif baru berdiri tahun 2014, sehingga datanya belum lengkap. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diambil dari laporan keuangan tahunan bank syariah yang telah dipubulikasikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya kontradiksi yakni bank mempunyai kinerja syariah tinggi tetapi kinerja finansialnya rendah
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