77 research outputs found

    Kajian Prediksi Beban Emisi Pencemar Udara (Tsp, Nox, So2, Hc, dan Co ) dan Gas Rumah Kaca (Co2, Ch4, dan N2o ) Sektor Transportasi Darat di Kota Surakarta dengan Metode Top Down dan Bottom Up

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    Semakin bertambahnya jumlah penduduk diiringi dengan semakin meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan bermotor. Peningkatan jumlah kendaraan bermotor ini selain berdampak positif juga memiliki dampak negatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beban emisi yang dihasilkan oleh kendaraan bermotor dengan membandingkan hasil perhitungan beban emisi antara metode Top Down (konsumsi bahan bakar) dengan metode Bottom Up (jarak tempuh kendaraan) serta mengetahui distribusi spasialnya. Dengan metode Top Down beban emisi yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2014 yaitu TSP sebesar 196,50 ton/tahun, NOx sebesar 857,50 ton/tahun, SO2 sebesar 6,14 ton/tahun, HC sebesar 488,81 ton/tahun, CO sebesar 35.834 ton/tahun, dan CO2 ekuivalen sebesar 319.399 ton/tahun. Dengan metode Bottom Up beban emisi yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2014 yaitu TSP sebesar 496,16 ton/tahun, NOx sebesar 6.073 ton/tahun, SO2 sebesar 290,33 ton/tahun, HC sebesar 17.017 ton/tahun, CO sebesar 57.835 ton/tahun dan CO2 sebesar 492.492 ton/tahun. Sebaran beban emisi untuk semua jenis parameter hampir sama pada setiap grid. Beban emisi paling tinggi hanya berada di satu grid saja yaitu di antara desa Kemlayan, Timuran dan Keprabon Kota Surakarta

    Pengaruh Jumlah Kotoran Sapi Terhadap Konsentrasi Gas Hidrogen Sulfida (H2s) Di Dalam Rumah ( Studi Kasus : Desa Dalangan Kelurahan Sumogawe, Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarang)

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    Farming is the main activities in Dalangan Village, Sumogawe, Getasan, Central Java. Farming activities in this village has farming methods in that share their home with cow. So that residents could be exposed to hydrogen sulfide gas due to digestive indoor air that can cause health effects. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is formed by sulfur microorganisms, sulfur contained in the organic matter in the manure when aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Hydrogen Sulfide always increase about 8,79ppb per 100kg. Measurements carried out in the cattle, back kitchen, family room, clean kitchen, bedroom and living room using methylene blue method with different amount of manure that are 100 kg, 200 kg, 300 kg, 400 kg and 500 kg. The highest concentration of 91.74 ppb and 45.42 ppb and the lowest quality standard has not been exceeded; the amount not to exceed the maximum is 5.2 tons (value of manure's amount that permitted in the cattle). Pearson Value intake of H2S gas that goes through the biggest inhalation is 0.02566 mg / kg.hari and 17 respondents have lifetime health risks by hydrogen sulfide with the highest RQ value was 25

    Pengaruh Variasi C/n Rasio Terhadap Produksi Kompos Dan Kandungan Kalium (K), Pospat (P) Dari Batang Pisang Dengan Kombinasi Kotoran Sapi Dalam Sistem Vermicomposting

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    Sampah yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan non domestik salah satunya adalah pelepah pisang. Batang pisang merupakan bahan organik yang berpotensi sebagai bahan baku kompos, karena mengandung unsur-unsur penting yang dibutuhkan tanaman seperti nitrogen (N), fosfor (P) dan kalium (K).Dalam penelitian, dilakukan pendekatan variasi C/N rasio dengan komposisi bahan berupa batang pisang dan kotoran sapi dengan bantuan cacing sebagai faktor percepatan pengomposan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, hasil uji menunjukkan kandungan C dan N organik masuk kategori yang dipersyaratkan. Phospor dan Kalium mengalami penurunan dan tidak memenuhi standar yang ditentukan. Hal ini disebabkan kandungan Phospor menurun akibat kandungan Nitrogen yang relatif kecil. Kandungan C/N Rasio yang optimal terdapat pada reaktor A dan B dengan hasil yang masih masuk kriteria Permentan No70 Tahun 2011. Komposisi optimum dalam pengujian pengomposan adalah kompos dengan variasi A dan B. Variasi 50%, 35% dan 15 % untuk reaktor A dan 40%, 45% dan 15% untuk reaktor B. Variasi ini dipilih karena kandungan C organic dan N organic yang memenuhi standar meskipun kandungan K dan P belum Memenuhi. Komposisi optimum ini karena nilai kandungan C/N Rasio Akhir Memenuhi dari kriteria yang ditetapkan

    Pengaruh Fermentasi Em4 (Effective Microorganism) Dan Air Tape Singkong (Manihot Utilissima Pohl) Terhadap Kadar Etanol Pada Bonggol Pisang (Musa Paradisiacal)

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    Bioethanol is one of the fill-in alternative energy of fossil fuels. The substances used in this research is banana weevils. The production of banana weevil bioethanol through the process of hydroulic enzym, fermentation with stater and distillation. Enzyme hydrolysis using materials such as Aspergillus Niger, while the fermentation process using a variety stater EM4 and water fermented cassava then variation on the long fermentation time (3 days, 6 days, 9 days and 12 days). The parameters measured were pH, sugar content after hydrolysis and the fermentation process, then ethanol levels after the distillation process. In the process of hydrolysis of the banana weevil extract yield of 2.00% glucose. The results on ethanol the variation of stater EM4 and water fermented cassava obtained the highest fermentation is day 6 is 1.03% v / v and 1.05% v / v. Bioetanol merupakan salah satu energi alternatif pengganti bahan bakar fosil. Bahan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah bonggol pisang. Pembuatan bioetanol dari bonggol pisang melalui proses hidrolisis enzim, fermentasi dengan stater dan destilasi. Hidrolisis enzim menggunakan bahan berupa aspergillus Niger, sedangkan proses fermentasi menggunakan variasi stater berupa EM4 dan air tape singkong setar variasi pada lama waktu fermentasi (3 hari, 6 hari, 9 hari dan 12 hari). Parameter yang diukur adalah nilai pH, kadar gula setelah proses hidrolisis dan saat proses fermentasi, kemudian kadar etanol setelah proses destilasi. Pada proses hidrolisis ekstrak bonggol pisang menghasilkan kadar glukosa sebesar 2,00%. Hasil penelitian kadar etanol pada variasi stater EM4 dan air tape didapatkan hari fermentasi tertinggi adalah hari ke 6 yaitu 1,03% v/v dan 1,05% v/v

    Perancangan Pengelolaan Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Pada Pekerjaan Bekisting Proyek Bangunan Gedung Bertingkat Tinggi Dengan Menggunakan Metode Hazard Identification, Risk Asessment Dan Risk Control Di PT Jaya Konstruksi (Studi Kasus : Proyek Pembangu

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    Construction Company is a part of work place that doing all of the hazard identification process, risks evaluation, and control that affect the worker safety. That component will be identified with risks type and the dangers that occurs in the construction process such as begisting, information from the identification will being analyze to determine the level of every source. The result of analyses and evaluation will be reviewed with SMK3 risks assessment which is a standard in this study. Based on the risk assessment of the construction activities on PT. Jaya Konstruksi, concluded that the risk level from before and after the project uses wilcoxon test is unaffected to decrease the risks, it proved from these formula {asymp.sig.(2-tailed)>0,005} that means Ho is accepted and the risks control is not affecte

    Studi Identifikasi Unsur Hara Mikro Pengolahan Sampah Organik Dengan Metode Vermicomposting (Studi Kasus : Pasar Blauran Kota Salatiga)

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    [ Identification of Unsure Hara Micro Organic Waste Treatment Using Vermicomposting Methode (Case Study: Blauran Market Salatiga) ]. One alternative method of composting that can be used to process waste vegetable market is the method Vermicomposting. Vermicomposting as a low-technology system for processing organic waste. Vermicomposting is an aerobic process, biooksidasi and non-thermophilic stabilization of organic waste decomposition depends on earthworms to cut, mix and improve the work of microorganisms.The results of this study, the content of micro nutrient elements (Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and Pb) vermicompost results Vermicomposting mixture of three types of organic waste market (cauliflower, mustard greens, kale) in each case compared with SNI 19-7030-2004 located below the value which has been set as the default. The range contains micro-nutrients contained in Vermicomposting namely Copper (Cu) 13.17 ppm - 27.37 ppm, Iron (Fe) 0081% - 0237%, Zinc (Zn) 81.56 ppm - 132.63 ppm, manganese (Mn) 0.037% - 0.068 % and Lead (Pb) below 0.008 ppm. For micro nutrient elements Lead (Pb) is at 0008 ppm so that there is no element categorized lead. The influence of the time variation of composting and vast size of the box / reactor in this study affect the content of micro-nutrients (Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and Pb) from week 1 to week 5 study, this is because the factor conditions earthworm began to decrease despite not significant

    Pemanfaatan Ampas Bioetanol dari Kulit Pisang (Musa Sapientum) sebagai Briket

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    With the energy crisis in Indonesia in recent years is due to the human need for fuel is increasing, while the supply of oil or natural gas is limited. This causes the cost of fuel energy. In addition to fuel oil and natural gas, timber when done randomly and in large quantities will interfere with the balance of the ecosystem or environmental sustainability. The purpose of this study was to obtain fuel briquettes from waste banana peel pulp bioethanol, as a substitute for fossil fuels. The study was conducted with a variable fixed briquette diameter 1 cm, height 5 cm and a total weight of 22 grams per briquet. While variable is the% change in the composition of the adhesive (25% and 50%) and the type of material that is Ampas bioethanol kepok banana peel and King. Response observed that color, calorific value, long burning fire and the resulting color. The results showed that% moisture content greatly affects the calorific value, long burning time. The calorific value of the greatest and most long ignition time obtained on treatment plantain because it produces a lower water content compared to banana pulp kepok. From the analysis that has been done can be concluded that the briquettes are in accordance with SNI
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