83 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Strategi Pemasaran Terhadap Penjualan Produk Air Minum Kemasan (Kasus Produk Merk Muraqua PT. Tirtasari Floragrata Kecamatan Siak Hulu Kabupaten Kampar)

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    The study aims to determine how the influence of marketing strategies to sales in order to achieve the planned sales target PT. Tirtasari Floragrata Siak Hulu District of Kampar and also to know how sales are made.The population in this study is a distributor PT. Tirtasari Floragrata Siak Hulu District of Kampar by sampling a total of 41 distributors by using census method. The research data in the form of primary data by questionnaire sebaga and secondary research instrument in the form of company archives. Analysis of the data used is to use statistical analysis with SPSS.Based on the results of research by the author took a conclusion the influence of marketing strategies to sales at PT. Tirtasari Floragrata Siak Hulu District of Kampar regency of respondents who researched that each have indicator interrelated and berpenagruh positively to penjuala bottled water products PT. Tirtasari Floragrata Siak Hulu District of Kampar regency

    Enabling an effective knowledge and information flow between the phases of building construction and facilities management

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    Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate ways of transferring knowledge and information during the life-cycle phases of construction projects, particularly between the construction and occupancy phases, and to find an approach to minimise knowledge and information gaps during the handover process. Design/methodology/approach The study applied a qualitative approach involving a literature review and an archival analysis of information flow in the studied cases of a construction project, followed by a cross-cases analysis and expert interviews. Data on information flow were collected from three cases of building construction projects in Perth, Western Australia. In addition, a total of 18 local facilities management experts were interviewed to identify the key reasons of knowledge and information gaps and to propose an effective knowledge flow model. Findings The findings of this study indicated a significant knowledge and information gap, which exists during the handover process in construction projects in Western Australia. The findings of case analysis and expert interviews identified that the project handover guidelines were often ignored in construction projects in Western Australia, and the handover phase was not given the same priority as the design and construction phases by most of the project stakeholders, which led to information and knowledge gaps between the project construction and post-occupancy phases. The study conducted, integrated knowledge and information flow modelling to analyse the knowledge and information gaps followed by mapping the gaps against existing knowledge sharing frameworks (KSFs) before proposing an integrated knowledge sharing conceptual model to improve current practice and to enhance the information flow during the various phases of the construction project life cycle. Research limitations/implications The study is based on three cases in Perth, Western Australia, and thus the findings and recommendations are contextual. Whilst laying a good foundation to do so, further research is needed to investigate more cases in Western Australia and beyond to fully generalise the findings from this study. Originality/value The study contributes to improve the handover process and information flows in project life-cycle phases in Western Australia and develop an information flow model followed by bringing together existing KSFs, namely, the open communication channel (OCC), soft landing framework (SLF) and building information modelling (BIM), to propose an integrated knowledge sharing conceptual model. The methodology used here to analyse the information flow in a diagrammatic manner, the mapping of FM issues against the KSFs’ capabilities and a conceptual model to facilitate change in the industry’s silo mindset are the main contributions of this paper

    Pengaruh Promosi dan Citraperusahaan terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah (Studi Kasus PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) Cabang Pekanbaru)

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    Promotion is the seller of all the efforts made to introduce products to potential customers and persuade them to memebeli, and remind consumers long to make repeat purchases. With the promotion of good eating will enhance the positive corporate image of the service at the company, and can lead to the satisfaction of the customer. This research was conducted at PT. Insurance Jiwasraya (Persero) Pekanbaru branch in Jalan Sudirman No. yangberlokasi 341 Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research was conducted to analyze the effect of the promotion, corporate image on customer satisfaction. In this study the methodology used descriptively and quantitatively using SPSS, where samples diguankan that customers Jiwasraya Life Insurance. To determine the number of samples using the formula slovin. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and observation. Results of analysis using multiple linear regression, t test, and test fsehingga can be seen that the variable stress work negatively affects customer satisfaction (H1), that the companys image significantly influence customer satisfaction (H2), and the significant influence between promotion and corporate image of the customer satisfaction (H3).Keywords: Promotion, Corporate Image and Customer Satisfactio

    Analisis Minat Konsumen dalam Memilih Rumah Type 54 Paus Flower Residence di PT Ekaredi Mitra Nusa Pekanbaru

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    Interest is a form of such a persons attitude and sense of taste more like the attachment to a thing or activity without being told. This research was carried out in the Housing Paus Flower Recidence located street arwana.the purpose of reason authors conducted a study on this developer because PT.Ekaredi Mitra Nusa is a development company that has long build housing projects in Pekanbaru. In this research methodology is descriptive, where the samples used were residents of the type 54 of 60 respondents. To determine the sample using accidental sampling technique. The collection of data is through observation, interviews and questionnaires. This research was carried out in the Housing Paus Flower Recidence located street arwana.the purpose of reason authors conducted a study on this developer because PT.Ekaredi Mitra Nusa is a development company that has long build housing projects in Pekanbaru. In this research methodology is descriptive, where the samples used were residents of the type 54 of 60 respondents. To determine the sample using accidental sampling technique. The collection of data is through observation, interviews and questionnaires. From the analysis of consumer interest in choosing the type 54 into 8 sub variebel includes aspects of culture, social class aspect, the aspect of a small reference group, family aspects, aspects of the experience, personality, attitude and confidence and self-concept scores collected: 5407, which means 8 sub variables in interest in choosing a home type 54 Pope Flower Residence pertained agree. From the analysis of consumer interest in choosing the type 54 into 8 sub variebel includes aspects of culture, social class aspect, the aspect of a small reference group, family aspects, aspects of the experience, personality, attitude and confidence and self-concept scores collected: 5407, which means 8 sub variables in interest in choosing a home type 54 Pope Flower Residence pertained agree. Keyword: analysis,consumer interest,type 54 Keyword: analysis,consumer interest,type 5

    Pengaruh Komunikasi Pemasaran Terintegrasi Dan Citra Perusahaan Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Padahotel Grand Zuri Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted at Hotel Grand Zuri Pekanbaru, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of integrated marketing communication and corporate image to customer loyalty in Hotel Grand Zuri Pekanbaru. integrated marketing communication and corporate image as an independent variable

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Petani Jeruk pada Desa Gunung Bau Kecamatan Kintamani Kabupaten Bangli

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    Agriculture sector is a sector that is very important role in the economy of most of the countries that are developing. Agricultural development needs to get better attention, despite the priority at the discretion of industrialization had been dropped, but the agricultural sector has the ability to generate increased revenue. The primary data used in this research is data collected by a structured interview. Secondary data used in this study was obtained from the BPS Provincial Office of Agriculture and Village Office Gunung Bau. Methods of data analysis used in this study were multiple linear regression. The study states that the land area of ??positive and significant influence simultaneously and partially on the income, the amount of production has positive effect simultaneously and partially on the income, and the cost of farming positive and significant effect simultaneously on the income, while the cost of farming has negative and significant partial on income. This shows that increasing land area, the amount of production and the cost of farming, the farmers' income will also increase. To increase the income can be done by providing assistance such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural equipment from the government in order to increase citrus production and maximum quality so as to increase farmers' income

    Operasional Prosedur Reservasi Tiket Di PT. Oke Wisata Mandiri Tour and Travel Pekanbaru

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    This study was conducted to clarify the Operational Procedures Reserve Tickets at PT. Okay Independent Tour And Travel Tourism Pekanbaru. As for the background of this research is a form of service performed by PT. Oke Wisata Mandiri Tour And Travel Pekanbaru is not well in customer service. This research uses theory that discusses Agus Rianto Code Management Reserve to explain the phenomena found in the field. This study used qualitative methods, while the technique of data collection using interviews, observation and discussion with sources of research. Furthermore, the data in the form of data qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed with descriptive technical data analysis. Results of this study showed a difference error itinerary that consumers want to bokingang that was created by the reservations clerk. Mistakes in pingisian tickets include mistakes filling date, month, route the customer wants at the time of reservation. Plus the lack of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) reservation that applied by PT. Oke Wisata Mandiri Tour And Travel, so Human Resources which are owned to serve consumers not optimal. So many complain that reported by consumers for errors made by the reservations clerk. Keywords: Operations, Procedures, Reservation
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