240 research outputs found

    Harmonisasi Pengaturan Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah dan Wakil Kepala Daerah dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Indonesia

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    Penulis mengangkat permasalahan tentang harmonisasi pengaturan pemilihan umum kepala daerah dan wakil kepala daerah dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh amanat konstitusi bahwa Indonesia adalah negara hukum dan negara demokrasi. Demokrasi merupakan salah satu prinsip dasar dalam penyelenggaraan negara yang dipilih bangsa Indonesia, perwujudan demokrasi yang paling konkrit dilaksanakan dengan penyelenggaran pemilihan umum. Disamping itu, Indonesia sebagai negara hukum dalam penyeleggaraan negara harus berdasarkan hukum. Oleh karena itu, dalam menjalankan demokrasi harus berpedoman pada prinsip-prinsip negara hukum demi terwujudnya negara demokrasi konstitusional. Untuk menganalisis mengenai pengaturan pemilihan umum kepala dan wakil kepala daerah dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia, maka penulis menggunakan teori dari Hans Kelsen.Kata kunci : harmonisasi, pemilihan, pengaturan

    Perubahan Fungsi dan Makna Ritual Tolak Bala Didesa Bagan Serdang Kecamatan Pantai Labu Kabupaten Deli Serdang

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan pendekatan kajian budaya yang bersifat kritis, interdisipliner, multidimensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perubahan fungsi dan makna ritual tolak bala ini bukan hanya menjadikan ritual ini yang sebelumnya bukan barang komoditi menjadi barang komoditi tetapi Perubahan fungsi dan makna ritual tolak bala berkaitan pula dengan proses produksi, distribusi dan konsumsi. Faktor penyebab Perubahan fungsi dan makna ritual tolak bala pada etnik Melayu Pantai Labu di di Desa Bagan Kecamatan Pantai Labu Kabupaten Deli Serdang Provinsi Sumatera Utara yaitu sifat masyarakat yang terbuka, dan kreativitas masyarakat, media massa, dan ekonomi. Dampak dan makna Perubahan ritual tolak bala yaitu berdampak terhadap kehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat yang cenderung merugikan ritual tolak bala yang dikomersialisasikan dan kaburnya identitas budaya. Disamping itu strategi pewarisan ritual ritual tolak bala pada etnik Melayu Pantai Labu ini dilakukan dalam tiga bentuk yaitu (1) pemberdayaan (2) dokumentasi dan (3) pengembangan

    Analisis Perubahan Kinerja dan Struktur Ekonomi Kabupaten Sidoarjo Sebelum dan Saat Terjadinya Semburan Lumpur Lapindo

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    The aims of their study are identify patterns of growth and structural change in the economicsector and to analyze the performance of economic sectors and social-economic impact of the“Lumpur Lapindo” on the area in Sidoarjo.Analyze to identify patterns of growth and contribution to economic sectors and the performanceof economic sectors, thus are: Location Qoution, Ratio Analysis of Growth Models, and AnalysisOverley.Based on the results anlyze economic structure shows that from 2003 until 2007 the role ofprimary sector average of 5.57%, the secondary sector (53.72%), tertiary sector (40.71%). Affectedareas of greatest economic impact is affected districts since the beginning of “Lumpur Lapindo”which Porong district, Tanggulangin, and Jabon. Based on the results of base analysis, the potentialand performance the economic sector before and during the “Lumpur Lapindo” occurred, indicatingthat the amount of the basic sector and the potential sectors in the District of Porong, Tanggulangin,and Jabon decreased in the event of “Lumpur Lapindo”.Based on the results of analysis of social-economic losses from the Lapindo mudflow, thefollowing results are obtained. Lapindo mudflow incident has caused damage to property in theareaaround the blast center. Damaged assets consist of: 1) Land and buildings housing residents; 2)productive plants such as rice, sugarcane, and pulses; 3) Buildings and equipment; 4) infrastructuresuch as toll roads, electricity networks, irrigation networks, water network, telecommunicationsnetworks, gas pipelines, with total losses estimated at Rp 33.27 trillio

    Strategi Pengembangan Pariwisata Daerah Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Parigi Moutong

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    Community empowerment program in Parigi Moutong district has not been effectively operated, that greater effort to evaluate and develop the previously implemented program is needed. This research uses purposive sampling method, i.e. the chosen sample method. The study result finds that the cause of the community empowerment program that has been done is still not effective because the process of the determining program is lacking of public participation. As a result, it creates a new helplessness, i.e. the dependence of communities on the program with direct assistance. On the other hand, the regional tourism development program has a good prospect and able to synergized with a more participative community empowerment program that. The beauty of Parigi Moutong natural landscape and its possesion of various natural resources is a great potential to create a tourism destination, and enhancing society's welfare around the area

    Pemetaan Determinan Angka Kematian Bayi di Jawa Timur Berdasarkan Indikator Indeks Pembangunan Kesehatan Masyarakat

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    Background: The infant mortality rate (IMR) is defined as the risk to children bom alive die before the first anniversary is known as one of the most sensitive indicators and common social and economic development of the population. Methods: The study used data Riskesdas 2007. Indicator variables based on the absolute determination of IPKM. The analyzes used a mapping of the region while the determination of the factors that influence use of spatial regression. Results: Based on spatial analysis concluded that there was spatial dependencies between the district/city to the IMR. This means that there is a regional scale bya factor of IMR. Madura and regional areas Pandalungan (horseshoe) has a high enough value of IMR is 43.92 to 69.66. tf there are allegations of apattem associated with the traditions and cultural factors play a role in the magnitude of IMR. The results of the spatial regression model for the variables related AKB significant are: (1) the percentage of underweight children under five with nutritional status, very thin, (2) the percentage of children who complete immunization, (3) the percentage of the distanee to the nearest faskes less than 1 km. While based on the correlation values of variables are strongly associated with infant mortality rate is the percentage of deliveries by health help er in which the percentage is the lowest Madura. Suggestion: The need for excavation promotive and preventive methods in pregnant and lactating women with local cultural traditions and approaches, especially in areas such as tradisi masyarakat still strong in the region of Madura and Pandalungan

    Pengaruh Ketebalan terhadap Daya Serap Energi Impak pada Rompi Anti Peluru yang Terbuat dari Komposit Hgm-epoxy dan Serat Karbon

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    Bulletproof vests are outer clothing commonly used to protect military personnel from projectile attacks and explosion material distributions. In this study the bulletproof vests were made of composite particles composed of an epoxy matrix with a Hollow Glass Microsphere (HGM) amplifier and carbon fiber. The study was conducted by doing simulation analysis using Finite Element Method in accordance with NIJ (National Institute of Justice) of American Standard 0101.06 for class IIIA weapons category. The thickness of bulletproof vest was varied from 1 to 20 mm in order to obtain the optimal thickness. After obtaining optimal thickness of the bulletproof vest, then verification with experimental will be done to validate the simulation result. The results showed that the increase in the thickness has increase the toughness and rigidity of a bulletproof vest. A bulletproof vest with a thickness of 20 mm able to absorb bullet energy of 348.27 Joule and kinetic energy which passed the body of 138, 77 Joule with a penetration depth of 5.54 mm. Thus, it has met the NIJ Standard 0101.06 standard of U.S. The energy passed to the body is smaller than 170 Joule

    Pemodelan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produksi dan Mutu Tembakau Temanggung dengan Kombinasi antara Generalized Least Square dan Regresi Ridge

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    Tembakau Temanggung terkenal sebagai pemberi rasa dan aroma yang khas pada rokok kretek dan mempunyai kadar nikotin tertinggi. Telah banyak penelitian membahas mengenai produksi dan mutu tembakau Temanggung. Salah satunya adalah pemodelan produksi dan mutu tembakau Temanggung dengan metode OLS, dimana menunjukkan terjadi pelanggaran asumsi adanya multikolinearitas dan autokorelasi. Penelitian ini membahas pengombinasian antara Generalized Least Square dan regresi ridge untuk mengatasi adanya autokorelasi sekaligus multikolinearitas pada pemodelan produksi dan mutu tembakau. Pendugaan nilai koefisien autokorelasi terlebih dahulu dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Durbin Watson, AR(1) residual, serta Cochrane-Orcutt iterative procedure, kemudian dilakukan kombinasi dengan regresi ridge. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengombinasian antara Durbin Watson dan regresi ridge dapat mengatasi autokorelasi dan multikolinearitas pada pemodelan produksi. Namun pada pemodelan mutu, hanya mampu mengatasi multikolinearitas, sedangkan autokorelasi masih belum teratasi. Variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap produksi adalah persentase karbon organik, kalium, dan bobot isi tanah. Sementara variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap mutu adalah persentase kerikil, pasir, dan kandungan kalium